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Everything posted by raz-0

  1. If you read the decision he literally says that if they go the route of burdensome fees, delays, or restrictions to sidestep this ruling that the court will take these cases. I suspect we will get a flurry of remands on the pending 2a cases at some point.
  2. It’s a logical extension of Thomas saying that bearing arms is a right of the average citizen. The police are not only empowered to bear arms defensively, but offensively. They are given the power of arrest, qualified immunity, etc. Setting the standards to exercise a fundamental right tobe higher than that required to exercise those extraordinary privileges would go very much as against his warnings in this case. I do not think it has really hit home just how much this ruling said fuck around and find out.
  3. Three is wrong. The 14th had nothing to do with life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness. The due process clause says that a citizen shall not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process. The 14th amendment is the amendment via which any particular bill of rights item from the first eight amendments is incorporated to the states. It was applied to the 2nd in McDonald. It was reiterated by Thomas in Bruen. Additionaly, it may have been a shot across the bow of the judiciary regarding the privileges and immunities clause. That clause has been effectively mooted by the court for pretty racist reasons. The court has put out some pretty tortured logic to avoid changing that. The pretense was stare decisis but the reality was that it was a wrong ruling long enough ago that there would likely be some massive re-litigation that could potentially cripple the courts just due to case load. It is however the most direct path to the court insisting in reciprocity of ccws. So you have a black man who just redefined the strictest form of scrutiny. Who agreed with the majority on the leaked roe decision that is basically saying state decisis is not sacrosanct. Who may very well be threatening to burn down nearly 100 years of case history sitting on top of some incredibly racist case law if they fuck around and find out regarding his decision.
  4. It can’t be harder than leo qualification, and that isn’t that hard.
  5. The Bruen decision has me thinking of what would be good to mess up NJ's web of crap laws. My #1 would be suing not over the purchase permits themselves, but over all the fees associated with it as an infringement on civil rights. The suit would attach damages, which would include all legal fees, and for NJ to return all associated fees to those who had been affected by them or their estate. If it needs doing for public safety, let the public pay for it via tax money, not individual fees.
  6. You will need 10,000 letters of reference. They are going to try a lot of stupid things. The problem is that the right applies to the typical citizen, so if it is broadly exclusionary of most people, it's a problem. Something like excluding anyone with a moving violation on their record would be a problem. Burdensome fees would be a problem.
  7. They do not use 4473. That is for people. The police department is not a person it is a government entity. Just like an non C&R ffl is not a person, but a business entity. Government entities use a form 10.
  8. They have not. And were the decision to grant one left in the hands of a sheriff, there would 100% not be a path to avoiding them. Avoiding conviction perhaps, but not avoiding them. But you go to court for them. And that court has been issued precedent. NJ being NJ, they probably won't obey it, but they might and it's a button worth pushing.
  9. Uhh fine. but in the end the permit is issued by Judges. They make the decision on the cause being justified. They ignore SCOTUS at their peril. What is likely is that they will punt until there's a new statute. The AG doesn't get to say jack about this. They aren't a legislator or a judge. They could offer guidelines about ignoring that part of the statute in view of the ruling, but they won't. I'm just not sure it matters.
  10. I think everyone here is mistaking your question. My kid was given a $30 basic wave razor drone. It is stabilized and able to be piloted by people with minimal skill unlike a lot of the toy drones. It is not sold under that brand, but harbor freight seems to sell the same drone with camera for $50. It's not a good drone, but it is plenty controllable enough with cheap enough batteries to buy extra and be able to screw around with it for a while. It's good for determining if this is a thing that interests you and you would like to spend more money on as the whole package is cheaper then even a spare battery for anything good. https://www.harborfreight.com/high-performance-drone-with-480p-cameravideo-56814.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=12169617963&campaignid=12169617963&utm_content=116466547349&adsetid=116466547349&product=56814&store=381&gclid=Cj0KCQjwntCVBhDdARIsAMEwACmIkgBBVLnZp_-V7Z4tmDGiy8unQ9WQ7QdqLfFEL_BcYxFjJUvuYSUaAuElEALw_wcB
  11. Hopefully the various NJ orgs and the private ranges with a charter to foster gun ownership are gearing up for some volume. Step one should be train the trainers.
  12. There are exemptions to normal FFL stuff for departments, yes. Just not officers operating as individuals.
  13. I mean the decision literally says that permitting is permitted and uniform, objective standards are not necessarily infringing nor are they guaranteed to not be infringing.
  14. Well it shuts down intermediate scrutiny hard. It says there is no balancing test of states interests. It either conforms to the 2nd amendment or not, and the argument is about what the second amendment covers. It will certainly take more time, but the question is how much. There are a bunch of other held cases they will likely remand, but I don't have them committed to memory and am still reading the ruling.
  15. This is telling the lower court they are wrong and to redo it. I believe this is there because the correct ruling should be to issue the permit, which the lower court needs to do rather than scotus.
  16. What I can't tell is if we got strict scrutiny or some new tier of scrutiny they re trying to make happen. It very clearly states strict scrutiny is a no-no.
  17. I am shocked it wasn't the last day. This is officially me eating crow. Now I gotta read it.
  18. People need to stop perpetuating this. CA is the ONLY state that has ever mandated microstamping. All these references are to "ballistic fingerprinting" databases. MD and NY had them, and that was why for the longest time you got two spent shell cases in the box with every pistol. Those were useless too, but for different reasons than microstamping. Microstamping does NOT exist. There is a patent, and it kind of works. But there is no mass manufacturing scale method to implement it. The patent rights have been waived, but there are still not practical implementations of it. It doesn't have a success rate higher than tool marks, and it is easily compromised. If it magically existed, it'd still be useless for the same reason the ballistic fingerprinting was. That's simply because there is seldom a need to identify a firearm to solve a crime. Identifying the firearm doesn't place anyone at the scene of the crime, and they need to prove Bob was there and did it, not that this particular gun we can't prove Bob from the hood ever owned was used.
  19. It will be the last day, just like every 2a case before it. Every article not reporting the decision is just click bait.
  20. Nationally, CCW is already favorable. It's a handful of states that are problematic. They don't need to be that specific. Simply state it shall not be discretionary, and any disqualifying parameters must be objective, and exceptional. Or better yet state that anyone who is not disqualified from owning a firearm (keep) shall not be forbidden by a permitting process form carrying it (bear). Slap that on top of strict scrutiny, and NJ can fuck around, but they will find out in court.
  21. There are a number of options, not a lot of them great. Probably the most likely to be unable to be avoided or gamed forever would be a lawsuit for damages. Escalated to the circuit it would leave nj jurisdiction. Then you could go straight to the bank to have assets seized. There is also, technically, a path to the insurrection act, commandeering the national guard, and taking over the situation if a pro 2a president is in charge that wants to make ny or nj eat shit hard. Less hard would be using the rico act against anyone involved with violating the ruling and deprivation of rights.
  22. I mean we tried to have that here and they banned it, so... No.
  23. Everything is falling, so even if it’s in the red, anything owned that’s in the green for the individual still looks good right now. I think the banks are getting out. I think that takes it to about $8-9k. The question is can the various exchanges stay in the business of being exchanges. Basically can the venture capitalist money stay in and keep the market a sizable market. I don’t think they all can, but I’m less informed to be able to suggest none can. So the question there is will you have people trying to be market makers or just the exploitative money changers? If they all get out, it’s essentially going to zero. If one assumes it remains a market and that market is more or less fair and it’s a commodity subject to inflationary pressures, I’m guessing the floor is around $1200. But i think that is a big assumption. There’s going to be motivation for the least regulated exchange to get cut throat and try to screw the more regulated exchanges. And that could eliminate it from being a viable market. At that point it is zero unless you can find someone who wants it yourself. It’s a messed up market. The pretense is that it is a currency. But if it wasand a loaf of bread cost you one bitcoin one day and a few years later it cost you 40,000 Bitcoin you wouldn’t be celebrating, you’d be tearing it like Zimbabwean dollars. If it’s a commodity it should retain worth. If it’s a currency, this is the phase where it ram up so much nobody will touch it and even the entity printing it up won’t accept it.
  24. Yes they are super backed up and scheduled decisions for Monday and Wednesday this week. There are suggestions next week will be the same.
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