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Everything posted by JackDaWack

  1. I beleive they say a pistol over 26" cannot have a brace.. which is why the 26" limit was imposed. I beleive the rule reasoned that even with a brace it would be too heavy to operate with one hand. My response Is about non-nfa others, which are not mentioned with respect to this limitation.
  2. Based on the proposed rules, anything over 26" is excluded from their points system. This means that there is no assessment of the brace and it would not be considered. However, the rules do mention some "others" by name I think 12g ones like the TAC 14 and braces were a no go.
  3. Our economy is flat lining, yet jobs are up? Payroll is up? Historic black Friday sales on top of inflation. Yes, there is a reality here that many are going to be hurting from in the next year or 2. Most established companies are laying off people because they know the near future is going to be a whole Lotta economic hurt.
  4. You can't "dabble" in crypto. You really need to know the ins and outs if you don't want to get fucked. Tons of exchanges went bankrupt, and some outright stole from customers, or get hacked.
  5. When they had them in stock, their mount+optic buddles were the best priced. I think I paid 800 for mount and t2.
  6. Just don't get suckered into a h1 or t1 with the cheaper price. But yea T2 all day, H2 if you want to save a little and don't need NVG.
  7. JackDaWack


    I'm REALLY curious how this got past the SEC... Most bitcoin exchanges have been regulated for some time now.
  8. JackDaWack


    No different than the boiler rooms of the 80's and 90's. You would have to be a professional football player level stupid to give your life savings to a 20 something year old to manage with zero background on the person or company. This reminds me of all the investors in Theranos just blindly threw millions of dollars at a company because of an "idea".
  9. JackDaWack


    It always amazes me how stupid some people are when handing over tons of cash.
  10. Leather has be popular for ages to shine metal surfaces.
  11. We're going to be burning a lot of wood this winter. My wife hates it, but after our last oil bill she's lost her position on the matter. Our heating bill would be about 700 dollars a month when it gets cold.
  12. Pretty sure they can provide that relief for themselves if they so choose.
  13. They wouldn't care about the current issues. The problem is the population is expected to double by next year if they continue to literally do nothing.
  14. If the court has the application, the qual has already been approved by the PD. Do they plan on visiting any other facility that an applicant uses?
  15. The court doesn't get to make that determination, which is by and in itself subjective, a clear violation of Bruen.
  16. I dont think they have to actually match 100%, or at all. The requirement is a valid ID.
  17. The EPA has the most strict requirements for new stoves, you can technically install anything you can get your hands on.
  18. That just means you havent bought enough guns... buy more guns.
  19. Nothing to "interpret". It's an illegal schedual 1 substance per federal law. It's a federal form, so the question and answer is clear as day. No. Unless you're expecting a pardon for illegal firearm ownership due to cannabis use. Don't hold your breath on that one.
  20. I have received at least 2 emails from ANJRPC in the last week specifically about the current carry bill and hearings. They dont make public announcements unless they have movement on an issue, good or bad.
  21. The online course just helps you out with the field walk through. IMO, you're better off just doing the field walk through which is pretty quick, that online course takes a lot of time to complete, and I would have rather just done the walk through when I realized it. You still have to complete the safety stages and take the physical exam. The only course that requires proficiency is the bow.
  22. Meh, I would say don't waste your time. The legislature are just paying lip service, they(dems) have widely defended every aspect of it.
  23. LOL!!! Maybe if your lawn in 10x10 feet.
  24. Work well for me. No issues in my G19
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