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Jeff last won the day on March 26 2011

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Community Reputation

13 Good

About Jeff

  • Rank
    NJGF Member

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  • Home Range
    Classic Pistol
  1. I assume he's been rolling over in his grave for quite some time now.
  2. They are actually expanding the Moorestown Aegis site as we speak. Several new facilities being built adjacent to the existing "cruiser". I don't think that site will be closed anytime soon.
  3. I'm not sure how he thinks he could ever be elected. Democrats outside NJ won't vote for him because he's a Republican and Republicans won't vote for him because he's essentially a Democrat.
  4. So, live and learn. Let's change tactics and adapt. Just like Colorado we need to knock someone out and show them we mean business. Just one victory. And then build on that.
  5. So why can't we do the same? Target a vulnerable politician, preferably one who sponsors these BS bills, and get older conservative voters (veterans maybe) and bus them to the polls. I'd contribute to that effort. Why isn't NJ2AS doing something like that? Instead of busing people to Trenton.
  6. So no mass shootings means we don't need CCW but somehow it does mean that we need stricter gun control laws. I guess for a politician that passes for logic. Somebody tweet that to him. What color is the sky in your world Stevie-boy?
  7. It makes me wonder-- why did the court even bother to take Heller?
  8. Straight-forward, unbiased article in NJ. Who could have imagined. http://mexa.gmnews.com/news/2014-05-01/Sports/Allentown_rifleman_Jonas_excels_in_first_year_at_N.html
  9. Is it a coincidence this is being held on May Day? Cue the Soviet anthem and a parade of missiles...
  10. There's a nuke plant just a few miles down the road.
  11. Just pray nothing bad happens at Seabrook.
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