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Everything posted by Joeyd6

  1. Only place to retire is out of the state if you want gun rights. Like the state to the left!
  2. I had a recent deal at EBS and loved it. I lost my dad unexpectedly with no ntoice on December 29. My thoughts and prayers for both father and son!
  3. Way back in the day I did it. My dad took off and ran with it....like most kids. I wonder why nobody has come up with an adult competition, where it is for adults. Have a theme car, fastest car, slowest car, maker age bracket races, vintage race where you bring your old car when you ran Boy Scouts many moons ago. Charge a few bucks per race with standard Boy Scout rules and let the adults play! I bet a lot of guys and gals would show up! I would pay for that....as I have no kids now and my old man did my cars back in teh day...I would like to see what I got!
  4. Sounds like a stop on pointless venture this Monday to keep myself busy! Thansk for the discount!
  5. Sweet looking gun! Sometimes what we think we want is not what we really wanted. Nice choice in 9!
  6. Your target isn't that bad. WIthout seeing you shoot, and assuming you are a right hand shooter...your are jerking/slapping that trigger. You looking to see where your shot landed before going for the quick follow-up shot? (Meaning your target goes from being blurred to a crisp picture back to being blurred when you make it go bang again?) Here is a thumb forward grip on a SIG the way teh feds teach it: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=thumbs+forward+pistol+grip&hl=en&sa=X&tbo=d&qscrl=1&rlz=1T4ACGW_en___US513&biw=1325&bih=700&tbm=isch&tbnid=ASIIXw08vgy7TM:&imgrefurl=http://www.calguns.net/calgunforum/showthread.php%3Ft%3D575880%26page%3D2&docid=hgktpFZ6Hzvj7M&imgurl=http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n79/9mmepiphany/grip052.jpg&w=640&h=425&ei=DNz4UIyPGcOa0QH_x4CACw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=655&vpy=402&dur=29164&hovh=183&hovw=276&tx=37&ty=205&sig=110655529161120056143&page=1&tbnh=144&tbnw=225&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:15,s:0,i:129http://www.google.com/imgres?q=thumbs+forward+pistol+grip&hl=en&sa=X&tbo=d&qscrl=1&rlz=1T4ACGW_en___US513&biw=1325&bih=700&tbm=isch&tbnid=ASIIXw08vgy7TM:&imgrefurl=http://www.calguns.net/calgunforum/showthread.php%3Ft%3D575880%26page%3D2&docid=hgktpFZ6Hzvj7M&imgurl=http://i109.photobucket.com/albums/n79/9mmepiphany/grip052.jpg&w=640&h=425&ei=DNz4UIyPGcOa0QH_x4CACw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=655&vpy=402&dur=29164&hovh=183&hovw=276&tx=37&ty=205&sig=110655529161120056143&page=1&tbnh=144&tbnw=225&start=0&ndsp=24&ved=1t:429,r:15,s:0,i:129
  7. I have been an instructor for the feds over 8 years and taught at FLETC, not to mention a FAM for 5 years before moving on to another fed gig. I agree 100%. If you have a proper stance and grip, your gun should be lined right up with your dominant eye. We teach its bad "ju ju" to "move your head" to get a sight picture...you should be moving the gun to your heads natural position again, in a good stance. That means shifting your arms left or right. We had guys blind as a bat and others with perfect vision. It worked for everyone with a little practice. In addition, everyone practiced shooting with their non-dom eye frequently as something may happen and you may lose vision in your "good eye" in a gun fight. No secret the qual times/tasks are challenging. Once the folks who have been "doing it my way for years" realized it wasn't going to work in a gun fight, such as putting your ear on your shoulder shooting supine from cover on your dom eye side, NOBODY had a problem keeping their head up and staright and moving the gun to their eyes in a good grip or stance. Then again, a lot of folks use all sorts of stances we don't.
  8. The Governor said today they are drafting the LEO exemption for current and retired LEO's who left in good standing.
  9. I am a fed with a small OIG (10 agents) in NY. As teh lead firearms instructor, I can tell you, with our pistol round alone, last year we shot during or 4 quals, practice/drills, over 30,000 rounds. 750 rounds in a ten hour day ain't that much when you are doing speed shooting and multiple rounds.
  10. First time there.....walked in and the owner was being filmed/interviewed for TV. Thus I had to actually whisper in the store (its very small). A VERY NICE woman appraoched me, greeted me with a smile and asked how she could help. All of this was out of eyeshot of the cameras and there was no apparent showboating for me or the camera. Told her I was looking for a S&W Shield. She gave me the bad news...they had none and had no ETA, but quickly volunteered to take my name and number and call me as soon as they knew they were getting them. Gave such to here. She thanked me for coming in and gave me a card. I bought nothing and didn't get what I wanted. That said, I will be back to that store!!!! I was greeted, smiled at, addressed like they wanted me there, helped me teh best they could and thanked me for coming. First time since East Brunswick Sportman I have been treated that way. I don't mind paying a little extra to get treated like a gentlemen!
  11. Went today.......looking for a Shield myself. According to the kid there working: 1) If its not in the glass case, they do not have it. 2) NICS is taking "at least 5 days" and in some cases longer. He cliams they fax it and that is it and he can't call and check on the status nor re-fax (since they will get billed twice). When questioned why the NJSP is claiming a 48 hour or less turn around time as of this morning he said "well ours take longer." 3) I inquired about any weapons they were holding for NICS checks and see if I could put my name and number deposit down in case the NICS came back "no" or the person cancelled the order. Was asked what kind of gun...and when I said SW Shield, i was told they have none in the store at all. 4) They just placed a "very large" order for the SW Shield from SW, and "signed a contract" as a distributor. SW allegedly told them they would push the order through, but don't expect any guns till March or April. Take it for whats it worth.
  12. Seriously? Every govermnet agency is the same and run by idiots becuase one is bad? That is what you are you going? Such a profound statement! Are you just uneducated on how government actually works or are you so ignorant and/or lazy on the topic you feel the need to make ridiculous generalizations that have little merit to express yourself? Using you own theory, if I can find one POS in your family tree, you by default are a POS. See the error in the logic in your thinking? What one agency does has no bearing on how another is managed or operated. Saying anything different shows nothing but ignorance. And you manage to skip over the entire reason the thread was started. The OP states he asks friend about going to range. Friend says he can’t go, swamped with school work and is dressed his grades suck. Police are called. Crisis team responds. MD determines a psych detention is warranted. Friend is released after six hours. Two FBI agents show up at the house of the kid days later. I think every person on here realizes there: 1) There is a lot missing from the story 2) The original conversation was not as described 3) Or this is just plain BS If you can’t see these issues, you might want to re-evaluate what else you are missing in life. Your BS meter should be screaming and instead you attack the government. No federal agency is going to spend hours 15+ hours opening a case, sending two agents to do half a dozen interviews, writing up those interviews, and then interview a subject without interviewing the “friend” he had the conversation with first about some minor conversation as described. Just not happening!
  13. TheDon is 100% correct. As a fed LEO/special agent, we don't get involved in the nonsense this is being painted as. By the time we get to you, we have talked to the complaint any (school), witnesses (person/people who overheard, cops on scene, crisis team, etc....) and hospital staff. When four or five folks (who don't know each other, are decent people and credible) see smoke, there is fire, or was one. There is a lot more to the story to warrant the responding actions than what is being shared here.....a lot more. My boss and chain of command don't entertain nonsense, especially when we can refer to the state and locals. If I am at your door, the incident/conversation was not as described.
  14. Just wanted to say hi after a few months of poking around. Made the jump from another gun forum and glad I found a active local board. Moved here from NY (which I thought was bad till I got here). I have 12 years shooting experience, including a Colt/Glock armorer and certified instructor. My collection is small but quality. Happy Shooting!
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