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About Smokey70

  • Rank
    Forum Dabbler
  • Birthday November 30

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location:
    East Brunswick
  • Home Range
    Old Bridge Rifle & Pistol
  1. Thanks!! You will definitely see us more at the range and we can't wait to get into some of the different disciplines. Action shooting is really got my trigger finger itchy!!! But need to work on getting the gun to feel more natural in my hand. I don't like feeling awkward! See you soon, Chris
  2. As a newbie I first chose my handgun by asking friends what they recommended. Took the majority opinion & researched the Springfield XD 9. I liked the safety features that were listed on Springfield's website. Then I went to Cheyenne and handled a few of them and the XD 9 felt good in my hand (not too big, not too heavy & the recoil would not be too much for me) so I bought it. Looking back there are so many other things I should have considered when purchasing my first handgun. Have two Permits in the works and a revolver will be one of them. Now I will just have to keep trying out the guns of my fellow club members to see which one that will be! Chris
  3. I'm the (girl)friend Dave worked with and I can say Dave has helped me very much. I have to agree that my first handgun should have been a revolver! I shoot much better and feel more at ease with it than I do with my XD 9. I was dipping to the left in anticipation of the recoil, the trigger is mush compared to the revolver. Need to work more on the dry firing. I am not giving up on my Springfield as I'm not a quitter but I definitely would recommend a Revolver for all new shooters! Thanks again Dave! Happy Shooting!! Chris
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