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Everything posted by carl_g

  1. They are cheap. Ugly as F if you ask me. The one I tried worked with no issues but it was uninspiring to say the least. I wouldn’t get one.
  2. IMO if you are going with AMD and your focus is on gaming, the 3600X is still the best value/performance for a CPU. It’s a great time to be a PC gamer as there are so many options out there which will work well.
  3. Gosh. This is horrible. I feel for the staff and anyone else who was in the range when this happened.
  4. That's an option too! I have used this website to src parts for builds and find it useful: https://www.logicalincrements.com/ My kids seem to like the build tools at https://pcpartpicker.com/
  5. For the $250 range you are looking at maybe a Radeon RX 5500 XT or possibly a Nvidia GTX 1660 Super. Either one should be able to do VR and 1080p gaming.
  6. Yeah you can’t beat the price of those. I have a bunch also.
  7. Yep I think you are correct. It definitely looks like it.
  8. I might be willing to trade 1k SPP for 1K SRP or maybe 1K LPP. Whatcha got?
  9. These are on sale! https://willsoptics.com/product/l-3-gpnvg-18-anvis-ground-panoramic-night-vision-goggle/?gclid=Cj0KCQiA-rj9BRCAARIsANB_4ADmcf1ptgQZVtwacc61o-Blt2x92ehkrm5vd99mZt7nhw0N5s8TsAcaAnhxEALw_wcB
  10. Why wouldn’t you use the pins? Sorry I am a little confused.
  11. I use this https://www.google.com/search?q=media+separator&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS826US826&oq=media+seperatir&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i13i457j0i13l4.6446j0j4&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#imgrc=gL2Xv6aRcePBcM over a 5 gallon bucket in the slop sink. Seems to work good.
  12. Good luck getting in there. Last time I checked there was quite a waiting list and I believe you need to have a sponsor in order to become a member. They do hold public events though and I have been told that is a good way to go about it. Easton is about a 40 min drive from there. If you want an indoor place, this is relatively new and just off of 263 about 15/20min from the border or so if you cross at New Hope. https://www.guardiantrainingcenter.com
  13. We have a fox that comes by once and a while and takes one away. The other day it chased a squirrel up a tree for a couple of feet and snagged him.
  14. Thanks. No iPhone. Nikon D4 with a Nikon 300mm f/2.8
  15. I caught this guy in my yard today. They are EVERYWHERE!
  16. Cute cat but you cut off it's ears LOL!
  17. I can see them but you all need to hire a photographer to take pictures of your pets. These pictures all suck lol!
  18. Also check to make sure you NAT type is open. This is really important for Xbox multiplayer game performance.
  19. IMO, You should always hardwire the Xbox.
  20. There is some really good YouTube videos from this guy who did a whole series on .380 testing using all the major brands ect.. it’s pretty in depth. Look up ammo quest .380 and you’ll find it. At the time the Lehigh defense .380 penetrator ammo was considered the best out there. I have a glock 42. It’s small, light and works OK.
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