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Posts posted by JoeGuns

  1. I know about some people who got stolen guns from there and when all was said and done the people lost there money as well as the gun of course, it seems our state could care less who loses there money on these deals .


    I know three people who purchased guns there that were reported stolen 7 months after they were sold to my shop. All three were refunded IN FULL. We took the loss Mr. Roth.

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  2. ALAN553


    Yes, you make a good point that many, if not most suicides are motivated by some form of mental illness.  Those who suffer from mental illness are not able to think clearly and rationally.  Depression is a mental illness and is a terrible disease that is difficult to diagnose and treat, because usually the first steps must be made from the depressed person seeking help.  Many of these people don't take these first steps and can hide their symptoms from everyone they know. But that does not mean that the act of suicide is not selfish.


    Even recognizing and accepting your point, I still believe that suicide IS a selfish act for a number of valid reasons.  In some ways suicide is the most selfish act that someone can ever commit. It is a universal declaration that you choose to live and die on your own terms and that your destiny lies wholly in your own hands, regardless of what others may think.  Allow me to elaborate with the following related reasons and explanations:


    1.  Suicide is a very selfish thing to do, but it's not selfish the way normal people are described as selfish. Blatantly ignoring the needs of others while only fulfilling your own needs is what normal selfish people do all the time. But a suicidal person is sick and can't help but be completely absorbed in their pain and suffering. Mentally, they have lost that battle against their pain, as it has completely consumed their mind. While they may think they are doing others a favor by killing themselves, which is not selfish, in the end, actually doing it is. Because by definition, being selfish means to only tend to your own needs and not the needs of others. Suicide IS selfish. Wanting someone to stay alive for you is ALSO selfish. Almost everything we do in life is selfish but that doesn't make it wrong. Selfish isn't a bad thing. It's just how we humans are.


    2.  No matter what someone is going through, committing or attempting to commit suicide requires that the person in question has decided-- not contemplated the possibility of or anything abstract, but decided-- that their feelings trump the feelings of those around them. That they are going to knowingly and voluntarily cause harm to other people in an attempt to make things better for themselves. Therefore, suicide is a selfish act because every action you take is a selfish one. There are no selfless actions because all actions are taken in the context of yourself.  One commits suicide because you are sad or lonely or you hurt. You, you, you. It's all about you. It's your life, your pain, your decision. This is why suicide is selfish.


    3.  Suicide is the highest form of self-love. While commonly people assume it is because people hate themselves/their lives, etc., the truth is people who commit suicide love themselves above all else. Their plight is more important to them than anything else in existence, their troubles so insurmountable and terrible that they must be dealt with in the most extreme fashion with total disregard to life. In their moment they are the most important person on earth, they must decide to remove themselves from living, they give themselves control over something that the rest of us try and ignore and delay. If they loved something or anything more than they loved themselves they would have something to live for, but by deduction if they have nothing external to love they must internally love themselves the most. That's selfish.


    4.  Looking up the definition of “selfish” in the dictionary reveals that it means to "Having or showing concern only for yourself and not for the needs or feelings of other people." and/or “excessively and exclusively being concerned with oneself and concentrating on one's own well-being without regard for others.”   From this definition and forgetting about all the other connotations associated with the word, those who commit suicide are completely absorbed in their own problems and can't move past them. They cannot find a reason to live. Some suicides are due to someone thinking that their loved ones would be better off without them, but it doesn't make it any less selfish, because they are so self-absorbed they can't see that this simply isn't true.

  3. I thank you for responding so soon. After speaking to my wife she states that you said you were "just looking". It is our policy to allow the customer to look as long as they want. When they want to see something or need us they then ask after we acknowledge them. Anyway, we try to give a pleasant and stress-free environment to the firearm shopping experience. If we have failed in that regard, we regret that and will strive to reach that goal.

    Thanking you in advance,

    Joe Hawk

    Guns & Roses

  4. From the owner of Guns & Roses: First of all the customer who I referred to is a frequent purchaser who happens to be Jewish. He is the the one that loves to banter back and forth in that type of conversation. It is part of his nature to get over the PC of the day that apparently you are a member of. As for Anti-Semitism, I am not one lost on the history of the Jewish plight being part Jewish myself. Second, it is with regret that we could not have a store employee answer you or your wife's questions faster. Last, I and my wife have an open line of communication on here or my cell phone to address ANY complaint from the general public. Once someone on this forum makes an statement about our shop or another about a bad experience, the shop itself is generalized about some mysterious ill-treatment that has been bestowed upon a customer in the past that is never fully identified.

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