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Dr. Goodshot

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About Dr. Goodshot

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  1. The attorney general's guidance says that an assault rifle is defined as having a "folding or telescoping stock." Does the person who pinned the stock believe that even though the stock can't be adjusted to different positions, it's still a "telescoping stock" because a piece slides in and out of another, like a telescope?
  2. I've always felt that gun ranges that offer storage should also offer customers a place where people can sit and clean their guns. After all, some people park their guns in storage lockers permanently, and everyone who does that would have the same exact dilemma you describe.
  3. After practicing and training with guns for a few years now, I now understand that what you see on TV isn't real, especially when it pertains to guns. One thing I see a lot on cop shows and the like is a person with a gun getting into a locked room by shooting the lock. Sometimes it's a padlock, and other times it's the lock in a door. Does that really work? Can you really open a room or a locked case by shooting out the lock with a gun?
  4. I have heard various things about doctors asking patients about whether there are guns in their house. I never paid much attention to the debate, but I know there has been back and forth about whether doctors should be allowed to ask that type of thing, etc. But now that a pediatrician-aged person will be joining our household, I am suddenly paying more attention. So, I was wondering if people with kids might let me know from their experiences: is this a thing that happens? Do pediatricians ever ask their patients if there are guns in the house? And what else might come up regarding that? What does, or what should, one say? Or any other insight you might offer. Thanks
  5. I notice that all the manuals to all my guns warn against discharging and cleaning firearms in poorly ventilated locations, and say to wash your hands thoroughly after exposure. I make sure to at least do those two things - clean or shoot in a place with good ventilation, and wash hands - and I feel that doing so will mitigate 90% of any lead problem. I have heard of more severe protocols, though. Have you noticed how at Gun for Hire (and maybe other ranges too) the floor in that vestibule/airlock area between the range and the outside of the range has a sticky pad on it? A trainer told me that you should make sure to walk over it on your way out because it helps pull lead off your shoes. And I have seen signs at training facilities that recommend doing all the stuff you say you are doing, keep clothes separate, etc.
  6. I think you could easily argue you that you could not see the sign. After all, you were going into an eyeglasses store to get glasses because you don't see too good. So how could you be expected to be able to read that sign?
  7. I seem to remember that there was talk that some police departments might want to actually call or meet with the people you put down as references for your carry application. Is this a thing that is happening? Have any of your references actually been questioned by the investigating cop, either by phone or in person? There was also talk that they could ask to look at your social media accounts. Is that a thing? Or is that part of what's been struck down? It's really hard to keep track of what part of the law is in force and what isn't.
  8. I understand that to mean that if your gun is the kind with a decocker, then you have to decock it in the stated situations, but if it's striker fired, then the gun is "to be fired in the manner in which the individual weapon functions normally." So no decock necessary. Because I'm pretty sure the only way to decock a Glock is to pull the trigger with no round in the chamber, and I don't think they mean that...
  9. So it sounds like I could do the qualification course with any gun. Like could I do the qualification with, say, a Walther Q5 Match M2, but then carry a 5-shot Airlight J-frame revolver?
  10. One highly conspiratorial thought that occurred to me is that the website is fake and someone created it just to harass the person whose phone number is on it. You know, sort of like the way people write "For a good time call (phone number of someone you don't like)" on bathroom stalls. A little crazy, I know, but not outside the bounds of possibility...
  11. That is very strange. What is weird is, when you go to their site, the customer service number is listed very prominently in a large font at the top of their page. And customer service is the first link at the top of the page. No other site does all that. It looks like they really want you to call them, only so they can tell you to eff off....
  12. You might be interested to know, I received four permits last year. On my application confirmation, one of the items listed is "Payment to the Issuing Police Department": $8.00. That $8.00 was apparently the fee for the four permits, because when I received my notification that the permits were ready, they were immediately ready to go. I never had to go into the department to pay. It looks like the $8.00 was me paying in advance. So maybe it varies from department to department. so that some want to you go in after you're approved, others want you to pay in advance when you apply online. ??? If you have a similar item on your application confirmation, you may already have paid.
  13. The insurance you need is not allowed to be sold in the state of NJ, yet you are required to have the insurance. The insurance requirement does not kick in until July, so the thing should be worked out by then. See podcast #117 at gun.lawyer, which talks about this very issue.... https://gun.lawyer/episode-117-size-matters-and-other-lies-cops-tell/
  14. Definitely. Most of your transactions will be by phone and email, I'm pretty sure...
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