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Everything posted by BobA

  1. Isn't the length a problem too?
  2. I have the opportunity from my son to be gifted a Windham AR model XM15-E2S. It now resides in Maine. A sate where common sense in these issues prevail. Currently this rifle has all the equipment on it that might make my a terrorist, school shooter or puppy kicker according to our laws here in NJ. I'm looking to change out the upper to eliminate the 20" barrel, flash suppressor and evil bayonet mount. I'm looking at the Windham upper part number UR16M4LHPBB ( https://shop./collections/upper-receiver-assemblies/products/ur16m4lhpbb ). I've emailed Windham with my question and have not yet had a response. My questions are these: Is this item a "bolt on swap" to the rifle? Will it fit without issues or modifications? Is it plug and play as in ready to fire once mounted? I'm going up shortly after Labor day so I'd like to get it in time to bring and make this rifle allowable to send through a NJ FFL so all our citizens will stay safe and secure. Sorry for all the sarcasm but this stuff....well you know.
  3. How - or even why - can a man who has a criminal record the likes of that be qualified and supported by his party to be in office when people with much minor offences can't even get a job laying bricks or sweeping floors?
  4. What'd ya think Sevenshot? Did we scare you enough?
  5. Yes, impervious surface, run off and the like are big these days. We're putting up a small office building (12,000 sq ft) at work and you wouldn't believe what we're going through. Even the rain water coming out of gutters is and issue. May I ask where this is? Area or township?
  6. Check out the whole historic demo laws. And if the house itself has historic restrictions on it too. Historic laws vary and apply on all levels ie. local, county, state and federal.
  7. Depending on the barracks, he's not kidding.
  8. Almost all of these types of suits never go to completion. Of the few the only one that comes to mind is the McDonald's coffee lady. They're not about winning. They're about the settlement. They're not about right or wrong. They're about the cash. These people are bound to get something. The costs of litigation are out weighted by a settlement and the ambulance chasers know it. Let something on a level of that happen to you and the lawyers line up at your door step. You don't even have to look for them. You even can see the enticement of cash settlements in their advertising. Eliminate settlements and most of these frivolous suits would go away with the bottom feeders that instigate them.
  9. It's not what it's coming to but what it's already become.
  10. It was terrific! Thanks 45Doll. What I liked the best about it is that it wasn't liberal or conservative. It was about the dumbing of america. The less and less people are taught to understand what we are and what our rights really are the less and less intelligent conversations and rulings we can have.
  11. It would be easy if it were up to local judges. It's a Superior Court Judge that makes the decision. A tight club.
  12. The classes are a good choice. They didn't offer them when I got mine and wish they did. I had my son take his at Raceway Park in Englishtown. They had a lot.
  13. All done. The widow found an FFL to Double in pieces ship to another.
  14. Apparently he had an AR with all the evil attachments and the widow wants it out of the house. She didn't know anything about it. But before I see her give it to the people who do their best to see we can't exorcise our right to own one (and probably bring it home) I thought I'd see if there were alternatives where it could be appreciated by someone in a free state.
  15. I like the across the Delaware river scenario.
  16. True. The "karma" could still come back to me.
  17. Not bad. I'll ask. There's always a trust issue when buying online.
  18. Assuming their state needs an FFL too.
  19. Suppose, just suppose, I inherited a gun that was not a legal gun in PRNJ. Would an FFL be allowed to ship it for me to a buyer in a state where the gun is legal?
  20. Also another loop hole is, although firing can be legal in your town, they bust your chops on sound issues with a noise ordinance. You might want to check that out too.
  21. Just answer "No". If you can and have fired safely then as far as you know you're not impaired medically. Who are you to make such a diagnosis? You're not a medical expert. In your assessment you're fine. It's another question thrown in to gum up the works.
  22. All this talk got me to start looking around. I found on NJ.com That not only the gun should be in the truck out of reach but the ammo in a lock box or also out of reach? I though it was gun in truck and ammo can be in passenger compartment lock box or not.
  23. He may not be an idiot. He's just trying to drum up business as a good capitalist would. He's trying to take advantage of people's emotions to grow his training business. The idiots are those who might believe his crap. Fortunately, NJ gun owners aren't as dumb as he looks.
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