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Gary Slider

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Everything posted by Gary Slider

  1. Sorry as this post showed up on a search for the mention of Handgunlaw.us in the last 24 hours. Seems there is a little more than 24 hours between the posts.
  2. Boomstick, If you go to www.handgunlaw.us and put your pointer over "Law Links 2" in the header 7 links will open below it and click on " State Restrictions." That Document has all the states that have mag bans listed and their laws covering them. All that info is taken from each State page. You can see a very detailed listing of a states laws covering carrying firearms by clicking on the "Initials" of the state on the USA Map on the main page of Handgunlaw.us. In the left column are links to important items that you may be interested in. There is so much data there it would take you days to read thru it all. Hope this Helps. Stay Safe, Gary Slider Co-Owner/Researcher https://handgunlaw.us
  3. Not a troll guys. Go to Handgunlaw.us and click on the Initials of NJ and the NJ Page will open. You will see that image at the bottom of the NJ Page. Email me using the site contact and I will email you back from my home email. I am just trying to find out about this image. After checking the image is about 9 to 10 years old. Handgunlaw.us has been online for over 13 years now. Coming online in Feb 2006. If the admins think I am a troll they can delete this thread. Will just go looking somewhere else. Stay Safe, Gary Slider
  4. Been in a discussion with a gentleman about Open Carry in NJ and just want to have the correct info on Handgunlaw.us Don't laugh as I know how hard it is to even think about getting a license to carry. I have open carry as being illegal and I can't find any NJ Statute or Administrative Rule that states you can't. You have to have a license to carry a firearm in NJ and the only image I have seen of a NJ License to Carry states on it that the license is for carrying a "Concealed Firearm." For someone who has a license to carry does it state, "License to Carry Firearm Concealed" on the header of the License? Then NJ is a May Issue state and carrying openly would most likely not end well. I would also appreciate any feedback you could give me on the NJ page at Handgunlaw.us. Can't put everything about any state but what what I have to be correct. No better source for some info than people who live under those laws. I have attached an image of what I believe is a NJ License. Sent to me a few years ago. I removed all the info and put my name and made up the rest of the info that shows on the image. I then deleted the scan the person sent me of his license. Thank you for any assistance you can give Handgunlaw.us and I will keep an eye on this thread but the easiest way to contact me is at [email protected] Stay Safe, Gary Slider
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