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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/18/2019 in Blog Comments

  1. 1 point
    You claim none of us will receive an 18 month jail sentence for possessing a 15 round mag yet that is precisely the purpose of the legislation. Murphy and his fellow totalitarians in the NJ legislature and judiciary want nothing less than eradication of legal gun ownership in this state. If that means throwing every gun owner in jail for spurious, unconstitutional crimes then so be it. It is settled law in NJ that "When dealing with guns, the citizen acts at his peril". So yeah, perhaps some of us would get off with a fine and no jail time (and loss of the right to ever own a firearm again), but there's no guarantee and that's precisely the point. For someone whose dealings with law enforcement never extended beyond a speeding ticket, the prospect of a felony prosecution, possible jail time, and the loss of their constitutional rights - not to mention the potential deleterious effect on their future employment prospects - is a massive incentive to get on the first train out of here. You categorize as imbeciles those who believe the intent of this legislation is to "nail unsuspecting gun owners". Given the public record of NJ courts and the legislature, it's the imbecile who believes otherwise.

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