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Posts posted by AtlanticCounty

  1. Good news. This guy deserves our support. He is in a tight race so every bit counts. I am pretty sure Runyan is the only candidate that is endorsed by the NRA at the federal level.


    Also this is our chance as gun owners to show both the NRA and other candidates for public office in NJ that the 2nd amendment IS IMPORTANT to people in NJ. If Runyan is successful it will be easier to persuade other politicians to support the 2nd amendment because they will have the support of a very large voting bloc in NJ. If Runyans success can be attributed in some part to pro 2nd amendment groups like NJ2AS it will greatly raise the groups profile and influence.


    I posted a similar thread yesterday but its seems to have been deleted for some reason.

  2. Great work fellas.


    I am in district 2 and you'll need some dems like the state sen in this district to go along. If you check the CCW bill that was proposed there were a few dem co-sponsors. That might be a good place to start.(Like anthony chiappone of bayonne) Also Sen. Jeff Van Drew (I think district 1) seems like he would be receptive to some new ideas concerning the 2nd Am.


    Again great job.

  3. I don't see what laws Christie had his hands on that were anti gun. So far. Don't let the party association distract you. Realistically I think he's the best we could hope for in NJ. He ruled out a 50 cal ban when he was running. So I don't see what the big deal is.


    And let's just suppose a dem won in 2013 who was for shall issue and wanted to repeal 1GOAM(never gonna happen BTW). So what, the bills still have to pass senate and house. Its impossible without a massive shift in public opinion here in NJ. It has to start at the local level with your district assemblymen/women.


    I tried in my district here by writing the state senator and was dismissed. He position is no person should be allowed to get a CCW without "justifiable need" as determined by liberal judges.

  4. You don't "need" a lawyer but people often say things like "you don't need a semi automatic rifle" or you don't need a mag that holds more than 10 rounds".


    If you get the permit in 10 days like the other poster I say go for it. Its well worth the 200 dollars or whatever it will end up costing you for the lawyer. I was waiting 3 months.


    BTW what do you plan to have the lawyer do? Walk into the station with you or make a call on your behalf?

  5. I read the article, this group started in 2005, were they racists then? Or just now? Typical of the NYT to stir up shiit were there is none.


    I read the article and missed mention of racism; which page is that on?


    I'm a little surprised that the RWVA has $334K in the bank; at this point they shouldn't be charging for Appleseeds at all....


    Page 1 where the they are pitting "all white faces" vs. the federal gov. Subtle but there.


    My point was that the beliefs of the Appleseed group transcend political parties since the group was founded during the Bush administration. But now the NYT seems to be casting this group as they are casting the tea party groups and every other organization that is anti-tax, anti-gov spending. Why would the article mention their race at all? Why is it relevant?

  6. tt - FUNNY! I am a grandpas now. I am pleased how my daughter turned out - but unfortunately, she leans toward the liberal, gun shy, type. I didn't get into shooting until this year and I am 61, so I guess I can't blame her for not being into it. Unfortunately, I don't get another try. And as far a my grandkids are concerned, unless their father changes SIGNIFICANTLY, I will have to wait until they are 18 before I can even talk to them about it. He is Canadian, and a dyed in the wool liberal. :-(




    I think we are all pretty liberal when it comes to the second amendment, I don't speak for all but I believe the 2nd amendment should be applied very "liberally" in all states of the union.

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