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Posts posted by joecs1

  1. The law doesn't define residence either, but we all agree that if you live there, it is your residence. Residence is also preceded by the word "his", which would have to imply ownership, if we follow your argument. If so, then Dan's sister would not be legal to carry a gun in their home because it isn't "hers".


    Out of curiosity, of whom did you inquire about this?


    You like to argue the logical point, but our laws aren't written to be logical. They are explicitly written to be traps.


    If dans sister has a drivers license with dans address, then the state recognizes that as her address. NJDMV requires 6 pts of id and some form of proof of address ie...a telephone bill etc!

  2. No its not.


    DUI stop


    Had anything to drink tonight?

    Yes 2 or three

    Step out of the car please sir.

    Walk the line. No problem

    Touch the nose. Good to go

    Count backwards. Piece of cake

    Blow in breathalyzer. Ooopppps you're over the magic number.

    Sir I'm placing you under arrest for drunken driving.



  3. We have a winner.


    If a cop witnesses a car swerving or being driven erratically there are plenty of laws being broken that can get that person off the road.

    But heaven forbid a 250 lb guy has 2 beers with dinner, Ability to drive 0% impaired, but blood alcohol over the "Limit". Therefore you are an evil person subject to fines, imprisonment, loss of license etcetera.


    How's about punish the behavior? You do something wrong you pay the consequence.



    Here is where you guys will beat me up.......long story, not about check-points, but semi appropriet for this thread!

    I recently lost 130lbs with Lap-band surgery. I cant hold my boose like I used to. I knew that already. Out one night this summer in my Mustang, after dinner, and had 2 glasses of wine with dinner. I felt fine and was driving fine. I got pulled over because there was an APB out on a red sports car. That was the ONLY REASON I got pulled over. with Lap band you regurgitate a lot and the smell of booze stays with you and the officer said I smelled strongly of booze. Did fine on field sobriety test but officer said I struggled/stumbled getting out of my car(its a sports car and lowered 2" and is a sruggle getting in and out every day) and that was the reason to go to station even though the field test was good. Even though they have dash cams and record your conversations with the officer, they could not produce any recordings that night. I blew .08 in the station which was thrown out because the temp prob was no good(in the courts eyes at the time) in the breathalizer. Yes, .08 is no good! And apparently very easy for me to do! When I was 320lbs I could have 4 glasses and feel nothing! In the end I walked away good thank God. 2 drinks is all I had! It doesnt take much at all! Unless you dont touch alchohol at all, most of you will prob say 2 drinks is no big deal and have done it as well! Think again!

  4. NYC is not NO issue so you have to assume they are a MAY issue and for that matter, when did NYC become a state, they may have some different rules in the city vs the state but NY is NY and unless they do something like Cook county in IL, it won't matter.


    Surprisingly wrong about NYC! I know many jewelers/diamond dealers who have their NYC carry permits.

  5. If you must use a case like that, have a alarm guy, alarm it with a magnet and glass-break sensor! most home alarms can have 2 partitions, one for perimeter and motion sensors, and a second partition for something like this, a safe. the safe can be armed 24/7 and needs a different code then the 1st partion! That is how my house is set up! Kids dont know the code for the safes nor the combos.

  6. Brother still makes them for their Electric typewriters.

    MOST of the move to technology for reports and stuff has been in the last 10-12 years McB. We were still using Royal MANUAL typewriters up until around 1992 or so, Then Electrics (WOOHOO) and didnt switch to Anything resembling Word processors until 1998-99. I still maintain that the only reason we DID switch is because the Ribbin-Ribbons were just too scarece That said we still have a couple of actual Typewriters squirreled away, along with 4-part reports for when the Computers STB. Although i won't go into what would happen on say a Friday night around midnight or so when the last Ribbon cartridge for the electrics ran out, and there was nobody from the Chief's Office around to get any out of the storeroom...they treated those damn things like they were made from gold. A lot of us went out and bought our own to keep in our briefcases.


    I have seen 1!!! They are white, plastic cards, very plain looking. Almost like a BJ's membership card! Digital picture on it as well!

  7. Interesting thread..... You lease the property,office, or whatever, You are good to go. However, I would (I actually do)keep a personal safe(a good one, bolted to the floor) at work, and store your carry gun on premiss. Lock it, with a trigger lock. Strap it to your side as soon as you get there! We all know transporting is the largest grey area. All you need is for an officer to read between the lines, arrest you, and then its going to cost YOU, no matter how right you are. I carry every day at my store, and dont feel like dealing with the transportation laws. I almost never go straight home. Stop at the here and there for business, etc. Which is why I wish I could CCW. Always have something of value with me. Granted I take all precautions, and I carry two knives, OC spray, pry bar in the car(because I am always doing some sort of construction at my store). And I drive a full size pick up, so I can see what is coming at me from both directions, and if I have to, I will ram myself out of a situation. Personally, I think storing your weapon at work is your best option. Even if that means buying a second carry weapon. And I would definetely check with a lawyer, just to make sure there is case law, stateing that you are good to go, being from out of state! You definetely dont want to be a test dummy in this situation! JMO, Joe

  8. Well, it was hard to tell exactly what was happening, but actively stabbing or not at that moment, is almost a moot point.


    The point others are trying to make, is that the officers (at least 7, probably more) just stood around while the man was on top of another man with a knife in his hand. You hear the people around yelling for them to do something, hit him or anything. Of course shooting him dead based on that clip alone, may be an extreme. But the fact that only one officer made any attempt to stop him was a bit disturbing. That man was an immediate threat to the man he was on top, and not until he got off and dropped the knife was he restrained. I mean, could they really not safely hit him with something, or thrown him off, or used a taser on him?


    I certainly don't want to be too quick to judge, but it seemed like the officers weren't too quick to help either.







  9. .357 steel frame revolver with a 4inch barrel using .38 spec HP ammo. Why?


    1. Easy to handle, aim and pull the trigger.


    2. Most HD situations are in tight areas, clearing a room, etc. Anything longer than 4inch barrel will be more dif in these situations


    3. most HD situations are in low light. Going with a hotter load( +P or +P+P) will flash from the barrel more so than 38 spec, causing you to see spots and degrading your temporary vision. .38 cal has plenty of stopping power


    4. A 357 is slightly heavier than a .38 cal handgun which is a good thing, giving you and your wife more recoil control.


    If you dont need to, or want to spend a lot of $, you can buy something used. As said though, there is no right or wrong. However you said you wont be practicing much due to the lack of time. IMO, a simi-auto requires practice, making a revolver a better long term investment in your personal saftey. With regular practice a semi can offer different plusses. But, based on your orig post, I cant offer a different opinion. As an FYI.... I am lucky to get my wife to the range once every year and a half. No matter what she shoots, she is pretty good. She does not enjoy shooting the semi's, but she can. She does struggle with them, racking the slide, and an occasional limp wrist causing a failure to eject(FTE), one in every hundred or so. Now the weapon has to be cleared which is difficult for her. There is just so much more that can go wrong with a semi and not with a revolver. This being said.... When your life is at stake, you can afford as little to go wrong as poss! But, still, try before you buy. Good Luck!

  10. My training kicked in......I called my mommy and daddy.



    lol love that part.



    If he had any training what so ever.... he would have called 911 first. The moron could have bled out by the time he got off the phone with mommy and daddy, if he hit his femeral artery!

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