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Posts posted by S&W39

  1. A good deal is subjective to the buyer. The Guild was always alittle higher priced. After my last several visits to the Guild their prices are non competitive with other resources. I feel with loyal repeat customers they should be more flexible when negotiating prices. If you like buying there thats your choice. As for me they lost a long time loyal customer.

  2. I've been a steady customer of the Guild for many years. I've also brought in a few friends to buy there. Although their prices ran alittle higher than other shops, I continued to shop there because of their selection and knowledge of their firearms. They've always been courteous to me and have spent alot of time with me even when I was'nt ready to buy anything. I have to take issue lately with their prices and the manager unwillingness to negotiate on used guns. A few months ago I wanted to buy a used rifle, the manager offered me a deal which I found to be ridiculous, especially for a steady customer. I've gotten better deals in a shop where no one knew me. After alittle research I found out that same gun was overpriced. OK thats one instance, maybe it was the manager having a bad day. Recently I was there and thought let me give them another chance. I see another used rifle there I recently have done research on. The condition of the gun was alittle less than fair, it was priced so far out of range for its condition I just got disgusted and left. I guess their prices come at no surprise to many forum members, but now its gotten to the point of being unreasonable. Recently the owner has opened two new shops, Easton PA and Branchburg NJ. Maybe the owner is pressurring the NJ shop to be real tight at the expense of guild customers, who knows. I thought Sayreville Sportsman was bad, this place has become a close second.

  3. Smokin .50 is an awesome shooter S&W39 and I can see no reason he would't want EB to open and be sucessful. I believe we have 600 or so members at OBR&PC. I doubt many would cancel their membership to go shoot in EB. The more ranges we have for people the better, especially public ranges where hopefully people would have to take and pass some type of safety course.


    I am still in my probationary period in OB and need to be voted-in to become a member. Many private gun clubs are like this. They want to make sure you are a safe, responsible shooter. Most public ranges simply take your money and let you at-it. I prefer not to go to places like that.


    I will give my full support to EB and go to town council meetings to help support the idea if needed. Even though I can practically walk to the EB range from my home, I will still go to OBR&PC as my primary range. Lots of really good people and programs there.

    Thanks for the positive feedback.

  4. So now I'm a boring Moron?


    Listen. This is the way I see it. You registered onto this Forum 14 months ago. Including your childish hostile responses (including the example above) you have a whopping total of 26 posts. This EB Range thing is "your Baby" and you're pushing the Politicos to open it up, and you came on here asking for help & ideas and all that is FINE! Only problem is you have a chip on your shoulder and an attitude that needs a little adjustment. The irony of all of this is IF you carry on with this same type of attitude at the very range you're trying to open, you'll be one of the first people to be asked to leave.....


    I want the range to open. I'll gladly pay to go there. I'll pass a Police Q-Target Qualifier (so maybe I'll be allowed to use the fun gizmos, even if it's in some sort of organized League run by the Cops) which will be easy for me to do since I've done it before. I'm a Certified NRA RSO and hold Instructor ratings in two disciplines. I'm a competitive pistol, rifle, revolver & shotgun shooter in several disciplines. I would like to see this range open to the public, as I've stated in every post I've made on this thread.


    So please just leave me alone and go back to working on getting this two-year ordeal over with so we all can use what we've already helped pay for through taxes & grants.

    All I want is positive feedback, thats how this all started.Leave it at that.

  5. Smokin50 whats your deal with the negativity you keep throwing at EB range.There are plenty of whackos at your club also,so whats your point.You keep injecting negativity towards this whole plan.Whats your motive for painting bleak scenarios?Are you so concerned or are you trying to be discouraging?Do you think the cost of joining at EB would cost more than OBRPC? I have a great idea, if EB opens up you don't have to use it.Some shooters like to have choices.You're becoming a bore.

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  6. I'm not saying that the EB range would be run rampant. I am wondering who would be running it. If a police officer is assigned to it (or maybe a rotating duty) that is fine with me. I would hope for the EB taxpayers that people would be charged a fee to use it to pay for the officer(s) running things there, plus any equipment, clean-up expenses, whatever....


    I seriously doubt Old Bridge or Jackson would lose any members over this.


    We have cameras inside OB, just like any other indoor range I have ever been to. You are not going to get-away with much for long at any of these indoor ranges. Now the outdoor ranges, I have no idea who does what or who watches whom.....


    I have only used the outdoor range at Old Bridge once so far, had no issues there and saw nothing unsafe taking-place, but there are a lot of pits to use and I did not walk-around looking to see who was doing what.


    If you are a member of a club and see something unsafe taking-place then it is your right and your duty to say something about it. It is for your safety as well as anyone else around. Maybe the person(s) doing something incorrectly don't even know they did something wrong.

    I'm glad Old Bridge finally got indoor cameras, it must be just the last few years.Anyway lets hope EB becomes a reality.

  7. Gotta love the internet, huh Dave? Seems like S&W39 thinks you own a range. If you do, can I come over and shoot?


    Dave brought up many valid points that must be considered by the EB Town Council.


    I've seen some scary shyt at some public ranges. Shore Shot is pretty safe when an RO is watching. Brick Armory, well, we never have RO's there. I have seen people sweeping-around with guns, loaded or unloaded I do not know. And that is when I was actually standing-back watching my wife shoot. Who knows what was happening behind me when I was shooting........


    I would love to see the EB range open to the public, it is two miles from me. I am already a member at Old Bridge, as is Dave (he doesn't own a range). Never have can too many places to go shooting.


    Are you under the impression that the EB range would be unsupervised? There will be a police presence and I tend to think it would be a tight ship. I've seen some scary things at ranges also,i.e. the indoor action league at OBRPC.Who monitors shooters at the OBRPC outdoor range during weekdays? C'mon, I've seen crazy stuff there also.Actually the OBRPC indoor range is opened 24/7 who's monitoring that? Your outdoor range never had a way of knowing who's coming and going.Now you're skeptical about a range run by the police? I don't get it.Input from other NJ police ranges open to the public is being studiedby EB.Do you really think the police are going to let people run wild if the range opens. Are you concerned that if this range opens OBRPC will lose members.You guys still have the outdoor range and you clean up on all the steel matches thats your bread and butter.I had the feeling Dave owned a range or was an active member of a nearby club.He might be the guy who runs the PPC league at OBRPC.With so much anti gun sentiment in this state I wish everyone would stick together on this, alot of people are working hard on this issue.Lets stay positive, I trust the EB council and police are very capable of doing the right thing.

  8. Your childish name-calling and sarcasm aren't called for. If this "big idea" has already taken TWO FULL YEARS to review so far, it sounds like someone is trying to "push a rope". It sure wouldn't have taken me two years to get R Done! I don't have a dog in this fight, per se. Some of my County taxes went to pay for this as well. Contrary to your opinion of me, I hope it does open so that more people have some place to shoot.




    Fellow shooters you read it here first,Smokin50 could have gotten it done quicker.Who knew? Don't let this side bar be a distraction I'm just havin some fun.Lets stick to the issue at hand,present our case simply and with respect to all.

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  9. This is interesting. The devil will be in the details. Cost, hours of operation, who R-O's & staffs the facility, developing a calendar and allowing the EBPD priority range time, will there be some sort of "test" to use it or will a newbie off the street be able to shoot the place up, what about the fancy (fun) gizmos that their supposed to have for PD training, insurance liabilities, additional maintainence, custodian, the list goes on forever. Running a range isn't as easy as it seems.....this "study" may take a while or the Council may re-think the entire thing. Mind you I'm not saying it shouldn't open. It's that there's a lot to consider and this "idea" is NOT a way to close a budget gap due to the State cutting the funds it sends to the towns.


    I'd pay to visit there if I could make use of the fancy training gizmos that the Police use.



    It sure didn't take long for this type of moronic response.The basic part of the range is for the public. The gizmos are for trained professionals.You sound like a competing range owner trying to turn people off to the idea.Every point you mention is being addressed.If you're a dedicated shooter and sportsman you should be glad this will happen.This has been in review for 2 years. If discouraging people is your goal,its too late.People with more expertise than you are working on this issue.I guess you will need to find another place to use (fancy fun stuff),try Great Adventure.

  10. This is interesting. The devil will be in the details. Cost, hours of operation, who R-O's & staffs the facility, developing a calendar and allowing the EBPD priority range time, will there be some sort of "test" to use it or will a newbie off the street be able to shoot the place up, what about the fancy (fun) gizmos that their supposed to have for PD training, insurance liabilities, additional maintainence, custodian, the list goes on forever. Running a range isn't as easy as it seems.....this "study" may take a while or the Council may re-think the entire thing. Mind you I'm not saying it shouldn't open. It's that there's a lot to consider and this "idea" is NOT a way to close a budget gap due to the State cutting the funds it sends to the towns.


    I'd pay to visit there if I could make use of the fancy training gizmos that the Police use.



  11. For about 2 years I've been questioning EB officials about the EB Police Range opening for public use.I've been informed that a study is in progress on this becoming a reality in the near future.This is way past the rumor stage.If this passes a Town Council vote,and it appears that it would,then its up to the shooting community to show their interest.All those interested should go the the EB web site and let members of the town council know there's genuine interest in making this happen.You don't have to be a EB resident to participate. All NJ shooters would benefit from this facility.This is the first time in 2 years I,ve actually gotten positive feedback from council members.The details have to be worked out of course,but with enough support this can happen.In NJ you can never have enough places to shoot. I urge all fellow shooters to step up and voice your support. Thanks

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  12. Here's the letter I sent to every member of the EB Town Council a few weeks ago. Attn: Town Council Members:

    As a resident of East Brunswick I would like to suggest the use of the EB Police Training Facility for legal firearm owners who are residents of EB. I believe the Police Training Facility could provide revenue for EB. The Police Training Facility is under- utilized and operating at a substantial financial loss. There are many legally registered firearm owners residing in EB, the Police Records Dept would attest to that. All EB residents in accordance with NJ state law must get finger printed, obtain character references, get state and local police approval, and pass federal background checks before being issued a firearms permit. There are at least five other townships in NJ that permit the use of their police ranges when not being used for official business, some for residents, others for both resident and non residents. Firearm permits are issued in EB regularly. There are plenty of EB firearm owners who pay other facilities annually for use of their ranges. These ranges are located in Old Bridge, South River, Jackson, Lakewood, West Windsor and Brick. The fees at these ranges cost from $200 to $500 annually. Since the firearms are already legally owned by residents in EB and, there

  13. The police ranges that are open as far I know from researching the net are,Atlantic County Training Facility Egg Harbor,Police Assoc. of South Jersey Berlin, Waldwick Police Range,BayonnePolice Range,Riverdale Police Range. I E-mailed the EB mayor stating I wrote to members of the town council.He wants to know how they respond. I'm even wondering if they will respond. He likes the idea, but he can't do a thing without the councils approval.

  14. I'm not much of a public speaker, but there is strength in numbers. If there is a way of contacting legal gun owners in EB, a list of people in favor of this should be presented to the town council. I don't believe they would take 2 guys looking for a place to shoot too seriously. I think if the council could see the actual interest in this idea especially from a fiscal angle it would be a great help.This Police Range was built about 7 years ago. At the time there was much talk about Police Ranges closing in NJ.EB jumped on the idea of "built it and they will come". They built it, but not too many came. The reason being all those other Police Ranges never closed.This issue is EB's touchy topic.The facility sits there unused most of the time,and nobody takes a step to correct it. EB's claim to fame is "diversity", but not when it comes to open mindedness and common sense. I've also started writing to council members.I still have no reply,which I'm not surprised at. If you know a good public speaker who would be interested,get them on board.

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