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Posts posted by jerseytactical

  1. I traveled from Newark a few weeks back with a checked pistol in my luggage.  I got there very early, in the off chance that I would encounter any delays.  I alerted the baggage checker, and she called TSA Hazmat, (who weren't available until 4AM).  Finally a representative from the airline escorted me to the entrance of the TSA room. He indicated that he needed my keys to bring to TSA so they could inspect the firearm.  I protested, and said that I needed to be present, but he wasn't having any of it.  Against my better judgement, I gave him the key, and when he returned, they didn't even open up my bag, they just x rayed it.  (No orange card, either.) They did manage to break the lock on my golf bag though.  Anyhow, the airline representative took custody of my suitcase and personally brought it to wherever they load them on the plane.  Contrast this with my returning flight from FLA, where all I did was let the baggage lady know that I had a firearm, and all she did was look in my bag to ensure the case was locked.  She put the orange card in there, and I was on my way in about 10 minutes.  No problems whatsoever.

  2. I called last Friday to see what the process was for my coworker and her spouse to apply would be. The officer that handled the call was anything but professional. When I asked about the process, his statement was: " Jesus Christ, it really must be Armageddon. You're the 10th call I've gotten about this today!!!!" And it was only 10:30 AM. He didn't sound too jazzed when I asked if multiple FPID applications could be submitted. When I asked him his hours, he made comments to the effect that: his secretary would quit over having to do all of this, and that he'd process the applications if he felt like showing up. In short, his attitude was extremely juvenile, and his comments were biased were quite stereotypical of an LEO with a chip on his shoulder. This guy gives the law enforcement community a bad name. Heaven forbid he'd actually have to WORK at his job, and help the citizens of the municipality that employs him. I hope Hazlet residents with similar circumstances complain to the mayor, and the chief of police. This pathetic excuse should be back on a foot beat, walking off all the calories he gets sitting behind a desk.

  3. I am a 5.11 fan, at work I use the patrol bag, I have another for my pistol and ar. Looking into getting their bailout bag and 72 hr pack


    I'm a huge fan of 5.11. I have a RUSH 24 that I'm building as a 3-6 day pack right now. I have a Lg ALICE pack that I had Tactical Tailor modify...well worth the $ spent. Get the HSGI Alipad and aftermarket straps, and it'll be 10x's more comfortable. I think my next pack purchase will be a RUSH 72. If anyone has any experience, please chime in. Also, google the ALICE pack "Hellcat" modification. It utilizes the Lg or Med ALICE, but with a Down East Frame, and incorporates the newer MOLLE straps and waistpad.

  4. Many here in NJ, NYC, LI, Westchester, etc. have been preconditioned to think that guns are bad, and only law enforcement and the military should have firearms. And in the schools we can't even have the NRA's "Eddie Eagle" program, because hoplophobic educators and soccer moms don't ever want their children exposed to firearms. Somehow they think that educating their child on firearms safety is inherently bad, so they opt to have the children not learn anything at all. That's how accidents happen, coupled with parental negligence for improper storage. But they have no problem teaching about alternative lifestyles, sex education, and all the other stuff that the parents should be teaching their children. I have coworkers that are absolutely astounded that regular people are "allowed" to carry firearms concealed in other states. Then I have coworkers that are fascinated by the subject, and want to go to the store to buy an M4, and when I ask them if they have a FPID, they answer in the negative, and are mad that they can't purchase something in NJ because of the inane laws. This is why we need to defeat the anti-2a mindset at the judicial level. There is no other way we can bring NJ into parity with the rest of the shall issue states. We can't count on the legislature, and we can't count on the apathetic average Joe that either: A.) could not care less one way or the other, or B.) are so virulently anti-2a that they'll vote for politicians that support such tripe.

  5. hudson and newport are more into the stabbings and jumping people than shootings.


    I flat out refuse to go into the Newport mall anymore. Especially not the movie theater. Apparently some of the other attendees don't understand that when they speak at a decibel level above that of the movie, it makes it more difficult to enjoy what I paid to see. Consequently, my old roomate asked a few of them to be quiet, and was verbally harrassed until he left the facility. ZERO RESPECT. That place is a dump, and will never receive a dime from me again.

  6. Hey guys, I'm new on here and new to purchasing firearms. I just tried to place an order at Dick's for a Mossberg 590A1 with the pistol grip/adjustable stock. They shot me down and said it wasn't NJ legal. Can someone verify this? And if it is legal, any idea where I can purchase one that actually knows the laws?


    At which Dick's outlet did this happen? More often than not, they staff their firearms departments with less than knowledgeable folks. I've seen some doozies at the Paramus one, and the one in E. Hanover, I wanted to look at ammo, and the clerk acted as if I was severely inconveniencing him.

  7. Not that I ever plan on seeing a real SHTF situation, at least I hope not, but Barter Ammo?? Dude, you just gave someone the means to take the rest of what you have.


    I'm not sure I understand that. What I'm saying, is that ammunition can be used as a type of bartering currency. If I'm armed, and you're armed, and you have 20 Ball jars of canned tomatoes, and I want to trade you a box of 22LR for them, how are you going to take my stuff? I would obviously not have my whole cache of ammunition present.

  8. As far as ammunition is concerned, I've seen writings that indicate that it would be quite prudent to purchase as much ammunition as one could sustain. Apparently you should have enough for personal and bartering use.


    Without getting into "what cool gear should I purchase?" All I can say is that I've read books by John Mc Cann, Cody Lundin, John Wesley Rawles, and they seem to consistent in that one must have tiered supplies. By that I mean, enough supplies to last you at least a month in your primary residence, a kit for "getting home" or at least a 24-48 hour crisis, and a 72 hour "bug out" bag. How you choose to stock your pack is personal, and situation based. What works for us up here in NJ, may not be the right combination for someone living in Florida.


    I think that larger packs, such as large capacity civilian packs, and ALICE/ILBE packs are suitable for longer excursions, but mobility becomes a huge factor. Unless you actively prepare and train with packs of this size, you'll be doing yourself more harm than good, because weight becomes a serious issue. I guess the only advice that can be given, is to study the hell out of this subject, read as much as you can, and strive to find ways to get multiple uses out of what you carry. Cody Lundin hit the nail on the head when he said: "The more you know, the less you need."

  9. Currently at 5 weeks in Franklin Twp (Somerset Co) for pistol permits. I was encouraged that the reference letters went out the next day (references showed me their forms with postmarks) after applying but since then radio silence.


    The person in charge of permits does not answer her phone or return voice mails so we will see.


    Will edit this post when events warrant.



    I was told yesterday at Hoboken P.D.: "About 1-2 months." New guy. Usually I'd get them in no more than one month.

  10. That dope states in the article that cops can get permits to carry concealed. Doesn't that dipshit know that cops are protected under LEOSA and thus do not need a permit? And, since the article is about handguns, why the hell are they showing pictures of long rifles? How in the hell did these intellectually devoid simians pass journalism school? We really do have a state full of morons, and unfortunately they buy this crap hook, line, and sinker. Some of the comments after the article make me long to move to a state where the average I.Q. is above 50.

  11. Capitalism. If they can't make money, then they're absolutely allowed to cut their losses and discontinue sale.



    I had a less than pleasant experience at the E. Hanover branch. I went in with the intention of buying some 5.56,and .45 ACP. The guy that was behind the counter clearly acted like I was inconveniencing him, as I asked about prices, manufacturers, etc. I mean he was really starting to get hot under the collar. After tormenting him for about five minutes, I walked away with a box of 5.56(250 count), and a 100 rounds of .45 ACP. Boy was I getting dirty looks from the Mothers Of America on the cashier's line.



    Fast forward 8 months, and I see a branch is opening up in Paramus; not too far from where I live. I must have called SIX times to find out who the hiring manager was in hunting and fishing, because I was trying to get a part time job. Finally some dimwitted kid answered the phone, and when I asked him the manager's name, he said: "Mike", I think. I asked if Mike had a last name, and the kid responded: "I don't really know the last names." I said: "You don't know your boss's last name?" He goes: "Uh-uh." (very professional.) So I asked him: "Do you know your last name?" Then I hung up. Screw it,I'll only go there for the golf selection.

  12. I agree with Glenn. Teach kids how to avoid situations in which they might be threatened, defuse/deescalate a situation, and defend themselves without becoming the villain.


    As a freshman in highschool a senior in my woods class broke my work everyday, and did the usual shove me into lockers thing. Eventually he broke one of my friends ribs and dislocated my shoulder, so the next day when he came over to our bench I picked up a 2x4 and said I was going to break his jaw with it if he tried to hit me. He laughed and tried to hit me so I swung it into his face and "ruptured his septum" or something like that. I figured I'd be expelled since my school was quite p***yfied, but when I sat down with the principal they pulled out the kids file and it was at least 1.5" thick. I got a slap on the wrist and he got suspended. It worked out surprisingly well, and I'm still shocked I didn't get kicked out.



    Growing up, I had this kid who was a year older than I, and about 6 inches shorter, who went out of his way to be a complete piece of crap to me. But he never did it alone. It was always when he had his bigger friend around, even though the bigger friend would just stand there and laugh. Normally I'd just ignore him. Finally, one day he tried to throw me into the pricker bushes. Luckily I just pushed him back, but he still came at me. When I told my parents what happened, they just said to ignore him, because he had a little man's complex. A couple days later, I was walking home, and he stopped me, and spat something like gob stopper juice all over my brand new jacket. That just about sent my Mom through the roof. My Dad said to not let that happen again. Lo and behold, as I was walking home the next day with my friend, sure enough, I get cornered by the pip squeak. I just happened to have one of those old steel lunch boxes in my hand. Well, he starts pushing me, and I tell him to back off. He says: "Whatcha gonna do about it?." I made like I was going to walk away. Instead, I took the lunch box, and smashed him so many times in the face that he fell back and got a bloody nose, and my friend had to pull me off of him, while the bully's friend just stood there, shocked. Ya know what? Neither of them ever bothered me again. And when I got home and told Dad, he shook my hand, and said: "Good job, son." I'd probably serve time for that today, though. Oh well.

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  13. What states is it legal in? Anything close to us?





    I just called the AZ DPS today. They're sending me the app for the CCW permit. I'm an NRA certified instructor, so I don't have to do anything in addition. I believe the website says that you need to be trained by an AZ certified instructor, or possess the NRA Personal Protection Inside/Outside the Home training certificates. If anyone wants to get them, PM me. Then you can show it to AZ as proof of training.

  14. Mine took 8 weeks to the day, stay patient!



    My buddy applied for his first permit to purchase today in Ridgewood. I told him to apply for 3. The desk officer said it's pointless, and should only apply for one. I told him, and someone else on the line said to apply for 3. Then the officer said things would get: " Started in a week, because of the Brady Law." I couldn't believe my ears. Making crap up as they go along....unbelievable.

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