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Posts posted by PDM

  1. Enjoy the brief effective period of your directive until it is challenged and ruled unconstitutional, Ms. Healey. 


    There's been a sea change since the 90's and the first AWB - AR's aren't the oddball any more.  Since AR pattern rifles are now the most popular and widespread rifle in the United States you're going to have a real tough row to hoe to survive a challenge to the constitutionality of a ban.

    Ummm, have you been paying attention to Second Amendment cases in the courts in the past few years?  AWBs have already been upheld in several circuits.  And with Hillary headed towards the White House, the Supreme Court will swing to a liberal majority in short order.  Do NOT expect any court to come in and save the day.  We will be luck if Heller and McDonald aren't overturned.  That's just reality, unless Trump somehow pulls off a win, which will have its own set of problems.  Basically, on guns, everything will depend on locale.  Gun rights will be upheld or even expanded in red states, and in deep blue states like MA and NJ gun and magazine bans and confiscations are here or just around the corner.

  2. I don't think the issue is preventing suicide -- at least it shouldn't be.  It's one of public safety.  It is quite possible that a bystander at the range could be injured or killed when someone decides to shoot themselves. The argument would be that handing a gun to someone at a range where the only other avenue to get your hands on one in this state is to go through the onerous FID/pistol permit process presents an added risk that a rental range could attract unbalanced people looking to hurt themselves or others.  I don't think range rentals should be banned, but that is the relevant issue. 

  3. When we complain about the miserable status of the gun owners in NJ, we agree that more people should be involved in shooting.  Ranges like GFH are doing exactly this, they try to attract new shooters.  Rental is not "just business" it is a political action, if I may say so.  I don't understand why so many of us against rentals.

    Suicides - sad but unavoidable.  Maybe some extra measures can be taken, but rentals must go on.

    Yes X1000.  No one does more in this state (and beyond) for gun rights than Anthony.  While he is certainly a very good businessman, my impression of him is that he has an awful lot of integrity and really goes the extra mile for the cause.  There aren't many people around who can do what he is doing or who are willing to try.  I sincerely hope that there is zero legal trouble for his range or any of the others.  They certainly don't deserve it.  

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  4. You make a good point, and since it's a private(?) business venture, they have the right to set rules, and are not violating our rights in doing so. So, if they were to try to set up rules for THEIR OWN BUSINESS to try to reduce the odds f this happening, I'm fine with it. 


    I'm very much in favor of reducing gun deaths of all kinds, just like many Democrats (and Republicans), I just don't think we ought to restrict the rights of people in America to do it.

    Never said they shouldn't be able to do it.  Just that I don't want to shoot there if they do.

  5. I've been in line at GFH and seen the people ahead of me drop $100-200 on handgun rental, ammo, lane rental, targets and other up sell. They get visitors from NYC, Britain, Australia, China who see it as a once in a lifetime opportunity and spend their money as such. Not a bad return on renting out a $500 Glock. Rentals is a good business if you have the traffic and I don't see it going away.

    I agree.  I get why GFH rents and I don't blame them.  I just don't think I want to be at a range like that, unfortunately.  It is a very nice place.  Hopefully their planned  members' only range gets built.  

  6. Yes, bad things can happen anywhere and can involve guns, cars, ropes, etc, etc.  And yes, someone who wants to commit suicide will do so, and accidents, suicides or other incidents can and certainly have happened at non-rental and private ranges.  BUT, it is a question of odds.  A rental range is literally the only place in the entire state someone can legally get their hands on a firearm without going through the onerous process of getting an FID card, and spending the significant time (finding a gun store or FFL) and money required to purchase a gun.  For someone who is depressed or deranged looking to do themselves or someone else harm with a gun, a rental range is the obvious and easiest choice.  I am a big fan of Anthony and GFH, but I totally agree with the posters who are wary of the gun rental process at these ranges.  There is a specific reason for a nut to go there and get there hands on a gun -- the easy access.  At a non-rental range there is less incentive, and at a members only range even less.

  7. I guess hope springs eternal, but IMHO, as I posted on another thread, its over as far as the Second Amendment and the Supreme Court is concerned.  The only hope for NJ as I see it is a conservative Republican win in 2016.  As someone mentioned above, a federal concealed carry law is what's needed.  It could impose training and background check requirements, but without may issue discretion.  If it didn't override less permissive state law it shouldn't be objectionable from a states rights view.  It would be completely justified as civil rights legislation, preserving 2A rights in states that don't recognize that right like NJ, and also relating to regulation if interstate commerce.

  8. Technically the Daily News is wrong, but practically speaking they are right.  It's over guys.  We aren't getting any relief on any Second Amendment issue from the Supreme Court.  Not on carry and not on the types of weapons that can be banned.  I knew this after they refused to hear Drake, and now this case has only confirmed it.  There are exactly 2 justices on the Court who care -- Thomas and Scalia.  The other 3 who were in the Heller/McDonald majority either regret that decision or are fine with it being gutted by the lower courts.  Stop wasting mental energy hoping for a different outcome.  Everything is local now and in the hands of the states.  I would be surprised if, after Christie leaves office, and Fulop or Sweeney or whichever Democrat will inevitably be elected, doesn't sign a 10 rd (or lower)  magazine ban into place and revamp the State's "AWB" banning all AR style rifles and perhaps all semi-autos.  We will never see carry reform in this state.  It will remain one of the few outliers in the country, perhaps the only one, that de facto bans possession of a firearm outside the home.  The only hope on that front, which is thin, is that a Republican President and congress impose a federal licensing statute that trumps state law.

  9. Yeah, there was Q&A.  A number of the "pro-2A" people were excellent.  Particularly the guy from the NJ justifiable need organization who did a fantastic job of explaining the justifiable need issue.  He asked a pointed question to the effect that if someone passes background checks, has training, and passes a proficiency test, why shouldn't they get a permit.  No one had a good answer.  The guy from the Brady Campaign actually agreed with him, and Fulop said nothing substantial other than commending him on his civil tone.  There was also a very eloquent woman who was the victim of domestic violence and became a gun owner; she did a good job of calling out the moms' demand lady -- Randi something or other -- for hiding behind the "I'm not against guns" mantra yet skewing her presentation to make it clear she opposes all gun ownership.


    But that's not the same as having an eloquent, polished person on the panel to present the gun owners' point of view.  The whole thing is a sham and a joke.  They claim to want dialogue, but really aren't interested in engaging anyone with a different point of view.


    One takeaway is that the mom's demand action group is the most illogical, hysterical, downright angry group I have encountered.  They are truly scary and absolutely beyond reason.

  10. What a complete joke and waste of time. The rabbi on the panel explained how his views had changed and he thinks its dialogue is important and how gun "safety" advocates need to give the "other side" a seat at the table. Yet the entire panel was anti-gun (of course they all deny that and claim they are only "anti gun violence"). No one saw the irony in that. Then the pro gun people started interrupting and heckling the moms demands action lady during he presentation. Granted virtually everything she said was a distortion or an outright lie but is disrupting the presentation really productive? I will never go to another one of these things again.

  11. I am 100% against this bill.  It is a half measure, at best, won't "pressure" NJ or any other anti-gun state into doing anything for their own citizens, and will undoubtedly be circumvented by police harassment of out of state carriers and outright violation of this law.  And since neither state courts nor the 2nd and 3rd circuits have provided any relief re NJ/NY 2A violations, I can't imagine that they will uphold this law to protect out of state carriers.  Plus, it does offend the notion of states rights, no matter how we twist it.  A much better alternative would be a federal carry permit.  One that is completely voluntary, and does not pre-empt or eliminate any current state gun law (or reciprocity agreement) EXCEPT for laws that outright prohibit carry/possession outside the home.  People who have an interest in 50 state carry or who can't get a permit in their own state could apply for the federal permit, with background checks and training requirements, on a shall issue basis.  Someone living in PA, for example, who doesn't feel the need for a federal permit could continue business as usual with their state permit.  But NJ residents could apply for the Federal permit and carry in NJ and everywhere else.

  12. Ryan -- can you expound on the reasons for your optimism for S Ct cert grant?  Drake was a kick to the gut and left me with the view that the S Ct just doesn't want to deal with this issue or doesn't have the votes for another pro-2A decision.  I'm finding it awfully hard to be optimistic.  Why do you think Peruta will result in a cert grant where Drake didn't?

  13. Shout out to Teaneck PD.  After receiving a polite complaint they revamped their website and procedures.  They now have the complete application packet on the web and accept applications during business hours, as opposed to just 2 hours on one specific day.  I haven't applied for a permit in a few years, but it generally takes between 4 and 6 weeks, with occasional lapses.

  14. The only hope I have for a veto is the potential PR jolt Christie may get if he vetoes.  If he signs or does nothing, it will certainly spell the end of his Presidential aspirations.  If he vetoes, it will be big news and may -- just may -- put him back in the mix as a potential Republican candidate.  He really has nothing to lose politically by vetoing but has potentially a lot to lose by signing.

  15. It's hard to see how the issue would ever make it to the Supreme Court again.  Peruta and the DC case (whenever that is finally heard) are possibilities, but very slim ones.  Once those are denied cert (assuming that the state appeals to the Supreme Court if en bank rehearing of Peruta is denied or if Peruta is affirmed by the full 9th circuit) what's left?  Nothing.  The issue has already been fully litigated in the lower courts and any subsequent lawsuit would be dismissed under the doctrine of stare decisis.  It's over.  Done. Finished. 

  16. Newtonian:  re NJ elections -- I wish you were right.  After the Republicans lost the redistricting fight a few years ago, and given the entrenched democrat machine in places like Bergen County where I live and in all the cities in NJ, I just don't see a realistic chance of Republicans taking the NJ legislature or holding on to the governor's office.  I just don't see it.

  17. Can someone please explain why Nappen's Pantano case is relevant in any way, shape or form?  I almost feel like he is wasting his client's money in bringing this case.  Is there any chance, whatsoever, that the highest NJ state court will rule differently than the 3d circuit did in Drake?  Is there any chance that, after decades of rubber stamping any and every NJ gun law the NJ supreme court is suddenly going to overturn NJ's carry law as unconstitutional??  And when Nappen loses, why should we believe the S Ct will grant cert in that case?? 


    IT IS OVER.  2A outside the home in NJ is a dead letter, and a S Ct ruling on 2A outside the home is not going to happen.  Many people don't realize that the Supreme Court is NOT a court that corrects lower court error.  That is not how they decide to take cases.  Resolving circuit splits is important, but the judges get to choose cases based on issues that they care about, think important, and have national implications.  I am quite sure that, despite the split with the 7th and 9th circuits on one side and 2nd, 3rd and 4th on the other re the 2A outside the home, and despite the 3d circuit's horrible decision in Drake, the justices 1) simply don't want to deal with the issue; and/or 2) feel that it is an issue best left to the states to decide.  I've expended a lot of mental energy thinking and hoping about the S Ct taking the Drake case.  I am now done, and resigned to the fact that if I want to defend myself outside the home in NJ my best hope is to hone my krav maga skills.

  18. Good point -- I think there is a good chance that the carry reciprocity bill will pass eventually, IF the Republicans retake the white house and both houses of congress.  A big if.  And even if that happens, in its current iteration it would not help us in NJ, as absurd as that is.  I was somewhat optimistic, but I think it is time to face reality:  Christie and Sweeney were right -- there will never be concealed carry in the State of NJ.

  19. Vlad -- I'm not saying we roll over and say uncle.  I just don't think that there is a realistic possibility of "converting" enough people to make a difference in NJ.  I think I get why the NRA doesn't focus on NJ.  With limited resources, we need to pick our battles.  NJ is a lost cause.  The patient is terminal and will not recover.  It's much, much more important and much more possible to prevent the infection from spreading.  Pennsylvania's legislature is close to going Democrat.  It's in all of our interests to work as hard as possible to make sure that PA, NC, NH, etc. don't become NJ.

  20. There is a time to admit defeat.  I think this is it.  I know Peruta is still percolating, but I highly doubt the reason they denied Drake is because they are waiting for Peruta.  There is no better case than Drake out there.  I believe that they had two or three votes for cert, and Scalia was trying to find a 4th but couldn't.  That is the only logical explanation.  Despite the circuit split, despite the illogic and cavalier attitude of the third circuit in Drake, the Supreme Court denied this case.  Why?  Because they don't want to deal with the Second Amendment anymore.  After silence for over 70 years, we had two major 2A cases in 2008 and 2010.  McDonald was as much about federalism and the 14th amendment as it was about the Second.  I am firmly convinced that most of the justices simply don't want to deal with the 2A any further, and particularly don't want to get involved in the issue of carrying outside the home. 


    We are on our own in NJ.  As many other states become more conservative -- Republicans are taking over state legislatures in many states and currently control more than half -- NJ is sliding the other way.  A 10 rd mag capacity restriction will pass, and may or may not be vetoed by Christie.  Even if he does veto it, it (or a 5 round limit) will be back and will pass in a few years when Fulop or Sweeney is governor.  The cities in this state -- AC, Trenton, Newark, Jersey City, Trenton and Patterson -- are all festering, welfare cesspools and they will continue to dominate political discourse in this state and guaranty a solid progressive Democrat majority.  There is no culture or tradition of gun ownership in NJ, and despite the valiant efforts of many, we won't be able to stem that tide sufficiently to make a difference at the ballot box.  Think about it.  10% of NJ citizens are gun owners.  How difficult will it be to increase that number to 20%?  Virtually impossible, and even if we do it still won't make a difference.


    Unfortunately, those are the facts as I see them.  Time to face reality.

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