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Posts posted by Downr@nge

  1. There's an article about a county's sheriff recently changing requirements for a CCW by allowing self defense to be used as a justifiable reason. This change came as the SAF were suing the sheriff and that his term was up at the end of the year and either of the possible incoming sheriffs said they would make that change anyway.


    I have an app on my phone (HTC EVO) called "Genie Widget" aka "News & Weather" that gives me news updates on anything gun or gun legislation related.


    Here is one link to the story. Click here.

  2. In this state you don't have to be convicted of anything to be denied your FID Card. If you were arrested at any time and you fill out the form you better be honest and put that down when asked because they will find out. It may be a little harder to get the card because of that but it also isn't a certaintly that you will be denied either.


    I don't understand where you are coming from. Questions 16-19 on STS-33 SPECIFICALLY asks "Have you ever been CONVICTED." It does NOT ask have you ever been arrested. The only exception is one of the questions asks "Have you ever been adjudicated a juvenile delinquent?" and then asks you to list dates of offenses.


    If I remember correctly, you cannot be denied just because you were arrested. Its the convictions and adjudications that count.




    Hey guys, I forgot to ask in my original post. Since I just got fingerprinted by Sagem Morpho, will I have to be reprinted when I turn in my permit app (assuming I turn in my app within the next month or so)?

  3. I think New Jersey's gun laws are ripe for the picking and will be challenged a lot sooner than most people think. This whole strict scrutiny and narrow scope stuff and turning the burden of proof over to the state is going to be real interesting and in our favor. I was just listening to a podcast when Alan Gura of the Second Amendment Foundation said the foundation does NOT speak of plans to litigate against a state in public. If you read between the lines, I would like to think they are planning a major legal attack against New York and New Jersey.


    The main point Alan was making was that the cases have to be battled in a specific order as to set precedent. I'm willing to bet they bring suit against NJ within the next 2 or 3 years.

  4. I got this off another forum:


    It's a lot more $500 a year. You need to qualify twice a year, I used to have to do that for security job here in NJ and the lowest price for qualification was $100.


    So now we're up to $700.


    Next you need a psych evaluation every two years, no clue how much a shrink costs per hour but probably tack on another $300 for that?


    Now we're up to $850 a year.


    Next, it includes "other fees". NJ police do not do the fingerprints for gun permits anymore, they send you to a company called Sagem Morpho. It's $63 to get fingerprinted.


    $913 a year.


    It also places no limit on local towns. Here in my town there's a $25 municipal fee to turn in a gun permit application. Some towns are closer to $50. We'll use my town at $25.


    So it comes out to around $938 a year. This is not including money for time taken off work to make it to fingerprint appointments, gas costs to drive around doing all this crap, etc. etc.


    The guy pushing the bill says it's "based off of neighboring states" but I guess not for the fees part. PA CCW is $26 and valid for five years. I could pay 180 years worth of PA CCW fees vs. 1 year of NJ CCW fees.

  5. I'm not sure however let us know because then we know how long it takes the info to get to the police depts out there. That way they can stop holding stuff up when the pretend to not have the informationt they need yet


    Absolutely! My appointment was at 9:24am but I got there early and got fingerprinted about 15 minutes early. As soon as the results are in my mailbox, I'll let you guys know.



    how much did that cost? I have a friend who has been interested in getting into firearms for some time but is afraid he will be denied based on getting arrested for a problem he had with his girlfriend years ago.. he was never convicted of anything serious as far as I know... so he has asked me before about doing some kind of self background check..


    The cost was pretty cheap! It only costs $41 bucks to do it yourself. You have to go to NJSP's website and download the appropriate form and fill out the correct information.


    In Box #1 "Originating Agency Number (ORI#)" you put NJPRR0000.


    In Box #2 "Category" you put PRX


    In Box #3 "Statute Number" you put 13:59-1


    In Box #4 "Reason For Fingerprinting" you put Personal Record Request


    In Box #5 "Document Type" you put S1


    In Box #6 "Payment Information" you put $41.00 <-----If you are paying by credit card over the internet


    In Box #7 "Contributer's Case # (Unique Identifier)" you put PRR


    Then, after your payment has been processed, fill out the bottom of the form. Instructions on what to put and where will be on screen as you are processing your payment.


    You can get the form from here: Click here to download the form in PDF format


    Looks like the top of the form is already filled out for you.



    I only expect 3 hits to come back on my check if any at all. 1 was a charge I got in 2005 in which I was found NOT GUILTY (thank goodness, the whole thing was BS from the start!) The second was in 2007 when I got a bullcrap restraining order against me which was dismissed two months later. The third was when I had to do two days in county jail for driving with no insurance. That was crap too as I was riding a dirtbike (1992 KX 250, dirtbikes are one of my other hobbies) in 2000 on a trail and the police stopped me.


    They hit me with no registration and no insurance. I ate it and paid the fees and stood the two days in the county. The first time I got no insurance, it was my fault. I moved and forgot to pay the bill because I never reported the change of address. Needless to say I never got the bill.


    Hopefully, I can expunge ALL of those if they show up on the report.

  6. Wow!!! Maybe you can have someone else go into the station with a copy of the Statute and let them know that ONLY STS33 and SP66 are valid forms for FOID ad PP.


    I live in a township that asks me to sign a "Work Authorization" form that would give the PD power to asks my employers for any records on me they wanted. I actually called the NJSP Firearms Investigation Unit on them. The lady sounded like she was concerned and would get something done.


    When I turn my forms in, I will turn in forms I downloaded from the NJSP site which are STS33 and SP66, THAT IS IT! If they say I have to sign the other form, I will decline and say I am unemployed (which is the truth). However, I have a STRONG feeling they will ask me to list my last employer. If they do that, I will pull the folded piece of paper out of my pocket that has the NJ Statute on it saying that I only have to fill out STS33 and SP66.

  7. "Statutes can only be changed by passing a new bill into law, or by litigating. The Administrative Code can be challenged by any citizen with what is called a “petition for rulemaking.” I have a test petition in the works right now challenging the requirement described above. After experiencing some delay tactics, I am now supposed to receive a reply by mid Nov.


    Well, now, as I understand it, you have a STRONG weapon in your camp in the form of Strict Scrutiny. Now, as I understand it, the government now has the burden of proving that a law. ordinance, or statute is necessary within a strictly narrow scope. Am I correct in this? Also, some of the language in Heller 1 & 2 (if I remember correctly) states that States cannot use any study they want as their proof when complying with strict scrutiny. I could be wrong, but I think I'm remembering correctly.

  8. Since the McDonald vs Chicago ruling, isn't it correct to say that NJ will eventually have to add the 2nd amendment to the state constitution and get rid of the Administrative Code in regards to firearms?


    Also, Black's Law Dictionary 9th Edition defines "Bear" as "to carry or burden with extra weight" (para). The SCOTUS justices also said we have a right to keep and bear arms. Isn't this legal groundwork for national "shall issue" carry based on the Mcdonald vs Chicago ruling?

  9. Thats the thing, I was never treated. Was never in a hospital (other than when my kids were born) for more than a few hours. I never was prescribed any meds, never was ordered to see a psychologist or psychiatrist, or anything of that nature. In the end, I KNOW I will pass, but I just have to get passed the BS invasive question 26. State law says you have had to have been adjudicated mentally ill, or committed to a mental institution, neither of which I have ever been. I really wish we could get a law to get rid of that question off the STS 33 app. Something similar to what PA asks is better. In PA, they ask if you were ever adjudicated mentally ill or confined to a mental institution, thats it.


    What right do they have to ask you these questions if you've never been committed or adjudicated??? Bogus I tell you, bogus. A cool person suggested I sign no, to it but I really really really don't want to be denied if they count a hospital visit as being observed by a doctor for a mental condition. Sucks.

  10. Not judging, but we've had people come on here before that seemed to feel the need for an attorney's assistance with this process, when in reality, it's rather simple. If there is a legal matter complicating your application, then, by all means consult an attorney (I was really impressed with Gary Needleman when he testified at the OGAM hearing), but if it's just a case of everyone making it sound like an onerous task, it really isn't that bad. If that's the case, I'd recommend that you apply on your own (and if you have questions, there's a sticky on the board here, or someone will help you directly), and if you run into complications, or your PD throws-up a road block or two, then play the lawyer card.


    Good luck with whatever you decide. NJ can use all the shooters we can muster.




    Pizza Bob



    Actually, I do need to consult an attorney for some of my issues.


    Hospital visit for anxiety and a dismissed NON-VIOLENT restraining order (she lied through her teeth to get the order and I was in court in another place at the time for a traffic ticket when the FRO hearing took place; I was very confused by all the paper work).


    Only thing is, now I gotta come up with at least $750 bucks for an attorney and probably another $1,000 for a psyche eval that I KNOW they are gonna order me to take. Its messed up because I had money for the Smith & Wesson M&P .40 almost all saved up. Now I have to use it for this.


    Good thing is my doctor is pro 2A and said he will help me with whatever paperwork is necessary to show that I am not a threat to myself or anyone else.

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