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Everything posted by TriKKy

  1. I'm a math guy as well and along with the odds I can see that each person to respond so far has said to leave them home, so I will leave it home. Not worth having to worry about everything. Never really fully appreciated the fact that KY is a "gold standard" carry state until now. Thanks for the responses! Hope Joisey sees the light soon, especially as my family wants me to move back.
  2. Hello all, I know there are other threads on the topic but they are either old or have a million opinions, or they are for moving guns within the state or for people relocating to the state, and I don't want to read and research everything so I want to see what you currently have to say. I live in KY, have my concealed carry (I know this means nothing in NJ). I am visiting my in-laws in NJ, very close to the border with PA actually. I have a Kimber Ultra Carry II, 7-round capacity magazine, currently loaded with JHP ammo. It seems that I cannot find a consistent answer on bringing the gun into NJ. My intentions would be to bring the gun in my SUV, have pistol (broken down if need be) locked in a case in the back of the SUV. Have the ammo locked in a separate compartment or bag in the back as well. Even from reading on here, I am still not clear if JHP is what I would need or if I should just go with standard hardball ammo. While visiting in NJ my plan would be to just leave the pistol at their house and only take it out again when leaving the state. Here is what I have seen that makes me question: 1. When I search the NJSP website, it basically says that transporting the gun should not be a problem 2. I read this Brian Aitken story and I kind of freak out because this just is not a headache that I want 3. I have read other posts on here about people calling and speaking to the state police about JHP and it seems that even they don't have a clue It really is starting to seem like this would be more hassle than it's worth. Even though I would feel a bit naked, I would rather just leave it at home if there isn't a clear-cut answer here. I grew up in NYC and lived in NJ for a few years as well. This type of crap drove/drives me nuts. Thanks for your help!
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