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Posts posted by MackTheKnife

  1. Took 30 years to find someone who could put up with me. 16 years later and she still does.

    I found a saint :)


    Took 26 for me, we get married in 5 weeks.


    A lot of people rush into marriage these days, especially in their late 20's / early 30's. I met my fiancee when I was 26, asked her to marry me when I was 30, and we'll be married at 31. Anybody can give advice on these things, but what's worked for us is taking everything slow... even when we were head-over-heels in love enough to elope 6 months after meeting one another.


    Another thing... I firmly believe that there are absolute deal breakers that you can learn after living with your partner that you would have never known about had you not before marriage. If you don't live with her before you get hitched, you are walking into the lion's den, unarmed, blindfolded, with your pants around your ankles. Fortunately for me, we got along just fine.





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  2. After six months I think my FID and HG permits are in. Unfortunately I missed the phone call and whenever I call back I get put to the firearms unit's voicemail. I gotta say, this entire experience has been pretty frustrating and it's mindboggling that anything paperwork related can take six months. If something like this happened at my work, I'd have been fired four or five times over the six month period.

  3. Thanks for the update. I'm still waiting. I think I submitted in the 2nd or 3rd week of Feb, and also had a 2 week delay on notarized reference letters. I will double check with the CHPD this week to get a status on the paperwork.

  4. Do not fill out form D) you are not required by law to give such information, and it is illegal by law for them to ask for it. You can state that when u drop the rest off.


    The only forms required

    a) application - FID + permits + references

    b)mental health form

    c)finger printing form


    anything more or less is against the law.


    I agree with you here. But at the same time I'm thinking that it's a means to an end. If this delays the processing of my applications I have to weigh the value of a) to fight the system because they are breaking the law or B)put up a fight on principle and see how I make out.


    It's a predicament, for sure, but at the same time, I don't know what the purpose of form D) is besides to have a family member on file....

  5. I guess I'll continue posting in here with my progress reports...


    So I printed out the forms listed by Maksim in the Gun law forums (thanks!) and filled them out and went to CH Municipal building. Once there, the lady saw that I had the two forms I thought I needed (a mental health check and the FPID card / handgun purchase permit), but she said, "in Cherry Hill, we have more forms than that".


    So she stapled me a packet with:


    a) A memo stating that fingerprinting is no longer being done at CHPD as of May 24, 2010 and that it had been outsourced to MorphoTrak (who does electronic fingerprinting). The cost of that is $60-something, which I just paid via their website. I got an appointment to be printed next Thursday morning (2/3).


    B) FPID card / handgun purchase permit form.


    c) The mental health records check form.


    d) A form providing "next of kin" information (as it was explained to me by the lady there), however on the form it asks for "Nearest Relative". This must be what some of the guys were talking about whose wives got letters from the PD stating that their spouses were trying to register for firearms. I'm not married (yet) so I put my brother. I'll give him a heads up that something like that might come in the mail.


    e) The MorphoTrak info form.


    I don't really have any major issues with filling out these forms. I think the "Nearest Relative" form is kind of shady because, like I've read here, it's not required by law and CHPD is taking some liberties with their interpretation of the laws.


    I have a childhood friend that's a CH cop (who I'm not really friends with anymore, more like acquaintances) that I called up today and asked him about CH's firearms application / registration / certification procedures and he told me that they had a guy who used to process these applications but he was recently laid off. Now, and I'll use his words, "the responsibility fell to a detective who is already overworked, so the process has really slowed down". However, he told me that he'd go talk to the detective after my application is submitted and see if he can nudge him for me to get me going.


    So... that's where I am now. Thanks to you all for the information to get me started. I was browsing some of the online shops today and I think I'm leaning towards revolver.... and the S&W 686 (357) has caught my eye.





  6. Hey everybody... thanks for the warm welcome. I wonder how much a cop connection at CHPD would help.... I have one, maybe two...


    Also, it is disheartening to hear that CH is such a mechanical bull ride when it comes to permits and licenses. I'm sure this has been said a million times but if the local PD's spent as much time getting the unregistered and illegal guns off the street as they did in preventing upstanding citizens from exercising their 2nd amendment rights, we'd be in a nicer place.


    To level with you guys, all these police layoffs in Camden and my proximity to the area has been a bit of a wake-up call. The uncertainty regarding the quality of life in the area here is unnerving, to say the least, and to have to jump through hoops in order to take steps to secure your residence is counterproductive. I'm all about gun control, but a background/criminal check for me would uncover the following:


    1. No previous arrests.

    2. No charges.

    3. No moving violations.

    4. No restraining orders or complaints.

    5. Secret US government clearance.

    6. Stellar credit rating.

    7. Homeowner.



    The list could go on, but what else could you need to determine character and social standing of an applicant? I'm amused that a letter from a reference of my choosing should have to be notarized and considered in order to obtain a firearm permit. One of my references could be my hypothetical Bonnie.


    Anyway, I'll see how I feel when it comes to hoop jumping versus constitutional rights. I'm typically the type who avoids making a big splash.


    Thanks folks,



  7. Welcome. Prepare to jump through hoops in Cherry Hill for your permits. :(




    I know Cherry Hill is a pain in the babymaker for a lot of things so I'm not surprised to hear this. Can you give me any pointers that might make life easier in CH Twp?

  8. Welcome. I wish you lots of luck with stopping at 2 guns. Most of us started that way and ended up with a safe too small to house the collection! :icon_e_biggrin:


    Thanks Jon.... I'm well aware of the likelihood that I'll wind up with a small arsenal. My biggest deterrent is my soon-to-be wife, who is reluctant about this path I've set down. But she trusts me and agreed that she should also get familiar with the weapon. Pretty soon she'll want her own, too. :icon_mrgreen:

  9. Evening, folks....


    I'm a 31 year old Cherry Hill resident looking into permits and certifications and whatever else NJ requires us to do to own a firearm. I would keep two weapons (shotgun and one revolver, maybe a semi-auto handgun) at most and rely on them primarily for home defense, but I plan on staying sharp and hitting the range and maybe even taking a class or two. I've fired handguns and rifles as a teenager but that was over ten years ago so it's as good as starting over, I figure.


    Anyway, I'm glad to see a site and forum dedicated to NJ residents. The specificity will no doubt be helpful as I start figuring out the forms that need to be completed.





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