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Posts posted by Mr.Shoot_It_All

  1. Cherry ridge....old bridge......bullet hole...




    There is a much bigger entity to disagree with when it comes to shooting sports and such. It's called the nj and national legislature.


    To each there own. Keep our collective eyes on the prize and tone down the defensive keyboard commando aggression (i had been guilty of this too)


    Let cherry ridgers worry about internal politics there and you worry about your ranges issues because if you dig deep enough they are there.


    I think we need a cease fire on flaming and ill take the lead. Everyone should chill out.

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  2. I have a teaching fellowship in Israel. I'll be teaching English for at least 10 months. It's not a vacation granted its not military but its not like I'm asking for 3 months cuz I am at a lake/shore house.


    Also with all the bs with 150 k part timer and the volume of membership its not like its an unfair request I paid for a year and will only get to use for 6 months I was not aware I would be out of country when I signed up.


    There response to this will question my decision and may have me look elsewhere.


    If they don't let me suspend at least honor my renewAL price whenever I return not make it full price again

  3. Buddy of mine got he DA/sa register grip kit for his 226 install was easy function is fine except the top of grip near slide is not sitting perfectly flushmaybe 1mm or so flare that can be pushed in. The decocker slides on the grip slightly due to flare but the gun still functions and grip is solid.

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