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Knuckle Sandwich

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Posts posted by Knuckle Sandwich

  1. I haven't posted here in ages. 

    I submitted my paperwork mid September. Detective in my local municipality got it out the door by the end of the week. The permit was issued in mid December 

    ETE about 95 days. 

    Same nonsense as everyone else, permit says "see court order." With the serials of the guns I qualified with. 

    Good luck to those still waiting. Hope you get it soon. 

  2. We recently had a discussion on these boards about a similar situation.


    So just to be the cold voice of reason, why did she need to shoot him if he was exiting the house (climbing out a window), according to the report? Lethal force should not be used to protect property, only to defend against the threat of loss of life or serious

    bodily harm. Like it or not, if you can't accept that on a moral basis, recognize the legality of it, because failure to do so could

    get you jail time and/or cost you a hell of a lot of hard earned money.

    Are you serious? Ever heard of castle doctrine? Free men have a right to defend life, liberty, and property.


    If the shitbag in that news story didn't want to get ventilated maybe he should have considered getting a job instead of stealing shit that wasn't his.


    Guess what? NJ actually has castle doctrine. It is within your rights to defend your property with lethal force in the state of NJ. What a travesty, right?

    • Like 1

  3. I believe that they are afraid that an out of state person convicted in a NJ court may get enough money from pro 2nd amendment groups to challenge that conviction as unconstitutional which would bring down the whole house of cards.


    If they avoid the trial they avoid that possibility.


    LOL. The NJ legislature, courts, and cops are not worried about Federal intervention on their unconstitutional laws.


    Even if Scalia didn't die, and even if a Federal Court actually deemed NJ law unconstitutional, not a single thing would change here. We would still have an AWB and no legal way to carry a gun. What really changed in DC? What really changed anywhere that it was difficult to get a gun. For all intents and purposes everywhere it was hard to get a gun before the big 2A cases in the past few years it is still hard to get a gun. One might even argue that things got worse in more places than they got better.

  4. I too think there is something more devious at play here.  


    I disagree that the domestic spying is has any value.  The whole point of the program is PREVENTION of terror attacks, not post-attack analysis/prosecution.  Boston bombers were all over social media.  l know that government can't prevent crimes so why continue a program that doesn't (and can't ever) meet it's objectives.  Just like the government can't prevent mass shootings.


    When I said it has value, I did not mean that is has value for the People paying for it. Indeed the price We paid for it is way too high.


    That much data has immense value to an out of control government interested in making criminals out if it citiznery though.

  5. So what FedGov is saying here is that all the domestic spying the NSA is worthless.


    Yet it continues...


    I'm of the mind that this is more devious and underhanded than all that. We already know that the NSA can pretty much call up any and all data that went into and out of a device just by looking up the phone number (text messages, email, phone conversations, etc.). What I think is happening is that they have whatever data they need with regard to San Bernardino, but were trying to sneak one past Apple. It sure looks like they are trying to get a new back door in an effort to expand the capabilities of their current domestic spying program.


    The domestic spying the NSA, et al, are doing is not worthless. It has great value, it just has nothing to do with Muslim extremist terr'ists. Like we were discussing in another thread about the WoD, this has nothing to do with safety*, and everything to do with control.


    *Please note, I am not implying that if they were actually trying to do this with safety in mind it would be just or legal. Indeed, even if this were actually stopping actual terrorist attacks I would still be very much against the intrusions on privacy and the 1st/4th amendment our Federal government is perpetrating on the American people.

  6. I agree the analogy is not exactly the same, but I guess it depends on exactly what the govt wants Apple to do.

    And think about this, if there is a way that Apple could modify the phone/OS to either outright crack it (doubtful) or make the brute force easier, then it would also be possible for someone else to phone/OS to do the same thing. Might be more difficult without help from the Apple braintrust, but it could be done. Especially by a government with lots of resources. So really how safe is "strong" encryption on your iPhone then?


    As I understand the encryption implementation, it's not possible to build the backdoor for one phone and one phone only. Secondly, at what cost to apple? They are in the business of making computing devices, not forensics. And certainly not in the business of undermining their own designs when it comes to privacy.


    With technology, the landscape isn't as simple as it was 30 or 100 years ago. We are protected against incriminating ourselves by way of the 5th Ammd't. If you and only you can provide the means for access to information and that information may incriminate you I don't believe you need to provide that access. Which is why I wrote earlier that a method of encryption is needed that can only be accessed if we allow access to that information. LE can have at it if they wish, but we are not compelled to assist them. We can can't obstruct them. Non-response is not obstruction.

    It appears apple has built such a system. It is missing plausible deniability though. Courts have ruled a government can compel an individual to divulge their passwords. I don't agree with that, but legally they can. The only encryption solution I know of that provides plausible deniability is veracrypt (the fork of truecrypt). And unfortunately, veracrypt is woefully behind in full system encryption. Which means we really only have access to that solution until Windows 7 is obsolete.

  7. Again, I was only talking about the PIN unlock.

    The pin unlock on current (iphone6) and last gen (iphone5) devices is zero knowledge based upon what I'm reading. The only difference between gens is that one is hardware backed, and the other is firmware backed.


    What I mean to say is, they can't just magically unlock the device because they don't have the PIN, and can't guess the PIN due to the way they implemented the encryption.

  8. Infamous, I am not an iPhone/apple expert, but from what I understand, apple was giving the feebs all the backed up data on icloud. The phone had not been backed up for a few weeks, and the feebs wanted the rest of the data that was encrypted on the device but not yet backed up to the icloud.


    Current gen iphones make accessing this encrypted data impossible, as the encrypted data on the device is zero knowledge encrypted (only the holder of the key can unlock) and there is a chip on the device that ensures this.


    The previous gen devices do not have a hardware chip that ensures this zero knowledge encryption. But apple has implemented their OS in a way that makes it zero knowledge. That is, unless apple decides to release a firmware update that breaks that functionality (codes in a backdoor).


    The shitbag, cowards that shot up that holiday party had a previous gen device. The feebs asked apple to build, and more importantly digitally sign, a firmware update with a backdoor built in to circumvent the zero knowledge implementation.


    The reason the digital signature is so important is that Apple's devices won't accept a device update unless it is signed by Apple.


    I was just reading some reports circling that Apple is claiming that the feebs managed to change the shitbag's icloud password within 24 hours of the shitbag's date with 40 virgins. In doing so they scrubbed their last chance to recover the data, because if they had not changed the icloud password (which is different than the device encryption password) and connected the device to a trusted network, the device would have initiated a back up to the icloud, and apple would have furnished the data to the feebs.


    There are a few lessons here. First apple will spit out any data you have to the feebs ina blink if they can actually access the data. Second the feebs are either really dumb, or really evil. I say 50/50 chances on that.

  9. Care for any tips?


    Lol, carl.


    Back on topic of tobacco pipes. Before insurance companies outlawed such heinous, immoral, and irresponsible behavior, I smoked a tobacco pipe on and off for a while.


    Packing the bowl:


    Fill the bowl loosely with tobacco and pack it firmly down in the bowl with your finger.

    Then loosely fill the bowl again, but this time pack it half as firm as the previous pack.

    Lastly top the bowl off one last time, and gently pack the tobacco down.




    Use a wooden match or zippo lighter and move the flame over the bowl while taking light but firm puffs from the pipe until the top layer of tobacco is charred. Stop lighting, and lightly tamp down the top of the char, creating a crust on top. This can be done with a pipe tamp tool, or anything you don't mind getting ash on.


    Relight and enjoy!


    Use pipe cleaners to clean the stem and mouthpiece frequently. Don't overheat a new bowl, and brush your teeth often, chicks can't stand the taste of manliness.


    J&R used to sell loose leaf tobacco for pipes. It's crazy cheap and good stuff. I have not been in a J&R in ages, but I'm sure they still sell it. I used to like the vanilla blend. It may have been called Ellis Island? Not sure.

  10. The reality of the situation has already been stated. This will become law in 3 years. Christie will veto it for the rest of his term. It will be on the next guy's desk within 3 months of his arrival and signed.


    If the 2nd amendment means enough to you to leave, then leave. Three years is tight, but doable, for an exit strategy depending on your situation.


    If the 2nd amendment only means enough to you that exporting your guns out of state is a reasonable inconvenience, then export them out of state for use out of state, and stay in NJ.


    Finally, if none of that is amenable, comply, bend over, and accept your rights are effectively gone.


    We literally do not have the numbers to effect change through civil action. There will be no Federal intervention, the Courts are done with the 2A for the foreseeable future.




    eta: One thing that had me thinking the other day, reminiscing about Heller and the various Supreme Court activity in the past decade. All that time, money, and effort expended and what did anyone actually gain from it? As far as I know it is still difficult to get guns in places where it was difficult to get guns. It is still effectively impossible to carry in places it was impossible to carry before. All that pomp and bloviating, and one could argue things are worse in as many places as they got better, if they got better at all.

  11. I think it is unlikely that they would change it back. Just my gut feeling. But if he did change it, and the next guy did change it back, it would be better than it not happening at all. There would be a huge amount of media and drama both times and something just make shake loose. Could also potentially cause legal scrutiny. The boat needs to be rocked and Jersey needs a spotlight of embarrassment on it.


    Why would you think they would not change it back? It would basically make NJ shall issue, I would imagine Sweeny's first order of business would be to hit ctrl-z on that.

  12. How about just no more anti-gun laws?

    Agree, but let's expand on this a bit. Do we need any more laws at this point? Is there anything that isn't already regulated by state or federal law? I certainly can't think of anything.


    This may be a pipe dream, but legislators should be looking to reevaluate, simplify, repeal, and optimize current laws. It's never going to happen, but it should be noted that we no longer participate in a representative democratic repuiblic government. We are now just an ochlocracy.

  13. I usually don't quote posts this long but guys you should all read every word. This guy is on the ball.


    Instead of groveling before the powers that be by trying to demonstrate justifiable need in individual cases this organization seeks to overturn JN, period. Instead of trying to prove that the poor Pennsylvania resident simply made an honest mistake, a wrong turn so to speak and wound up in NJ, they're pointing out the idiocy of out-of-staters having more rights in NJ than residents.


    I've been making these points for as long as I've been on these forums. Take some time off from your lawn sprinkler fantasies and join this group.

    Can I ask a potentially stupid question. If christie is able to get the justiable need definition to include self defense, what is stopping the next guy from clicking the undo button in 2018?

  14. I am not suggesting anything of the sort and we are being a tad melodramatic aren't we?  Point of a gun?  Oh my.....


    What I am personally suggesting is that, for me in my own (probably to your distasteful and my myopic view) is that I have no issue with reasonable mandatory training to acquire a firearm.  Sorry I just do not.


    Also so you and others are painfully aware, as most are I have ZERO financial stake in Mastodon Ammo and Camo, none zero zilch.  I help out there and I am rewarded with lunch from time to time...but I do usually get the first call about the cool stuff that comes in, much to the chagrin of Nick (intercooler) I am sure...  LOL.


    Let's put it this way, if this 'training' was all that stood between you and CCW in NJ what would you advocate for?  hmm?


    Stomping of feet, carrying on like spolied children will get you know where but looked down upon.  Like it or not in *THIS* state firearms ownership is taboo and not mainstream. 


    Understand it, deal with it and get over it. 


    Don't like it?  Move. 


    Don't like it? Change your legislature.


    *ME* I am voting with *MY* feet as soon as I can.......all that being said as a firearms collector, shooter and enthusiast, for *ME* I see no problem with mandating training.


    Regardless *WHAT* the USCONN says, *WHAT* you and I may believe to be true, you are not going to turn the tide in this state by, as I said prior stomping your feet and whining..-" BUT THE USCONN SAYS, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED...."


    They are looking at you and laughing.........


    Once again to the point, mandatory training, in my opinion is not such a bad thing, because again like it or not.......MUCH MUCH MUCH worse is coming down the NJ Legislative turnpike that most assuredly will make the ny safe act look good....and that is one thing you can take to the bank sadly enough.


    You absoutely are suggesting that my rights be restricted. You have no problem with a mandatory training requirement for yourself, and as such have no problem placing that same restiction on me, at the point of a gun. All the while calling me unreasonable for not seeing the common sense in gun control.


    At the point of a gun, yes, I chose those words carefully, and I'm hardly being melodramatic. This is something so few people are willing to understand when it comes to laws. You see, when you support a laws passage you are essentially saying that you are willing to unchain men with GUNS to enforce that law with violence. In the hopefully unlikely event that a horrible law like mandatory training is passed, should a person purchase a gun without first obtaining training, men with guns will be there willing to do violence to correct the problem, hence, AT THE POINT OF A GUN. No dramatics, just the hard reality of law.


    Your apathy towards unreasonable gun control is abhorrent and antithetical to the second amendment, and in this case equivalent to supporting gun control. We are not talking about negotiating with legislators for concealed carry in NJ, we are talking about having, yet another, unreasonable restriction forced on us. Refusing to support giving more ground in the lost battle which is gun rights in the state of NJ isn't stamping feet and acting childish. It is facing the reality that this is one that Tubby the magic RINO could definitely get away with signing into law... He could get away with it because of people like you.


    I'm not naive enough to think that CCW will ever happen here, I plan to evacuate as soon as I am able. But no matter where I am, I will oppose all anti-2A legislation that is brought forward, and that includes any mandatory training requirements to purchase or carry firearms. But then again my support of the 2A isn't being called into question here is it?


    So, Mr. Mandatory Training Requirements, which other of my freedoms are you be willing to trade in for privileges?



    Funny you should mention that, if I had a time for every time I helped someone of some sort doing just that, I would have a lot of dimes.....!


    And frankly I am NOT supporting it, I just don't have a problem with it.  There is a stark difference in that........just for clarification..........


    Then you have no problem with the state mandating you do it, free of charge, for 4 hours, per first time purchaser, right?

  15. Anyone who has spent any real time in this 'shop' knows exactly how we stand on the issues...I will also personally not change what I believe in the face of the bully pulpit tactics you are exhibiting..you free to do what you want how you want...


    Your absolutism will fail ...and does much much more harm than good.


    Instead of seizing an opportunity...... oh well it doesnt matter .... you r opinion is made up....


    We will be just fine.... thanks for the economic Gestapo tactics though....!


    Being overly zealous in anything ...at the expense of reason...is very very dangerous.


    You suggest I am being unreasonable? Please tell me what other reasonable restrictions on MY right to keep and bear arms do YOU suggest be enforced on me at the point of a gun?

  16. I wonder if supporters of this bill, especially NJ gun dealers and FFLs, would continue support the bill if it were to mandate that all NJ licensed gun dealers, and FFLs in the state of NJ give a gun safety course, not to be longer than 4 hours in length, free of charge, before selling any gun to any first time buyer?

  17. Ha...ok...your prerogative..... im.sure you havent spent a penny anyways....


    I will.not shirk what I believe or . Think at the altar of the almighty dollar.


    I have seen some of the worst gun handling skills in my life come through those doors.


    And if you think any type of training is a bad idea..mandated or not..your a fool

    Yes, yes it is my prerogative, and I won't spend a penny at Mastadon because of your stance on this, and other 2A rights related issues, based upon your posts on this forum. We've already established that. I have also discouraged those who have asked about where to shop for guns and gun accessories from buying from Mastadon. I'm sure I have spent plenty of pennies, plenty of places, that aren't Mastadon.


    I am a big proponent of training, gun safety, and people voluntarily seeking gun safety training. I have, in my own free time and free of charge, trained at least 10 people on gun safety as best as I can in the past 3 years. As well as encouraged additional training going forward.


    Your stance is that somehow more government regulation is going to do away with irresponsible people, at the cost of restrictions on an inalienable right. Knowing NJ and its evil, gun grabbing legislature, I suggest that it is exceedingly ignorant, irresponsible, and to use your own terms, foolish, to think that mandatory training will not lead to infringement of the most important of all constitutionally protected rights, while simultaneously doing very little to curb stupid people from doing stupid things. No four hour course on this planet will make an irresponsible person suddenly capable of being responsible for their actions.


    edit for spelling

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