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About RHalladay34

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    Forum Dabbler
  1. My lawyer said if im smart, just withdrawl the app, expunge the arrest in 2013 and re apply. Thoughts? Is it even possible to get the FID with that arrest? Never been arrested for anything else. Im not interested in paying 5 grand for a lawyer to appeal.
  2. Called the department to check on my status because i havent recieved anything yet. The investigating officer said the hold up is that the marijuana charge came up, and that he is waiting for all the details of what happend etc. and even though i wasnt convicted of that, he said its possible he "could" deny me for it. I told him i did not put it on the form because the questions ask if you were ever convicted, and i was not etc. He said he believed that i answered the questions honestly, but thats what the hold up is. It was a 1 inch roach. So im assuming theyre going to shaft me on this 1. Is it even possible to appeal that if denied for that reason?
  3. I was pulled over for speeding and arrested for possession of a roach of marijuana in my ashtray about a year ago. My lawyer got all the speeding/tint tickets etc. tossed by pleading unsafe operations for no points, and the possession was dropped down to a township/municipal ordinance fine. On the form, is asks if you have ever been "Convicted of a crime" and "Convicted of a disorderly persons offense" etc. which i answered no to, because the ordinance fine is below the level of a DP offense, and i have never been arrested for anything else and have nothing else on my record. I know they can just deny you for anything if they wanted to, and ive heard of people being approved with even having been convicted of a DP. The officer who I dropped the forms to was pretty cool, and said "people with 2 DUIs can even get approved, but 3 is pushing it" i guess im asking what are my chances of being approved?
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