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Posts posted by MikeK77

  1. Comcast just pissed me off last night.


    I am on a triple play. I haven't used my home phone in over 2 yrs, so i was thinking of ditching it. I was told since i am on a promotion, I would go to full rates. 1 HD DVR, 1 standard box, internet: $240....wtf are they smoking?? $240 for 2 tvs and internet???

  2. All the apple haters crack me up. If it was not for them you would still be stuck with the lousy provider UI's. Apple products simply work and are the easiest to adapt to. When did that change? I looked at a Galaxy S3 and wasn't at all impressed.


    I think it changed when pc didnt care what you did, and apple only wants you using apple



    Yeah... Not so much. I work in IT and we pretty much allow people the choice between Mac or Windows (and iOS or Android) and we've seen phenomenal growth of Mac. Never mind iOS vs. Android, for handhelds/tablets we're about 97% iOS.



    You calling me a liar?


    I can provide names of people who recently got fed up with their macs and iphones, and switched to pc and droids


    Im glad you work in IT. Guess what...so do i.


    Just because people you work for like mac, doesnt mean the whole world does.

  4. Im in Camden County. I have had Cingular/Att for about 15yrs. I havr never had dropped calls, bad service, etc. Now you do have to see how much data you will be using. Att no longer offers unlimited data plans. I was lucky to get it before they stopped it, so i was grandfathered. When im not streaming music all day, i average 2-3gb per month. When i stream music all day at work, i can use 7-9gb per month

  5. Gloves? Long Sleeves? Wrist Guards? Knee Pads?



    WTF....I ride, and don't even wear this much. In the summer, Im lucky to even have sleeves, let alone long sleeves.. I dont wear gloves in the summer. Wrist Guards? Who uses wrist guards. Knees pads? yea, I'll bring knee pads, and give them to whoever I make blow me for trying to make me wear them.


    Plus, who insures dirt bikes? I've never known of a dirt bike registered or insured.

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