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Sweet Chaos

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Everything posted by Sweet Chaos

  1. Thanks for that advice, Johnp. I keep a knife on me at all times, for self defense. I'll have to make sure not to use that as my reasoning if I ever get caught with it!
  2. Lol shops NOT to use would be useful, too =p I plan on shooting a lot before I decide what to get. I loved the Glock 17 I shot, but that doesn't mean I'm going to run out and get it without trying anything else. That's no so much my worry right now. I'm trying to figure out WHERE to go. Not what to get.
  3. I want to start looking around for a gun so when I can finally buy one (I get that that's quite a few months away) I know exactly what I want and where I want to get it from. I want a handgun. I'm probably going 9mm but I'm not going to say that for sure until I've shot a .45. But for argument's sake, a 9mm. I understand the whole "you get what you pay for" deal, but I am super tight on money right now so I need a shop that is going to have a good balance of price to ...everything else: quality, customer service, etc. As a new shooter, I need a shop that will be patient with me and will help me narrow down the gun that's perfect for me. Also, I'm not sure if this is standard in the field, but I know Brick Armory will allow me to PURCHASE my gun before my permit is in, as long as I have proof that I submitted it. I just can't take the gun home until I get my permit. I like this option because I can go in and shoot MY GUN, that no one else will be shooting and I can get to know it before the long wait for my permit. Also, I'm in Toms River (central shore area). I'd be willing to travel a little bit for a shop that's really good, but no more than about an hour. Thanks so much!
  4. I'm totally new to the gun world, and was planning on going today to the police station to apply for my permit, but I'm getting really confused about exactly what the process is. I know this has been answered before, there's no way it hasn't, but the more I look around on here and I talk to the people I know who shoot regularly, the more confused I'm getting. Here is the impression I'm getting: I need a FID (Federal ID?) card just to be allowed to purchase a gun. This is acceptable for ANY gun I get, costs about $20 and doesn't expire? If I want to purchase a handgun, I also need a SEPARATE handgun permit, which is only active for a few months. I have to show BOTH of these documents to purchase a handgun, but only the FID to purchase something like a rifle. Is this correct? I was also reading about a FPID. Is that the same as a FID? Federal Personal ID? Just a guess... And if I want to buy a rifle, I just have to show my FID/FPID? My mom has been talking to a friend of hers that shoots and some people from Shoreshot (sp?) and she's under the impression that you ONLY need the handgun permit, NOT the FID/FPID. I don't want to waste my time and money getting documents I don't need. Also, is there a separate process to be able to keep a handgun on me? I keep hearing terms like, "license to carry" and "concealed firearm permit." How does this work. Again, I'm sure all this has been addressed before, but the more I search the more confused I'm getting. Thanks in advance for your help!
  5. Hey. I'm new to shooting and joined this site to hopefully get some help and advice from those of you who know way more than me! I have a few friends who shoot but I'd rather get advice from multiple people than just one opinion. I actually stumbled across this site looking for NJ gun laws. It's alarming how difficult they actually are to find!! Hope to get to talk to you all soon, and sorry in advance for any silly questions =p -Francine
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