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Posts posted by bowbag

  1. I'm refering to question 11.F on Federal 4473, I was fine on the NJSP Certificate of Eligibility form.  And I was voluntarily admitted so I should have answered no.  Dang it!  I'll give him a call get it sorted as soon as I can.  I'm pissed at myself for not reading the fine print on that one.  It just didn't feel right when I answered that, that's why I asked.  Thanks for the info kman this is exactly what I was looking for.

  2. I know some of you are NJ FFL dealers so I was curious of your take on my situation.  I doubt many of you remember my post back in may but pretty much for the past year I've been going back and forth with the NJSP.  I already have my FID, which I got back in 2000 and I had gotten pistol permits before multiple times but early this year when I put in for a couple more permits I was flagged for a mental hospital visit I did as a minor.  Long story short I had to go to a psych for a full mental evaluation, which I did.  I have an official letter verifying my ability to be trusted with firearms.  I submitted this along with my app to the NJSP, who said it looked good, sent it to Trenton, who also said it looked good and I finally got my permits.


    Last night I bought my first pistol with one fo my recently attained permits.  I bought it from a FFL dealer that I know, who was famliar with my situation.  On one of the forms I had to fill out with questions like , "are you a alchoholic?" or "are you a fellon?", there was a question that went something like "are you mentally ill OR have you ever been to a mental institution?" to answer honestly I had to say Yes to this one.  My dealer buddy said it wasn't really a big deal cause that form was more just for his paperwork and in most cases it doesn't go anywhere but his filing cabinet.  After I filled out the paperwork, he did the NICS check and everything went fine, I have my pistol.


    My question is in other cases where I don't know the dealer, is answering yes to that question going to be an issue for me with the dealer?  Should I only buy from dealers I know?  Sometimes I buy long arms at gunshows in PA and it would be a bummer if that wasn't an option anymore.  Do I need to bring a copy of my psych eval with me when I go gun shopping? That would seem odd but the way things are in this state I just don't know anymore.


    Since 2010, the New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts has been compiling a database of mental health records of individuals who have been involuntarily committed using federal grant money. So far they have inputted more than 350,000 records dating back to 1975 and have transmitted them to the FBI for inclusion in the NICS. In a recent Philadelphia Inquirer article, Glenn A. Grant, the acting director of the New Jersey court system, stated that more than 85 gun purchases have been denied based on these records. Currently New Jersey voluntarily participates in this program. This bill would codify the state’s participation and expand it to all records of those federally-prohibited from owning a firearm.



    My guess would be they are compiling many more records then just involuntary committs with grant money.  In my case anyway I was voluntarily commited and my parents fronted the bill.  I remember cause it was a pretty major bill.  The timing would fit though cause I was able to get some pistol permits without issue as late as '07(or around there).


    I don't think I made it clear above but I was commited for just over a week as a minor in 1993 and they're just dragging it out now.

  4. It was at Saint Claire Riverside near Summit NJ if I recall and voluntary, not sure what class of institution that is.  I just find it odd that this is showing up now.  Never in my adult life has this ever come up.  I am going to get the letter, provided I don't have to go through some sort of analysis for months or something crazy like that.  If they're will to start going into minor records get ready for people being rejected for rehab visits as teens, JV as teens, all sorts of infractions.  It's gonna be a treasure trove of items to reject people for. 


    njgunowner:  The state does know it was a one time thing.  They knew the exact date I was in and the amount of time I was there.

  5. Yuck, what a mess.  I see the shrink I went to back then is still practicing so I guess I could go back to him and see if he'll certify me a capable human being.  This all happened 20 years ago but he was a friend of the family so maybe he'll help me out.  Although I really doubt many shrinks are too eager to validate their patients to purchase firearms.  The cop hasn't submitted anything so I have time to sort it out without anything being effected in trenton.  They must have expanded the mental health check but this really caught me off guard.  Going into people's records when they were minors is a bit invasive if you ask me, like they're fishing for reasons to not give permits.

  6. I'm a little pissed off right now so excuse my spelling.  Ok, so I got my Firearms Purchasers ID card back in 2000.  I initially got it with a pistol permit and bought one.  Then a around 2005 I got some more permits and bought a couple more pistols.  This was all through my local state police.  Five months ago I put in for some more pistol permits.  After not hearing anything for so long I called up the barracks to find out why such a long delay.  I was told it's because I triggered the mental health warning because I was hospitallized when I was 15.  Which I was, I also didn't put that on my form because I was a minor AND because it's never come up before.


    Now I'm being told to get permits I need to go to a shrink and be approved to own firearms.  wtf!  Do mental infractions when you're a minor really apply?  The cop told me he was doing me a favor by not submitting it to trenton and waiting for me to get the proper paperwork in line, although no one called me for five months!!!

  7. it will be slow, one step at a time, and done with a velvet glove, all in the name of 'homeland security', 'anti-terrorism', and 'safety of the children'. before you know it, every single email, text, phone call, tweet, facebook post, blog post will have to be run through a gov censor before release. complete random and warrant-less search and seizure, including your own home. THAT is what they want. total and complete control. not hitler/stalin-esq concentration camps, but big brother 1984.

    At least in that world the children will finally be safe. :)

  8. Received a response to a message I sent to Menendez. I'm not even sure which message I've sent out so many in the past few weeks. It actually doesn't sound very good. "We need to save the children from those evil black and pointy guns!" I swear if they ever pass national martial law it'll be under the guise of protecting the children.


    Thank you for contacting me to express your concerns regarding additional firearms legislation in the wake of the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. Your opinion is very important to me, and I appreciate the opportunity to respond to you on this critical issue.


    As the father of two, this tragedy struck painfully close to my heart and painfully close to the heart of every parent. No parent should ever have to bear the unspeakable pain of losing a child, especially to this type of tragedy. I join with every American in expressing our deep and abiding grief as a nation and our deepest -- most heartfelt -- condolences to the families of the victims.


    As your Senator, I strongly defend the rights of citizens to use firearms responsibly for recreational purposes or protection of one's family and home. At the same time, I vigorously support efforts to keep guns out of the hands of individuals that wish to use them against society.


    Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. On this, as with any other issue, there are many different views. Please be assured that I will keep your views in mind. I invite you to visit my website (http://menendez.senate.gov) to learn more about how I am standing up for New Jersey families in the United States Senate.

  9. Ive been doing this sort of thing my whole life. Its very important that they take your name and county.

    Insist they do they have to keep a record then.Remember the person on the other end is most likely an anti so you want to make sure they keep a record. Faxes are great that way as well. But how do you send a fax via computer

    I actually have a really nice fax machine that I never use. It was nice to finally have a reason to use it.

  10. Ok, I have a basic question since I'm new to protesting politics in a capacitive manner. I called the assembly majority office earlier but I didn't really know what to say so I hung up when someone answered, sounded like a secratary. What do you say? That you don't want them to pass further gun laws in NJ, enforce the existing ones, to the secratary? I didn't know who to ask for, if anyone. What's the angle? I just don't like calling up without some sort of plan.

  11. An anti-gun rally in Jersey City? I'd be worried I'd get shot going to that. :)


    That's kind of a catch 22. If the place is all cleaned up like they say it is then why the protest? If nothing but fine upstanding citizens live there then I'm sure there nothing but legal firearms are to be found. However if the place is still the urban wasteland that it used to be, and like we all know it is, then I can see how some folks may want to protest out of pure frustration. However protesting for more gun laws is going to do nothing for the thugs passing around midnight specials in back alleys.

  12. I am for the changes they are making. Really, what purpose does an AW have for the common man? (Spare me the need to protect ourselves from the government speak. They have tanks, nuclear weapons, missles, and fighter jets. It's not musket vs musket like it was 200+ years ago.)


    The first question is always, what's a assault weapon? The basic answer is any gun that's black and pointy. Do citizens need black and pointy guns? Maybe, maybe not. The issue is more that in a free country laws cannot be arbitrary. Passing a law to ban others from possessing something you don't like isn't how it works. Last I checked it's illegal to kill people in the USA, banning AW will have enothing to effect that. There are millions out in circuation, law enforcement has them, military. More shootings are gonna happen regardless if the weapons are black and pointy. It's unfortunute that on this issue Obama has decided to play favorites, passing laws to placate a certain section of the popolace at the cost of sacrificing the freedoms of others.

  13. Myself and family members have purchased multiple firearms in PA over the years and it's never been an issue. In all my instances they had me fill our all the same forms I would have filled out in NJ. Typically I find that if the dealer is unfamliar with what do to they won't sell to you at all just be upfront that you're from NJ and if they give the go ahead then your fine. In the case of an auction house I'd call them ahead of time to make sure that it's alright. Even if it's perfecly legal some places just don't want to deal with NJ folk regardless.

  14. I've got a good one about going to a range in NY. My buddy is in the NYPD. He's from NJ though, he move to NY state just so he could work for the NYPD. He's been into guns his whole life as have I. So he invited me to come up there and shoot at a indoor range with him, one that was right near his house. So I loaded up my Num. 4 Mk1 Enfield, a few boxes of .303 and just for good measure I brought a Ruger Mark III target pistol, a real nice one that I hadn't shot much. I can't recall what my buddy brought I think a M1A and a Mauser, something like that.


    So we arrive at the range and fill out a couple forms. The guy asks us what we're shooting, we show him. Then he asks if the rounds were shooting were lead(at this particular range you were only allowed to shoot lead rounds), we show him the boxes and where it says lead. Then he told us that often times there's still steel in the slug and he pulls out a big magnet. Puts it up to the Enfield rounds, there's steel can't shoot em, puts em up the M1A rounds, steel can't shoot em, then puts em up to the Mauser rounds, steel can't shoot em, lastly he puts on the .22 rounds, they're good! At least we'll get to shoot something. Then he asks my buddy for the permit for the pistol(or whatever they call it in NY) and he says it's mine and I'm from NJ. The guy looked like he was gonna shit pants. He closed up the case and gave it back to me and told me that the penatly for bringing a pistol into NY was severe. Basically told us to get out of there back to NJ with that gun ASAP, which we did.


    And here I'm with my buddy I've known since childhood, NYPD cop and everything and he had no idea how bad he could have screwed me. That was about 5 years ago but I still tease him about it to this day.

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