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Walt of Destiny

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Posts posted by Walt of Destiny

  1. There have been multiple attempts on our public servants. There was a bomb that would have taken out a third of congress awhile back. Luckily the plotters didnt assemble the bomb correctly. 

    Remember, in some countries judges and reformer politicians wear masks for fear of reprisal. 

    But again, I agree that this was a lapse in judgement by the secret service. Whenever there is a scheduled event with several members of congress, there should be a security plan. 

    Doucheblasio goes nowhere without his detail. One would think that a member of congress should be afforded some level of security. 

  2. 21 minutes ago, matty said:

    I've been saying this for some time, Yes, they really do want to kill you or wish you to be dead. Been obvious to me  The Left and the Democrat politicians really do HATE YOU PERSONALLY

    They do seem to harbor personal animosity towards anyone that doesn't share their newspeak. As much as they accuse the "right wing" of being supremacists, noninclusive, biased and selfish, their actions speak volumes. They are the bigots. 

    This is doubleplus ungood

  3. 14 minutes ago, Mrs. Peel said:

    I'd be interested, in particular, for some of the current/retired LEOs or other security professionals to weigh in on this... those more "in the know" (than ME, LOL)....

    It's reported that because Scalise is in line to the presidency, his high rank is what triggered the Capitol Police officers being onsite for protection, and that if he hadn't been there, there would have been NO security detail assigned.

    This surprises me. I realize there's many members of Congress and it's probably logistically impossible (or at least financially prohibitive) to have security assigned to each one individually. But, it seems logical to me that any regularly scheduled gathering of multiple members of Congress would automatically trigger a security detail. In a post-9/11 world, those events would make a logical target even for a group like ISIS, wouldn't they?

    I'm trying to imagine this: several members of Israel's Knesset gathered informally for a sports activity in a public park... with NO security detail. I just don't think that would happen! I believe the Israelis are simply more "tuned in" to risk than we are. 

    I feel the same way about this event as I do about all the breaches of White House property in recent years... I just feel like we're too damn lax. So, do you think was this a foreseeable event and evidence of lax security planning? Or am I just being a typical Monday Morning Quarterback?


    Although my first reaction is to agree with you, ours is a free country and the ability for our public servants to move about among us is part of that freedom. After all, we don't have security around us. Maybe their vulnerability will prompt an honest discussion about our right to self defense. 

    But I agree that any planned gathering should have security in the normal course. 

  4. One would think, in an alternate reality where common sense and reason ruled, that we as a society would investigate the actor, the animate human and not the inanimate tool? That maybe the permissive attitude of the media with regard to scandalous reporting of anti-DJT protestors and agotprop disguised as "works of art" or "comedy" could "radicalize" a disaffected person on the knife edge of sanity? 

    I see no difference between Dabiq and Mother Jones, or Kathy Griffith. 

    We need to call a spade a spade and realize that the media is now taken the role of agitators and radicalizers. 

    We need to enforce federal laws on threatening the office of the president and congress. 

    Being DJT's birthday today, the symbolism maybe be a dangerous escalation of the left's acting out  

    Imagine if the assassin was right wing? 

    Also, the theory that the left isn't armed for bear may just be a little premature. 

    • Like 1

  5. 1 hour ago, DSD1026 said:

    There are some interesting and obscure movies in this thread (and yes, i have seen many of them).  However, some that are being listed weren't exactly "80's movies that no one has heard of"..    Some Kind of Wonderful, Less Than Zero, Real Genius, Weird Science, Short Circuit, etc were hardly unknown movies. 

    That said...   one of the best soundtracked movies listed here is................ Streets of Fire.  Absolutely crazy ridiculous movie (i mean, Michael Pare, 'nuff said), but man some of the music was great in that.  and if we're going down Michael Pare lane, lets not forget Eddie & the Cruisers

    oh, and special mention to Strange Brew..   if you are a fan of bob & doug mackenzie, this movie was fantastic

    Yea, but they're unknown to millennials. They never get references we adults use.  Shit most haven't seen Animal House. 


    How about:


    Stranger than Paradise (Screaming Jay Hawkings, he's the man)



    • Like 1

  6. 3 minutes ago, High Exposure said:

    The Wraith - Charlie Sheen. The real star was that Dodge M4S though

    Taps - Tom Cruise "Its Beautifal Man!", George C Scott and Sean Penn

    TPiM - Tommy Lee Jones, meh...

    Don't know Nasty Boys....

    Here are a few I remember:



    Heavy Metal

    The Night of the Comet


    Streets of Fire


    Final Countdown

    ...... Man, once I started thinking one just leads to the next!!



    Final countdown was my dad's favorite movie. Interestingly It was just on some obscure movie channel and it's now on my dvr


    Maximum Overdrive, probably the only movie with a soundtrack by ac/dc. 

  7. 14 minutes ago, blksheep said:

    We have raging debates at work all the time.  


    Here are a couple of the top of my head.


    The Wraith


    This Park is Mine

    Nasty Boys


    Bonus if you can name the actors without GOOGLE.

    I loved Taps as much as I hated Turk 182. 

    Know the connection between the two? 

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