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Posts posted by capt14k

  1. Sorry you are incorrect. Between paperwork nics CEO’s p2p insurance rent and labor 25 does not make a profit it’s the bear minimum.

    If you want to compare pa to Nj where the cost of living rents etc are higher then do that with every other business not just guns.

    I’m sure in pa it’s cheaper to install a bathroom then Nj

    I always see FFLs complaining about how there is no profit in sales due to places like Bud's which I completely understand. You can't make any money just selling Faucets due to Efacuet and Amazon. If there is no profit in transfers is it just from Compliance Work?

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  2. $25.00 transfer is. Loss leader
    No it is not. If it included NICS I could agree. If it was PA dealers wouldn't be doing transfer and PICS for $20. No one is saying free transfers on out of state and no one is saying you have to do it. Just that it would be good marketing. I guess if a store does it we will see.

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     What loss leaders do you offer in your business?


    What is your labor worth on an hourly basis?


    All those who want to place blame on the FFL’s are the same folks that have stated for a few years they will not buy anything from a local store in Nj and will travel to PA for long gun purchases / transfers.


    I would like a list of the business’s members of this thread own as I would like to demand products and services at cost. It’s the right thing to do since I am over taxed in this state. You should stand by the people of NJ.






    I have run multiple loss leaders. Free plumbing system inspections, water heater, boiler, etc. $99 drain cleaning. Free estimates.


    I value my labor depending on what I am doing. Plumbing $200. Heating $150. Carpentry $125. Office $100.


    I do blame FFLs in leadership positions. They should never be in charge of 2A Fight since their goals are different than ours. I don't blame FFLs whose main business is transfers. Though I think they will benefit from loss leader.


    After being on Facebook and seeing how many twenty somethings have FFL01 with SOT I am going that route myself. I have building I own, has vault, and I already built another store with separate entrance. Also means post 86 MG.


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  4. Well aware what a loss leader is. And hey, maybe some shops will do that. I highly doubt it, but maybe some will. Problem with a loss leader is there will always be people who take advantage of that and then never buy anything else there. People go miles outta their way to save 5 cents on gas, how many of them also go inside the convenience store while getting a fillup?
    There are some who seem to think compliance work or transfers should be free (or damn close) because we live in a fucked up state. Meanwhile, people won't buy a gun locally because it would be $10 more than buying it online and transferring it. I don't know how loyal most gun owners are to a single shop, and I wonder what percentage would not take advantage of (abuse) a loss leader if it were not their regular shop.
    A lot go in the convenience store. That is why most new stations have one.

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  5. I for one will go out of my way to a shop that shows support for the 2A community rather than just profiting off of it. Also wake up people when you vote for leadership positions. Vote for a Non-FFL or a FFL who isn't profiting off of the changes in the law and is with us.

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  6. If they have to do exactly the same things as they did when you buy a gun through gunbroker, except don't have to unpack it, why would they charge significantly less? They have to log it according to ATF, so time, effort, and expenses are still incurred. Am I happy about it? Of course not. But when transfers take away time from paying customers, I don't expect any freebies. If someone local did it for $20 all-in, I would be more likely to go there, but not faulting a dealer for the shitty situation forced on all of us.
    Based on everything we see, there are likely dozens of unknowingly illegal transfers by otherwise law-abiding subjects going on every day anyway. And I hope non-compliance is high among the clued-in as well.
    Do you understand what a loss leader is? How much good will marketing is worth? If it is a small shop that makes their money on transfers they will still make it up when more people ship to them.

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  7. So you want the dealer to do more work and not be compensated for it?

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    They don't have to do anything. I think it would be a smart marketing move. Like a loss leader but they aren't losing anything but a little time.

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  8. If it's coming from another FFL and they're not getting a mark-up on the gun, then sure.  But if it's a drop ship to them as a direct purchase to the customer then I agree they should not. But I was going specifically for the new P2P sales issue.  They should stand with us and not alienate us.  As newer and newer laws come into play it eventually will eat into their business.  Antis would love to see them out and replaced with a pot dealer.  They're no safer than we are.  It just may take a little longer. Supply and demand. We need to be demanding for them to move their supply. If the laws get created as such that we can't demand then what? They should be standing shoulder to shoulder with us as well as educating the Fudds.  I'm on a Hunter's forum trying to do just that.  But I'm viewed as another nut with one of those guns we don't need because it's not a double barrel.   
    We are on the same page. I was only talking about person to person NJ resident transfers.

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  9. One can only speculate.  Possibly because they know Fudds don't care?  Fudds think all this doesn't apply to them?  Fudds don't buy their ammo in bulk as we do so they still go to local stores (including Dicks) as opposed to internet sales so pissing them off with additional fees would cost business?
    Many of us on here are small business owners so I know I'm going to get flack for this but if there was a gun shop that only charged $1.00 for a P2P transfer as a show of support, I for one would shop in that store for every need regardless of pricing and convenience.  It may come back to them 2 fold and show an in-your-face to those denying us our rights.  I would feel similar if they refused to be a magazine turn in point for those feeling the pressure to do that instead of putting them in your safe deposit box at the bank. No one says they have to accept them. Murphy should not see one turn and we should all support each other in that. 
    As most of us know Fudds are a different animal.  Many are Trump haters. Many are Murphy/Mendez supporters.  Many don't realize the cancelling of the bear hunt was not pro-bear but anti-gun. And on and on.  They're a tough nut to crack when it comes to this hobby of ours.
    I tried explaining this. Or at least charge NICS only. It would come back in spades. However many NJ dealers aren't walk in and buy from their inventory. There are a few left but most make their money on transfers and ordering.

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  10. It is amazing how many gun owners are still not aware of this law.    a fudd at work was recently talking about a rifle purchase and I told him about the law,  He had no idea.    I think dealers should assist in informing gun owners about important changes though they might have financial motives for not doing so.     Eventually some law will be passed due to an uninformed clientele and will hurt them financially and by that time permanently.  
    Why would a dealer not want to inform customers of these laws? These laws were basically written to help dealers. Wonder why that is?

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  11. Sorry, Nothing beats a Garand from WW2, except BAR.


    AG42b is up there but the Swedes elected not to fight so I don't think it counts.


    The Swiss Army Knife of WWII Rifles would be the Swiss Model U Semi Auto, 12 round, built in scope, built in Grenade Launcher.



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  12. You can transport them , that's the purpose of the " grace period ". It allows for transport for disposal or modification until Dec.10 , after that ignorance of the law can likely get you 18 months in a lousy  vacation home and a $10,000 fine.

    And if everyone refused to comply they would have to build new prisons and who would pay for their constituents with all the makers locked up? Thats why mag limit law was never enforced in Colorado and no one wants NJ 15 round mags.

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  13. From my limited time I've been paying attention, it almost seems that way. Have we ever won any fight?
    Along those lines, why hasn't ANJRPC planned a big rally to get all gun owners protesting and marching on Trenton right before these upcoming midterms. Wouldn't thousands of gun owners, holding 15 round magazines high in the air get some attention by the politicians up for re-election?
    Has anything like this been proposed by any of the 2A groups, or are they just going to roll over and take it up the ass without lube come December.....  again...?

    Last ANJRPC rally was more like a 3 hour infomercial. While Moms Demand Action were lining up to pack the Statehouse all talk and no action on our side. We need a new grassroots group like Missouri and other states have. No lawsuits filed for 8 years to not upset Christie and we didn't need to worry this time because a deal was made with Sweeney. Time to wake up and realize we have been had.

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  14. didn't one of the nj groups have some sort of backdoor deal with sweeny recently? one that they kept telling us here that they couldn't talk much about?


    That was Anthony and ANJRPC. Worked out great didn't it? My guess is the only reason we didn't get the new AWB is the same reason there are exceptions for FFL03 and semis that can't be converted to 10 rounds. A collector has pull. He didn't want his Bayonet lugs messed with.


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