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Posts posted by Mike77

  1. 1 hour ago, ESB said:

    It seems like the clerk shot the armed robber (and a bystander) after the robber got the money and was leaving. If true, it seems to me that the armed robber was no longer a threat to the clerk since he was leaving and the clerk was not justified in shooting.  

    I was about to say same thing 

  2. 4 hours ago, gunforhire said:

    Just a strategy heads up for all regarding our court date tomorrow. If we win, we win. If we lose, we still win. Ponder that. This is a 5D chess game and although the Judges may be a wild card, rest assured ANJRPC, CNJFO, NRA, NJ2AS, FPC, & SAF have without a doubt the best legal minds on the Fuckin planet! If you are not a donor or do not know of any of the groups I just listed, SHAME! 
    Unity, Education, & Activism is key!

    Is tomorrow case covering sensitive places too? 

  3. 16 minutes ago, EngineerJet said:

    I have a different take. I believe they clearly read Bruen as they have to be able to defend anything we throw at them. However, I genuinely believe they are playing the game of misinterpretation on purpose. Listening to the TRO hearing, anyone with 2 brain cells can tell that the vehicle restrictions does not pass the sniff test. It is also clear that the counsel representing NJ is NOT stupid and very well educated. She is doing her job and defending her client to the best of her ability. That is why she cannot concede ANY ground because the moment she's caught saying anything that undermines the law in question, she lost. So instead she'll say anything to tip toe around the issue and changing the topic when strategically beneficial. Amongst her friends she'll probably say "This new law makes no sense and clearly bans virtually all places, but I'll argue anyway that it follows Bruen, by taking any any snippets in the decision that support my argument while ignoring the rest.

    They are playing the game. As long as they dont admit they know its unconstitutional, they can just claim they thought it was within they're lane and theyll take the slap on the wrist.

    Agreed.....most defense attorneys know they are defending scum, that they broke the law, and that they need to do or say anything to try to twist the story, to be able to make them look innocent. Hell, OJ got off as well!!! LOL 

  4. 2 hours ago, My1stGlock said:

    So its now 2023 and the ads are getting so annoying now and from what I recall its so blatant. Does it matter if you are a free member versus a premiere member? The crap pops up everywhere. jumping from forum topic to another or even while posting. I don't mind the side bar of ads but when it pops up before i can get to the forum topics and i have to cancel it i find it very disruptive. 

    Any ideas to keep that stuff suppressed or any settings to address it on our side? Is anyone using some 3rd party app like the youtube popup ad blockers? Any suggestions?

    I only see them on mobile....on my laptop, my ad blocker stops them.

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