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Posts posted by Chad

  1. Unreal. That reminds me of when the Lacey ramp toll plaza was build. It costs $0.93 to collect every quarter until the year 2077. That is when it will be paid off and has a chance of turning a profit. There are ridiculous figures on the one a little farther south that was recently built as well in Waretown, but I can't recall the numbers.


    I'm sure it cost $1000's to collect this 4 cent debt.

  2. What a waste of a day. I drove an hour and 20 mins to get there. . . drove around for 45 more mins to find a parking spot. Waited in line, in the rain for another 45 mins. Walked around for 20 mins, got two hot dogs that were still frozen in the middle and a warm sprite. You can't move at all at these fkn shows it is incredibly overcrowded with a bunch of know-it-all middle aged jagoffs that smell like either stale peperoni or moth balls multiplied by 1000 due to the dampness of the rain. Very aggravating. Saw some shotguns, Remington 870 HD guns, plane jane, run of the mill 870s all for between $595.00 - $625.00 :shock: Are you kidding me? Everything else was complete junk, and over priced junk at that. Perhaps next show I will get a table, and clean up my dog's sh*t from the backyard and package it, slap a "show special" price sticker of $5000 / pound and sell it, I would blend in with the rest of the morons at these shows.


    The only thing I left with was indigestion from the bad hot dogs, a bad headache, sore elbows, higher blood pressure, and a broken side view mirror that some douche bag must have hit in the incredibly bad parking lot, which by the way, made for a fun ride home in 50mph winds and pouring rain with no pass side mirror.


    Every time I go, I always tell myself never again, I think this time I learned my lesson.


    Years ago you could go to gun shows to find good deals. Now you pay triple. I'd much rather order online, or locally from one of the sponsors here. It will be cheaper with shipping and transfer fees to do so.

  3. WARNING: This has absolutely nothing to do with this topic.


    I just saw a commercial on TV for an anti-depressant prescription drug. One of the side effects is increased thoughts of suicide.




    OK, back on topic. Thanks.

  4. Holy crap my head is going to explode. I am no grammar expert, but I at least understand the fundamentals. I just skimmed over this, there are a ton of mistakes I didn't point out. Mr. Scott really has a way with words.


    In realestate REAL ESTATE is two words not one its the 3 L's, location, location, and location thats imporant IMPORTANT. This suite has it all. It is clean, newly refinished and its is ready to move in now. Its great to have a nice looking office but if nobody can find you because you are in a complex where the buildings all look alike or the people don't know the location they ain't aint aint a word gonna come. Again realestate AGAIN, real estate is two words is all about location and this building has it all remove "all". Ok OK, not Ok are you interested so far? Well here it is the location of the building is at the corner of Route #18 and Milltown Road.


    Route #18 we all know is one of the busiest highways in NJ, and thats great, but no one knows where you are unless your at a corner.


    Do you know where 380 Route #18? I Doudt DOUBT it!


    However, because this building is at the corner of Route #18 and Milltown Road and because Milltown Road is a major secodary SECONDARY road. (For you out-of-towners: Milltown Road goes from North Brunswick to South River) lots of people know the location immediately.


    Now all of your clients, and customers will easily find your office in no time. If WHETHER yourE a Doctor, Insurance Agent, ORAccountant, we all know its great to get leads, but you need to get them to your office to sell them, having them instantly know where you are is one of the most imporant IMPORTANT issues sometimes even more imporant IMPORTANT than price. Never lose a sale again, because your client did not know where your office was. Call Scott now and view this office suite before its rented. (732) 735 4010. Owner is a licensed realestate REAL ESTATEagent. Again never lose a sale because your client could not find you, call me at (732) 735 4010 now and rent this office!

  5. I was tired of my fingers breaking through all the time.


    I told them we would use less TP because it would be thicker. Wouldn't have to wrap it around our hands 100 times to ensure proper coverage.

  6. When I worked in a union job (police department) many moons ago, we were in contract negotiations and I made our delegate put on the table that I wanted 3 ply toilet paper. We currently had 1 ply toilet paper. They negotiated down to 2 ply, which is what I really looking for.


    Similar to what CSJ is saying, I think.

  7. haha I was thinking the same thing.


    I guess thats the best description she could give the police.


    Its funny, some firearm ignorant people refer to any handgun as little. If its not a long arm, its called "a little gun". Doesn't matter if its a S&W 500.

  8. Home invasion last night just before 10pm - Beaver Creek lane in Manalapan Twp. Wanted are two white males dressed in all black both wearing ski masks, both had "little black guns" according to the victim. Fled in an unknown type vehicle, in an unknown direction.

  9. Matt....just a quick note, don't feel "stupid" or silly about asking even the simplest questions. That is what we are all here for. Just about everyone in this sport (unlike a lot of others) is more than willing to help out "noobs". Even if you think a question is stupid, don't hesitate to ask. Heck, I've been in this hobby for about 13 years and I still ask very basic questions quite often. We are here to help bud, don't hesitate to ask. ;)


    You are right, pump actions are allowed to have evil features. As long as the barrel is at least 18" (18.5 just to error on the side of caution) and the overall length is 26" then you are good to go.

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