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Bob La

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Posts posted by Bob La

  1. Bet his lawyer told him to stay in jail and that way the judge / jury would feel sorry at the trial.

    Nuts like this are time bombs but it looks like he or his family could afford a good lawyer.

    By the way, how did the officers "discover" seven pipe bombs and the rest of the stuff "in his home"?

    Did he keep them in the window?

  2. Your taxes will change based on what you put down, with asphalt paving changing them the least.

    Remember those old houses with the concrete runners?

    Think about what might use your driveway for when considering top and base depth, one truck can smash a thin driveway, the base is the most important factor.

    Everybody's hungry now, very little residential development so you might get some good labor pricing, asphalt goes with the price of oil, up.

  3. It truly is amusing.


    On the other side of the coin...My local PD is great with everything. Last Monday I went in for 10 permits...The lady then said to me, If you put your exemption paperwork in with the permits you can take everything home at once, and get it all done in one shot.


    To me thats how it should be.


    Thngs must have changed a lot for the better in Toms River.

    My last pistol permit took almost six months in 2008, after a call asking about it I had it in a week.

    A friend who applied a month after me got his in about the same time frame.

    Glad to see things have improved.

  4. the only real problem with nuclear energy is cooling and disposal of the used up fuel rods..right now we bury the **** very deep under ground.. :doh:

    we need to figure out a better disposal method or a way to use the old stuff..


    Right now it's piling up at the plants that produce it. After gazillions of dollars Yucca Mt. is going nowhere.

    The government has been taking your money for forty years through your electric bill to pay for long term storage, and they have completely dropped the ball.

    American nuke plants are designed to create waste for reprocessing, the reprocessing part never caught on and weapons grade stuff was created in government reactors instead.

    We can get this technology going, WT* we are Americans right? Who introduced the world to nuclear power?

    It's not PC to like nuclear today but unless you get a P.C. that runs on ethanol or paraffin we are going to be screwed in this country if we don't wake people up.

    (Whew, sorry)

  5. You will need a purple filter if you want to clean firearms with a respirator.

    That should cover anything you would use cleaning a firearm.

    http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/respiratorypro ... index.html

    Don't waste your money on those little dust masks,they just keep sawdust or other large chunks out of your nose.

    Just open a window, put a fan in it and crank up your a/c, a little fresh air will eliminate the need for a respirator.

    That's called an "engineering control" by OSHA, or go Level A. : )

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