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Posts posted by BlueLineFish

  1. My step-daughter was given a ticket for having a GPS on the dash. The LEO cited it as "Obstructed Vision". There must be millions of people driving while blind. I'm satisfied that wwe have far too much traffic enforcement. We could cut the number of police in half, use them to deal with actual crime, and probably not have much more in the way of accidents.


    BTW: My family is now avoiding the town that issued that citation, to the disadvantage of some fine merchants that have their businesses there. Who needs the risk of more BS tickets?


    Technically the summons is correct but that is not something that it is normally written for. I would not write it for that.




    This site is addicting, huh? :lol:

    There will always be a difference of opinion in any forums. Don't let it get to you.

    I think what you're seeing is the frustration with the strict gun laws that make common folks like us into "suspects". Add that to a Sgt. giving someone a hard time over a legal firearm...and you see the result.


    I decided that there is no need to punish myself. I am fine with there being different opinions but others don't seem to be ok with my view of a situation. I in no way advocated demanding info but that apparantly didn't matter and many chose to attack my credibility as a LEO. this is something I take very seriously. I too get frustrated with the gun laws because the laws really don't stop the criminals from using them. They just get them elsewhere.


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  3. I can't see how someone would take it as a personal attack if a police officer asked to see their paperwork. All you need to do is simply decline, and that is that. No harm caused by them trying to be thorough. People need to relax.


    I have been asked for consent to search my car in the past. My reply, "I don't think you have any reason to search my car at this time." Both officers that were present at the scene I'm sure didn't like the answer but they of course complied.


    Taking it so far as to claim it is an attack on a citizen's constitutional rights just by asking a simple question seems a bit over board, and boderline paranoia to me.


    That was my point. I would ASK not DEMAND. Those flaming me chose to ignore that point. Oh well. I have decided that I really don't give a **** because nobody here really knows me.

    • Like 1

  4. And for someone who moved here legally with guns? I have no paper work on me or at your HQ! What then? You just going to take my word on it that I moved here with them and didn't acquire them illegally after I got here???? You have no right to ask for the papers in the first place. You are in uniform, you have a badge, you are not to investigate people for no reason!


    If I ask and you decide to tell me that answer. Based on the totality of the circumstances I will take you at your word. I have that discretion. Its seems that I am now stereotyped as the cop who could care less about the law and I do what I want because i have a badge. You couldn't be more wrong. I am not looking for your approval on how I do my job because most of you have no idea what the job is like to be on. You want to attack my credibility and i have a major problem with that. Sorry I have an opinion different than the norm but I am allowed to ask what I want when I want. Your choice to answer or not. Think what you want about me. I don't need your approval. OP... stay safe out there and keep doing what you feel is right. I respect the hell out of that. All my other LEO's stay safe as well.


    After seeing what I am dealing with on this board and how quickly people are attacked for a difference of opinion. How quickly my credibility has come into question from strangers really breeds a lot of resentment for this forum. Looks like i will be spending far less time on here, if at all now, from now on. It's been fun.

    • Like 3

  5. Most of the time its the bosses because they don't have a clue. We also know perps do very stupid things.myour homeowner does sound like a responsible guy so I would ask but not really press the issue. I always ask whatever I want. It's subject choice to answer. If they have to answer but don't the I will charge obstructing. If they don't have to answer then good for them for knowing the laws. I am amazed at how quick people are to bash me. Oh well.

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  6. All I am saying is to ask the homeowner. If he protests then it's over. I will not MAKE him. I will search vehicles I pull over if I believe I have a reason to. I in no way look to violate people's rights but if I ask and you agree then it's on you. I am allowed to ask. I am not forcing anything on anybody. All it is is a mere inquiry. If you want to think I am part of the problem then so be it. I do not agree with the Sgt demanding it. There are a lot of different ways to handle a call. I in no way feel the op was wrong for doing what he did.

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  7. I may be taking a risk here with my opinion but here it goes. As a fellow LEO what I would have done is after subject was loaded into the bus I would have taken the homeowner aside and verified the firearm to be legal. While I am not looking to jam a fellow gun owner up I will surely cover my own a** since the firearm was mentioned on a taped line. If he has his papers great. If not I would check back at HQ. I find, with me anyway, it's when I don't check is when it comes back and bites me in the a**.

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  8. All police officers get drug tested. I know I get a random piss test multiple times a year in addition to my annual medical screening. Steroid testing is completely different. It is a completely different test that is a lot more money. Some departments do it as part of their random screening. Plus the amount of people using is far less than those that might be using other illegal substances. To me it makes no difference I have nothing to hide.

  9. Departments aren't going to pay for that. Steroid testing is expensive. The other problem is that there are a lot of supplements that are legal that could make you fail a steroid test. I know there was a big thing a few years back with a certain now deceased doctor and a lot of cops that recently made the paper again. I really dont think it is enough of an epidemic where departments will worry about it all that much.

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