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Posts posted by SW9racer

  1. For tiny carry I use the stock mag, for iwb I use the pierce +1 with the bottom extra plastic shaved down. Room for the full pinky with no extra space taken. I can see the +4 for use when home for someone with only this pistol, or as a second mag.

  2. This show is becoming unwatchable. It has become predictable, slow, boring and unbelievable.


    I guess we still have:

    Game of Thrones

    West World

    Mr. Robot

    There is also:

    Days of our lives

    General hospital

    As the world turns

    and some old Friends reruns


    Maybe they should do some stories from the zombie perspective, they all seem to get along with each other without the soapie drama

    • Like 1

  3. Don't use the faceboks apps. Use something like iCabMobile where you have isolated generic usage.

    Do you have hey-siri active? Maybe facebok is intercepting the open mic. I had my wife stop using the app when they were caught leaving a white-noise song playing in the background so you could not stop the monitoring.

  4. The only for-sure impact this will have on the home is resale value. It will be harder to sell in the future, it will get a lower price, it will take longer to sell, maybe over a year to find the right buyer. The majority of home buyers will see the word superfund and walk away, about 98%. As long as they know that home is not an investment, and that the odds are they will lose money when they sell it. If they want to live there for 50 years and run it into the ground, then go for it!

    • Like 1

  5. I crossed the Delaware for the last time 5 months ago. I should have done it 5 years ago. It's not until you leave when you find out how really crappy living in nj was, you get used to the smell of poop. It's not even the 2a stuff, it's everyday living. I waited for the kids to graduate high school, and they all wished we moved sooner now. Sure I left an inlaw or two behind, it was a sacrifice :) But it's nice not paying all that money to support a system that was criminalizing me. When I tell my new FL coworkers about life in nj, they don't believe me!

    • Like 3

  6. Do you really need the 200mps pipe? I am on their lower tier, I think it's 50, and at the same time run multiple pc and iPhones, 2 tv's running Hulu, plus Ooma and have no issues simultaneously. A steam download takes extra time, but that is not often. Also, there is no tax on just internet, but the packages are taxed. You don't need the Comcast box. I am at $50 per month for internet, Ooma, and Hulu. (There is competition in my area, makes a huge difference so you can keep renewing special pricing)

  7. My grandfather who was in ww2 still has some relics from his time. He is very proud he liberated several of the camps. During the holidays he takes them out and we enjoy a day at the range with the stories. My mom and I handle all of his finances to maximize his investments so they will last. So now the relics need to be taken away from him because he is a relic who is not a financial wiz?

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