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Posts posted by Plinker

  1. Interesting.... My initial interest was sparked by the fact that I could share ammo between the rife and pistols. Assuming I was in a state that was ok with hunting deer with rifles, is it the general consensus that I would have to be under 100 yards to be effective/ humane? I certainly would not want the animal to suffer.


    At the moment I'm thinking 5.56 is the round I'll look at for building an AR when I do get around to it. Any reason not too?

  2. I'm driving my daughter back to Ft. Eustis and have been thinking of taking 13 down thru Delaware thru to Norfolk, etc. I've driven it before many years ago and while it does have it's stop and goes, it's not a bad drive. When I picked my daughter up we took PA Tpke to 95....what a ?!#%^ mess around Washington DC. Even on the bypasses. Took over three hours to get from Baltimore to Alexandria. Part due to gettining locked into rush hour, which happened because things were goining so slow I couldn't get thru the area in time.


    Any major construction going on Rt 13 that anyone knows about?


  3. I've seen some ads for AR style rifles that appear to be using 9mm ammunition. Anyone have experience with these? I'm curious if their performance is comparable to the regular AR's wrt range, accuracy, etc. The bullet geometry is significantly different then then the std AR's. Could they be used for hunting (in states that allow rifle hunting) deer, etc. effectively? I find it appealing that it could use 9mm ammo since it would reduce the types of ammo I would have buy (already have a 9mm pistol) plus I believe the prices are lower for the ammo...but if the performance is only marginally better then a pistols then it wouldn't cut it for me.

  4. Actually I think they missed an opportunity to show how an injury like his would be handled in a bug out situation. Certainly wouldn't be med-evac 'copters available to him.


    I agree that some of them don't look too healthy and are overweight...but thin people get heart attacks/problems too.


    Actually I thought that the NY fire fighter situation was more like 'the norm' wrt preppers. There were certainly things that could be improved on but given his situation in NYC... Most of the people portrayed seem to be investing substantial amounts of money - a heck of a lot more then I could consider doing.

  5. Heck, if you're worried about giving your real email address just get a Gmail, Hotmail or other email address. Use it strictly for things like these. The problem is that most of the emails come in with the name showing (like wombat for example) and the recipent, unless they know how to read the headers, has no idea if it's a legitimate person contacting them. Even then if the email address is something just as obscure like '[email protected]' they won't be able to tell more.


    Actually a lot of isp's (or whomever you have your email thru) will give you several email addresses if you want.


  6. It would be nice to know exactly what happened. I thought he said something about a misfire, but I don't remember exactly. I'll have to watch it again and see if I heard correctly. Still, how did his thumb get in the way on a misfire unless he tried to remove the cartridge and it went off...???...


    I did like the shovel- thing his company made. Called a 'Crovel' or something like that. Looked like it was made pretty well.


  7. Lol, I checked the Foley-Belsaw site - $79 for the course. Yea, that sounds like in-depth proper training, lol.


    I had operated my own business for 10 years and have worked management as well as customer support. And have a significant amount in tech repair and support (electronics & computers). From the business side I think I could handle it fine. I'm at a point where I'm deciding where to go career-wise. I'm looking at a possible career change and have been considering different options. I'll probably stay in my current field but that doesn't keep me from looking.


  8. I think you took BRaptors comment out of context. The guy made his plea deal with the Division of Criminal Justice Gangs & Organized Crime Bureau. So he was probably involved with organized crime.

    Not that he's a dirt bag for having been a LEO, but for being a criminal. The odds are pretty good that this particular DB abused his authority WHILE he was a cop.


    This guy is the proverbial bad apple.


    Yea you're probably right....my coffee hadn't kicked in yet. I apologize if I ruffled any feathers.

  9. Anselmo, this is what I figured was being done to prevent circumventing the system. So I couldn't order a lower from out of state and have it transferred to an instate ffl? Just a complete firearm?


    Now to take this a bit further, we've seen those shows on tv where the gun shop seems to build the complete gun from scratch including what I would think would be considered the receiver. I guess in a situation like this the gunshop would have to assign a number to it before it actually was sold.


    Interesting info. I've been considering studying gunsmithing as a possible career change or at least as a serious hobby.


  10. Thanks for the replies. In particular I was looking at the AR-15 class long guns. So if I decided to put one together I could order all the parts online and only the lower section would have to go thru a FFL unless it was going thru an in-state dealer?


    Interesting how our laws here work. One would think that since the lower can't fire anything (am I correct on this?) without other parts that it wouldn't qualify as a firearm on it's own. I guess the state has to do something or else a lot of people would be making firearms off the grid.


  11. I've seen quite a few references to people putting their own guns together. Some just replacing parts on existing firemams with better performing ones. Others appear to be building the complete firearm by sourcing all the parts seperately. Which part is 'the part' that needs to be registered with the state? I would think that this part has a serial number and that number becomes the completed firearms serial number.



  12. I store water on a 6 month rotation in a food grade HDPE 55 gallon drum. I use bleach using 1tsp per 5 gallons added to the drum before sealing it. I also have a Lifesaver filter as a backup.


    Did you get the 55gl drum locally or did you order them in? I've seen Craigs listings for used drums that supposedly only had food grade material in them, but I'm leary of relying on their interpretation of 'food grade'. I haven't found a local source for new barrels. (blue poly 55gl types)



  13. I hope Obama doesn't get re-elected. But more importantly I think nobody seems to be paying attention to the Reps and Senators that are up for re-election or retiring. Several republicans are retiring which, if this trend continues, could mean the house and senate both end up under democrate control. That would be worse then having Obama re-elected. And if he is and they get all three branches, well, we're in really serious trouble.


    I personally think it's more important for the dems to loose control of the Senate and for gop to retain control of the house.

  14. I've thought about what i might do in a similar situation. One thought of course is shoot to terminate the invader. No chance of the perp changing their 'reason' for breaking in ( like ' I thought it was my house and forgot my keys and it was cold, so I wore my ski mask' or similar....) and reducing the chance of being sued by him or family, though you probably would be. The other thought is shooting to disable the perp. Of course with this scenario you would almost certainly get sued, jailed and lord knows whatever else they could figure to do to you. And that's assuming the perp isn't armed and starts firing back. Plus possible retribution by the perp at a later date...


    If the criminal element knew that there was a good chance the homes they were breaking into could be armed, that might discourage some of them. But with NJ law and the difficulty in getting gun permits, they're going to be pretty confident the house occupants won't be armed...


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