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Posts posted by TheDon

  1. My bro is liberal and married a devout tree hugger. He has popped the "Who needs an AR-15" question on me before, but he and his wife have never turned down any venison that I have offered them.

    You *need* an AR15 for precisely the same reason that Rosa Parks *needed* to sit in the front of the bus. 

    That always causes a huge fight with my anti-gun family and friends.  :-D

  2. Why "buy" a dog? Unless you really need "pedigree" for show purposes, there should be no reason to pay for a dog (or cat). It kind of bothers me when pets are treated like possessions and property, instead of living creatures/family members. I'm sure many of you, who have bought the dogs in your life, do care about them and treat them well. Its just the idea of buying and selling them seems wrongs. I know a lot of people consider "pets" pretty much interchangeable, but they really do all have their own unique personality, such that they are really more 4 legged furry people.


    Why not go to the local animal shelter and save an innocent life from a lethal injection? Especially with the economy the way it is and has been, there are so many animals that have been turned in or abandoned. You may not get exactly what you want, in terms of breed/appearance, but this isn't a new couch or wall paper. I'm sure you'll find a sweet, loving animal. Besides, I thought that mixed breeds tended to be healthier anyway; generally speaking.

    No offense, but that is your opinion.  God bless you.  You obviously have a generous heart.  But, I am not a bad person for preferring purebred dogs. 

  3. Assuming the temperature in your garage is reasonably stable (say 50 degrees max between coldest winter and hottest summer), your firearms will be fine as long as you invest in a high-quality dehumidifier system as recommended above.  Don't be thinking you can get away with a couple canisters of Damp Rid. 


    My technical concern is about damage to the safe from sitting on the slab.  If possible, get it up off the slab.  I'd recommend building a platform out of pressure-treated 2x4s 12" on center and 3/8" sheeting. 


    My logistical concern is security.  Only you can assess your own security.  Just remember, when it comes to theft, if there is a will there is  way. 

  4. I own a briard (see my profile pic, a dangerous breed, outlawed in Germany).  The only thing "dangerous breed" means is the owner needs to understand that the breed has certain instincts that need to be managed and disciplined. 


    For example, with a briard, I need to have an *off* command.  e.g., when my dog was about 1 year old, my niece and her boyfriend came over for a visit.  Tobi had never met them before.  They walked right into my house, each picked up one of my sons, and started hugging, tickling, and playing with them.  I thought Tobi was going to kill them both.  If I did not have Tobi conditioned to break off, we would have been taking them to the hospital.


    Huskies seem to be more concerned about pack hierarchy than most breeds. That is why they tend to bite children when children unintentionally do something that the dog misinterprets as a dominance display.  These are not "I'm-a kill you" bites.  These are "you better watch your place" bites.  But as far as the law is concerned, a bite is a bite is a bite.  True alpha huskies are not suitable for children, so don't favor the most dominant puppies in the litter (as is often conventional wisdom). 


    Your theory about needing a female because you already own a male is projecting human traits upon your dog.  As a rule, 2 males will get along better than a male and a female. 


    My advice is: learn about the breed, know it and understand it before you buy.  As long as you are willing to educate yourself and work with the animal, you should be fine.  Good luck and enjoy your dogs. 

  5. "one pocket-sized device which contains and releases not more than three-quarters of an ounce..."


    So, if I keep a Pepper Blaster in the console of my truck, and if my wife keeps a Pepper Blaster in her purse, I guess she automatically becomes a *dangerous criminal* when she borrows my truck. 

  6. I'm probably jinxing myself, but I have actually never had an accident of any kind. 

    But the *stupidest* thing I ever did was try to build my own bullet trap.  I got a half-dozen 9mm holes in the basement wall to prove that I had absolutely no clue what I was doing. 


    ETA: Ooops, I forgot about how I learned the hard way about cylinder gap gasses.  While target shooting in the woods, I rested a .357 against a tree to steady my shot.  I ended up with a face full of treebark; in my eyes, my mouth, my ear. 

  7. I had exactly the opposite experience back in January. 


    When my Freedom Munitions order came, I was suspicious when I saw it was in a UPS branded box, not a Fredom Munitions box as is normal.  When I opened it up, I found a crushed and broken-open Freedom Muntions box inside a clear plastic bag.  It looked like it had fallen off the airplane.  Over 2,000 rounds of ammo had broken out of their boxes, but every single round was accounted for. 


    I didn't know whether to complain about the inconvience of counting/verifying the ammo, or to commend them for getting every singe round to me. 

  8. If you really cannot decide, get both.  :-D

    My 1894 is in .30-30 and I love it.  My recommendation would be the same.  The only drawback is that it has a stupid amount of felt recoil for some reason (compared to modern rifles in similar calibers).  Felt recoil is comparable to a Mosin Nagant.  If you want something for kids to shoot or something you are going to shoot all day, then you might consider the ligher .357 cartridge. 

  9. I will concede place B may not really be that bad for some people


    Scenario A embedded DL gets picked

    You walk in to get you driver's license renewed. They say hold on, your DL has a firearm endorsement and pist permit, so you need to reapply for your FID. That may be a 3 to 6 months where you get the 5 personal references notarized, employer notification, and some township detective with stacks of backlog investigates your renewal.


    Meanwhile your DL expires end of month. So what do you do? Get a DL with no FID endorsement and no pistol permit? With no pistol permit, you can no longer buy handgun ammo for those handguns you own.


    Scenario B separate photo FID gets picked.

    Every 3 years you walk into the township PD and get a renewal application. They mail your employer. You name 5 friends who are asked to attest that you are a good guy, and they have to get it notarized.

    Why every 3 years and not 4? Because they are handling so many requests, the wait could be 3 to 6 months, maybe more. If you don't get your new ID before the old one expires, you can't even buy ammo.

    Meanwhile you notice less cops on the streets, more crime, and your property taxes are going up. Why? Because the cops are in the office processing 350,000 forms per year, on top of regular volume. They don't have time for criminals: they are too busy processing your paperwork.


    The bill does not specify many implementation details.  It mostly charges the NJSP and NJAG with tasks for defining the implementation details within specified timeframes (10 months, if I recall correctly). 

    But, if the implementation details are as you describe, the whole system would be untenable.  Forget crashing, the system could never get off the ground. 

  10. I will buy that. There is certainly much misconceptions to correct, which OP has addressed in various replies.


    But to original assertion , "I actually see S2723 as an improvement to the status quo here in NJ. "

    I will concede some people's lives will get better, and he may be one of them.

    But he asked for reasons why that perspective may not be widely shared, and far from accusing and that other thing, I answered a request for information.


    I am inquiring for purposes of my education and enlightenment; wanting to broaden my understanding.

    You came after me with a box full of butthurt.  Not called for. 

  11. Maybe you buy a handgun every year. I don't have that kind of cash. So maybe you like reapplying every 4 years instead of every 1 year. I don't.

    Maybe you buy cheap ammo for expensive prices at brick and mortar. I don't have that kind of cash, and local stores don't stock the competition ammo I use, so I buy online.


    Maybe you don't mind everyone else's life gets much worse, if your specific case gets little better.


    Hold on there... I never said anything like that.  I am just trying to figure out what the real world day-to-day differences will be in life post S2723.  The other thread is clogged with hypotheticals about government abuse and disagreements about what is and is not in the bill. 


    Right now we are in "Place A."  Place A sucks really really bad.  If the bill passes, we will be in "Place B."  Relative to Place A, is Place B a better or worse place?  That is all I am asking.

  12. you show me WHERE in the bill that it states that the new DL endorsement will qualify as a pistol permit..

    They will never let this happen.  This bill is total bullshunt.

    Page 20, starting at line 40:

    40 (5) No handgun shall be delivered to any person unless:

    41 (a) Such person possesses and exhibits a firearms purchaser

    42 identification card and a valid permit to purchase a handgun (PPH)

    43 or a valid New Jersey firearms purchaser identifier embedded with

    44 information that the holder is qualified and eligible to receive a

    45 handgun and at least seven days have elapsed since the

    46 calendar date of the sale;


    Brackets around

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