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Posts posted by JrzyGuy30

  1. I just watched it.  I'm pretty pissed off that those idiots ruined everything for both sides.  Its pretty tough for me to believe that the governer brainwashed all those people so bad that even after he cut off Hershels head that they wanted to storm the prison. 


    I agree! 

  2. We've just gone through the very same thing.  My daughter is 15 months old and we're pulling her from daycare and going the nanny route instead.  We started with care.com as well to find potential nannies.  We've interviewed two and got lucky, basically finding THE one.  Make sure you're asking for references and following up on them.  They're especially useful when it's the current or a prior family that the nanny worked for.  I haven't decided on a background check service yet though I was thinking about giving the nanny a firearm and running a 4473 on her...   :rofl:

    Nice. Good for you! Yeah - I guess we haven't found 'the one' yet.


    This world is no more dangerous than it was 20 years ago. Interview people, go with your gut instinct, and hire someone. People have become afraid of their shadows anymore. Ocd is a mental illness. I suggest you should deal with your wife and her issues with that. Don't keep placating her.

    Deal with my wife? Its more like her and I made a decision for a nanny with each of our own reasons to steer away from daycare. Not 'placating' her.

  3. OK, so in addition to cameras/monitoring and background checks, I would suggest "several" personal references as well.  And if they know up front that they will be monitored on a consistant basis throughout the day and are they OK with that, well, you stand a chance of finding and "keeping" someone who will truely be honest and on the level.  I know we all have to do what we have to do and you have your own reasons for wanting/needing to do it this way, but I'd choose a dirty floor over the "unknown" person in my home with my child every time.  I'm not judging you in any way, this is a TOUGH one and I'm wrangling in my seat just thinking about if I was in this situation because I trust NOBODY!  Sadly enough, not even my childs Grandparents!



    I agree... I feel like the dirty floor comes with the checks created by a small group...a few day care employees are less likely to ALL be scumbags.. so you run a good chance of one person doing the "right thing"


    you can have all the cameras in the world.... the person my have the cleanest record there is... but you can't cover every single hallway and corner of your house... further this individual may work for you for months.. years... all the while telling her cracked out felon boyfriend about how well off you are.. with your fancy cameras... big safe filled with god only knows what... fancy TVs.. telling him her schedule.. basically letting him know when you are and are not home... no thanks... I dont like ANYONE in my house.. let alone some random stranger.. for hours at a time.. 


    I totally hear this.. but wife won't budge on the germs thing and I believe we should be able to find some nanny to take care of our daughter well and give her more attention than she would get in daycare... 


    Also, my safe, my 'expensive' attractive stuff will stay locked away between the office and bedroom which will be under lock and key and have camera's pointing away over them... at the end of the day, if I stayed scared of every horrible possibility, I'd go and move to Montana and be a hermit, but I can't and I need to look past fears and try to live life :) .. with as much precaution as possible (like a thorough background check process!)

  4. Where did you locate this nanny? Hopefully not CL. There are some very professional services that provide vetted nanny's. My friends had one for their special needs child a few years ago when she was born. I will try to find out who they were.


    Appreciate that. We used care.com ... but are reluctant to trust there background check service after reading some reviews about how they miss felony records/driving records etc

  5. I guess the first question is this... if you and your wife are on edge about a stranger coming into your home, why are you doing it that way?  There are endlees qualified, safe and well established daycare providers that provide the care from their location...  and I'm pretty sure there are some very close to your home or workplace, so please explain why thats not an option in this situatiuon.  Just trying to help and understand because I see so many potential problems with this scenario and obviously, guns in the home.


    Wife is slightly OCD (I think more than slightly) and the daycare facilities we visited in our area were either too dirty or had people walk through the rooms on the carpet that an infant crawls around on and sticks in their mouth. I personally would like 1 on 1 attention for our daughter also, so a nanny is the best for this, but I'm a better to be safe than sorry person and as I and my wife maintain a clean record and try to be upstanding citizens, I expect the same for someone who will be caring for my daughter.

  6. I’m not an LEO and this is OT but you may want to invest in some Nanny cams that could be used discreetly...


    We are actually getting Comcast Home Security setup and that includes some interior cameras.. so def great idea.. but I'd like to prevent anything from happening if I can, rather than watching something unfold from my office in NYC, you know? :)

  7. This is a good time for the LEO'S on the board to chime in..


    I will take PM's if they don't want to publicize themselves..

    Having a strange lady in our house while we're gone with my child (plus my other children locked up) just doesn't sit right and I need something to prove to me that this new person we just met is not some night time prostitute or has been dealing drugs or has a suspended license etc etc.. you know? Wife is all on edge to so this will help.

  8. Okay- so I'm assuming some of the members on here are either parents or might be in law enforcement.. and my predicament is this. My wife found a nanny for our daughter (first child- 4 months old) because she is going back to work in 2 weeks. I want to run a background check.


    There seems to be a lot of these beenverified.com/ intelius.com / us search.com and all these sites, but they don't seem to be thorough. I have her DL and passport and want to know if someone can point me in the direction to get a thorough check to make sure there isn't anything fishy since this lady will be in my house with both of us gone and our new daughter... advice please?



  9. Teehee. Ever done film before? Its harder than it looks. Send me a PM, Ill talk to my boss about selling you some. As far as your front door goes, same principal. It will slow someone down slightly, but they will get through. Do you have the lead inside the sidelight?


    No lead in the side light- just small windows vertically stacked.


    Install a deadbolt that is keyed on both sides and hang the key away from the side lite but accessible to family members.


    Wife won't allow it just in case there is a fire emergency and she needs to get out.. she always fumbles with keys and well, that was all she wrote. I pick and choose my battles carefully, and this isn't worth the debate :)

  10. I install window film by trade. I will answer any questions in that area as best I can.


    Ill see if we have any larger panes at the shop that are junk. If so ill grab a bat and make a video for you guys.




    You can probably go with a laminated glass door, although your town may require that it be tempered.

    Banka - thanks for the response.. So my thoughts have always been to find out where I can purchase this film and apply to my sliding doors- at least to slow down anyone.. #2 - we have that narrow decorative window next to our front door and I've wondered if I can get the same thing to keep someone from just shattering the glass and sticking their hand in to unlock the front door? 


  11. I don't carry.. I keep my 9mm upstairs in condition 0 by my bed (no kids - just a 2 month old infant so this will change very soon) and then a side by side shotgun downstairs with me hidden behind furniture - condition 1... so either way both firearms are in relative close reach.

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