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Everything posted by mx597turbo

  1. I haven't called since last week. If anyone calls, make sure to get the name of the company contracted to do the checks. We need to confirm this story, and also start pressuring them to go as fast as possible.
  2. Yes, but that ruling assumed that the county agencies would actually be able to provide the check. If they can't then that ruling wouldn't hold up under an appeal.
  3. I don't blame the NRA for not getting involved. They would just be throwing good money after bad. I fully blame the local PD's for this. They have the discretion to issue the FID and/or PP. If another agency has a problem, the local PD should still be responsible to issue the permits in a timely manner. It is their responsibility, not the Essex County adjuster's. I guess, theoretically we could ask the chief if they have to uphold the US constitution. If they say yes, then they would have to issue us the FID without the mental helath check, or at least look for an alternative source for the check. If they refuse, then the chief is actually not upholding the constitution.
  4. I am an NRA member. Contacted them, and never heard back. We're just going to have to wait for our 2A rights. No one is willing to help us. On the other hand, it may actually be good news that an outside contractor is handling the checks. Most of the time, a private company will be much more efficient than some public-sector agency whose employees basically have a lifetime job, no matter how they perform their duties. Let's see how this plays out over the next two weeks. We were given a date of March 10, so all we can do is hope they stick to it. I would still like to know the name of the company handling the checks. So next person who calls the adjuster, please get this info. Thanks.
  5. Not yet, I'll probably give a call on Thursday. Fingers crossed that they are actually processing in order, as I would be one of the first done!
  6. Hopefully, this week will see applications finally getting processed. I would ask that anyone who is following this thread, please post when you get you FID and/or PP. Also, I think it's a good idea to keep calling the adjuster and checking their status. Just because they said they would start processing again this week, doesn't mean they will. We need to stay updated on this.
  7. My understanding is that if you already have an FID, you don't need prints for a PP. I was told this by the clerk in the records room of my local PD, so each PD may follow their own set of rules.
  8. However... I do have good news: I just called the adjuster. She said the recovery of records is done, and they will begin processing requests next week. I hope they do it in order of submission, so the people who applied in early Sept. won't have to redo the fingerprints. Still, I think we should all keep up some pressure on the phones.
  9. I AM ditching NJ as soon as I feasibly can. The whole state can turn into one big Camden for all I care...
  10. It's really sad how we have no recourse to stand up for our rights, other than to move to another state, or at least another county.
  11. This would be complete BS. I suggest talking to the chief NOW so they don't screw you over further. If this happens, you basically were robbed for the cost of the prints, and any application fees. Just remind them politely, THEY failed to follow the law they swear to uphold.
  12. I just want to thank everyone who is posting in here. It's good to know I'm not alone, but it still sucks that our government is breaking its own laws and getting away with it.
  13. Not since Feb. 8. I just want to know if anyone is Essex has received a FID or PP lately. I'll call again on Monday, 2/25/2013. If anyone calls before then, let us know what's going on.
  14. Any news from anyone? I'm going to keep this topic on the front page.
  15. Bump to keep this topic on the first page. Does anyone know if FID is the same as CCW? Do they have a time in which they have to deny you, or you are automatically approved?
  16. Thanks for all your help. I still would like to know which company in TX is handling the restoration. Maybe contacting them would help the process...
  17. I guess this is good news. However, "shortly" is a relative term. Homo sapiens have existed a short time relative to the age of the earth... In other words, we should ask for a specific date.
  18. I have been trying to accelerate this process for months. I have contacted lawyers, politicians, the NRA, and NJ2AS, and none have responded to my requests for help. I feel like it's just a few of us on this forum who are affected, and thus, care. Hopefully this ordeal is coming to a close, and things will be up and running within about a month. If you want to help, call the adjuster and find out what company is doing the restoration of records. Maybe we can get them to forward our info to our local PDs directly. I am very disappointed that every "gun" lawyer I contacted didn't respond, and never even set up time for a consultation. They are more than happy to take your money, and do nothing to speed up the process, but when you ask them to set up a class action suit, they ignore you.
  19. Just called the adjuster. She said everything is almost done, and they will begin to do the checks in a "couple weeks." It sounds like they should be operational by March.
  20. It's good to hear these people didn't lose their jobs. Also, if the extension was for 6 months, they must believe the situation will be resolved by March 2013, since Sandy happened in happened in October.
  21. Hi Kevin, and welcome to NJGF. I can appreciate you wanting to use a lawyer to get to the front of the line regarding the mental checks, but many of us have been waiting since September 2012 for our FID/PP, so all I can say is get in line. You are thinking about this in the wrong way. Paying a lawyer to get the permit is wrong on many levels. We should look into getting compensated for the failure in the system, not feed into it. You are free to do whatever you like, but if you do lawyer up, you should tell the lawyer you want to sue because you are being denied your 2A rights (or just wait it out, like we're going to have to do anyway).
  22. If anyone in Essex has any news, please post. This includes anyone who has received a FID and/or PP. I don't want to let this fall by the wayside whilst we wait for our paperwork to go through. Has anyone called the adjuster lately?
  23. Someone I know bought a house in 2005, and was paying $8000/yr in taxes. In 2012, her property taxes were $14,000. THIS is the real reason people are leaving this state as soon as the opportunity presents itself. I just booked a trip to the Houston area, partially for a vacation, and partially to see if we really want to move there. Trust me, guns will have virtually no impact on my decision to move. Job availability, reasonable taxes, and affordable housing are what matters to me.
  24. Guess I spoke too soon. I received the following message from Dan Schmutter: At least some progress is being made.
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