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Posts posted by TK421


    Here's the latest NJ State Police Initiative (Radio Station 101.5 confirmed this info).


    Starting  July 28 , New Jersey will launch a 30-day speeding ticket frenzy. The state estimates that 9 million dollars will be generated in speeding tickets. One million dollars will go to pay state troopers over-time. 


    There will be 50 state troopers on duty at all times patrolling the 9 main intersections and highways as follows:


    I-295 North and South, 

    I-95 Jersey Turnpike North and South, 

    I-80 East and West, 

    I-287 North and South, mi

    I-78 East and West, 

    I-195 East and West, 

    I-280 East and West, 

    Route 130 - North and South, 

    Garden State Parkway - North and South


    5 MPH above the limit can justify a ticket and every state trooper is supposed to pull a car over and write a ticket every 10 to 20 minutes. 


    They have issued 30 brand new unmarked Crown Victoria cruisers and are bringing in all of their part-timers on full time. If you work in NJ, NY, DE or CT, you will probably be on one of these highways. So, please be on guard and drive safely!


    Starting  August 15 , the price of a violation to show your driver's license, registration or insurance card at the time you are stopped, increased from $44.00 to $173.00. (Keep these documents in your car). And the fine for not having all three documents is  $519.00!


    The fine for hand-held cell phone use while driving will be going up to $180.00, 


    Please forward this to people in NJ or any one using the NJ Highways, and let them know of this latest Police Initiative.


    So where exactly does one find a brand new Crown Victoria these days? LOL

  2. I have an FOP shield in my front window, a metal "property of the bearer" family member PBA card from my father, a stack of various PBA, FOP and NJSOA cards from family and friends both employed and retired from a number of different agencies here in NJ. I got pulled over once in the last five years and got a ticket, so I'm going to say donating gets you nothing more than a receipt that says you donated. LOL

  3. Who knew they had a sense of humor? I have to admit, this is pretty funny.



    It has been posted here before.  Now someone needs to make a video of the minutemen at Lexington and Concord standing with their muskets fighting a full frontal assault from modern British infantry armed with modern arms like SA80s and Mininis to put this in its proper perspective.

  4. Attacking the fragile self esteem of a socially disadvantaged person? Here it could have netted her 10 years, plus the aggravating circumstance of using a firearm to defend herself would have meant an additional 5 years, no early release. The "criminal" for his part would have been given a citizenship award and an annual stipend, of just over $50K, an EBT card, and free housing. 

    Finally someone gets what I'm saying, only took what 12 posts!  LOL

  5. Why do you assume she'd be in jail if this happened in NJ?  NJ grants us the ability to defend ourselves in our homes.


    He said "sorry, I'm just going to go now" and she threatened to blow his head off if he moved before the police got there.  Personally I'm fine with that, play stupid games, win stupid prizes, but I'll bet she'd have a problem if she did this in NJ.

  6. So what do you think?  If she resided in this backward ass gun-free utopia, what would she have been charged with?  Brandishing, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, unlawful restraint?  Then I guess they could start lumping all the add-ons like hollow points, crime with a firearm and terroristic threats.  Further proof this state is broken beyond repair, she'd be in jail and her kids would be wards of the state.



    Homeowner Tells Burglar: ‘If You Move, You’re Gonna Go to the Morgue’


    Tammy Takach of Steubenville was sleeping Thursday morning when a noise in her home woke her up. She told WPXI-TV she grabbed her gun and went downstairs to find an intruder who’d entered through a window holding an air conditioning unit. He begged her not to call the police.

    “He stood up and put his hands up,” Takach told WTOV-TV. “He said, ‘I’m just going to go. I’m sorry,’ and I said, ‘The only place you’re going to go is jail, and if you move, you’re gonna go to the morgue, because I’m going to blow your f-ing head off.”

    Takach kept the gun aimed at him the entire time until police arrived.


  7. Long leash you say? You gave me a warning for calling someone a moron, after he insulted me, and you didn't warn him. Then you also told me, "Next time, it's a ban". I wouldn't call that a long leash....


    LOL don't feel bad, I got my "demerit" for responding to some assclown's condescending remark to me...  Go figure?

  8. :facepalm:

    And that is exactly the problem.


    Want to talk about any stupid issue unrelated to guns?  Sure, no problem, pick your topic:


    So what do you drive?

    Your favorite Underwear Brands

    Don't pee behind this shop 

    1/16 Scale RC Tanks? 

    What kind of powder do you use in this weather?

    The Cicadas Are Coming! 


    Live in district 33 and want to do something about the problem?


    Sorry, we couldn't find that!

    District 33 - This topic has been moved!


  9. Just a little clarification... 


    most people here believe in freedom.....


    with that said this is a privately owned forum, that has over time attracted a large diverse group of people....


    there are individuals that identify themselves with the right... individuals that support liberty in its purist form... law enforcement officers... and even some people that are pretty liberal.... this a common place for those individuals that enjoy shooting sports to discuss firearms...  


    that is the intended use of the site... 

    one more time in case you missed it...




    this is NOT a place to air your hatred for liberals...

    this is NOT a place to spew vial comments about law enforcement....

    this is NOT a place to insult others with vast negative generalizations...


    and that is the problem..

    the problem is not that we hate freedom.. it is not that we want to sensor you..

    at your house.. in your yard.. you can say whatever the hell you want... but here... you are required to have a little respect... when a forum is reduced to petty constant bickering and insults.. it becomes worthless...  so if you are here to be an internet tough guy... you should probably just leave..


    if you are here because you love guns.. 

    and enjoy talking about them.. then this is a great site that has a ton of knowledgeable members.. and a vast amount of information....


    once again in case you missed it..

    the goal is not to sensor you because we "hate freedom"... the reason some members are finding problems is because a certain amount of tact is required to maintain a decent level of quality...


    So there are some problems with this.  I know you think we should all be singing kum ba yah in one big diverse gun owning cabal but there is one glaring problem.  Just about everyone living in NJ that owns a gun agrees; the laws are over bearing and don't just simply infringe upon our rights, they blatantly impede, prevent and penalize the free exercise of this right.  The current state of our rights to own weapons for self-protection and the very concept of the right to defend life, liberty and property here in NJ have been eroded by generations of an ignorant electorate that has empowered subsequent generations of ignorant politicians and judges to trample those rights.  I don't care if you are a Democrat or a Republican, in this state you are either hard left or moderately left, there is no right to speak of here any longer.  The common problems we experience here with gun laws do not exist in a microcosm, they are not an anomaly in an otherwise free society, they are indicative of an authoritarian mindset that has manifested itself in the soft tyranny we find ourselves living with today.  So the lack of interest to discuss politics here for fear of insulting someone leaves us nothing more than a venue to simply piss, **** and moan about the problems inherent with living in a leftist, statist, totalitarian oligarchy without a forum to address the underlying root causes and mind-sets that got us and keep us here.  SO when you say:


    this is NOT a place to air your hatred for liberals...

    this is NOT a place to spew vial comments about law enforcement....

    this is NOT a place to insult others with vast negative generalizations...


    It is about the manifestations of liberal, progressive and socialist policies.

    It is about the enforcement arm of the government complicit in preventing you from the free exercise of you rights.

    It is about trying to explain the root causes of the totalitarian system of government we are struggling to deal with today and if you somehow feel all butt-hurt over what someone says you might just be part of the problem.


    So in short, I will reiterate, we are where we are because of the politics that got us here, the inability to address the politics that got us here leaves us with our collective thumbs up our asses with nothing more than a forum to whine about our current situation.


    And just for the record, I am more of a Constitutionalist/Libertarian than a Republican, I tend to hold my nose with one hand while I vote Republican with the other.

  10. I kind of hope this turns out to be a full-on frontal assault on the NJ AWB.  This guy was in his home minding his own business when the police entered his house unannounced and without a warrant.  According to Heller, McDonald and Miller, if one can prove the weapons and magazines are "in common use" it should put all these types of BS feel-good, do-nothing laws to bed once and for all.  I'll be praying for you guys...

  11. Ogam has me spending more money actually. =)


    You can't let the opportunity pass by for the 30 days.


    Then again, you can always do exemptions.


    I thought about this, has anyone filed for a OGAM exemption predicated upon the fact that the NICs is so screwed and their permit expiration times are running past the NICs approvals?  I know several people now that have been burnt by expiring permits while waiting for their NICs approvals.

  12. What my father said was that nothing in Florida's law criminalizes possession of a firearm in an establishment if that establishment has a no firearms policy. If you violate their policy, they can ask you to leave under that threat of a trespassing charge but that is it. Technically he did not break any law he simply chose to ignore Disney's policy. About the same punishment for not wearing shoes and a shirt in a restaurant that requires them. This is a non-event being blown out of proportion by people in the media looking to further their own agenda.


    When some asstard eventually does start shooting up the place and all the patrons' guns are securely tucked away in their trunks a mile away, these same bone heads will be crying that we need laws to prevent people from owning whatever type of guns were used in that particular crime. They are like a piano with one key. Same tune every time.

  13. Here is the rub, Disney wants to have its cake and eat it too. Officially they have a no firearms policy, if they find you with one in their parks they will ask you to leave but they don't post signs telling you you can't carry because if someone starts shooting they do not want to be responsible for having left their patrons defenseless. My father (retired LEO) is there every year and carries in the parks all the time. There are no signs at the entrances posted telling you you cannot...

  14. I've been shooting since I was 7-8 years old. I had my own pump BB gun at 9-10 and semi-auto .22 at 14. My father had a Colt AR15 SP1 back in the '80s we used to shoot all the time. As an adult I purchased my first handgun after getting married and buying a home at the age of 26. That was in 1995. The day I learned the Colt Match Target was legal in NJ (1996) I drove out to PA and bought one. From that point on I was just hooked on trying to improve upon my skills. I also have a very deep appreciation for the engineering of various guns. To me it is amazing what goes into making something that can withstand such extremes yet be so reliable. To sum it up, hobby, self/home defense and engineering appreciation.

  15. Again Please EXPLAIN how Blatantly committing a felony which will strip you of your 2nd amendment rights FOREVER makes any sense whatsoever.


    I think the entire point here is to challenge the fact that someone thought the act of "bearing arms" was insufficiently covered by the second amendment and felt justified in writing a law to make the act of doing so a felony.  Just sayin'.

  16. I look at it this way, we know if something cannot last forever it will end. 


    The current situation we as Americans find ourselves in today cannot last forever.  How and when it will end is a matter of choosing.  There is a lack of testicular fortitude on the part of those in elected office today that have the ability to begin to change things.  Wherever this goes it is going to be painful one way or the other. 


    Unfortunately the drones out there don't see the problems brewing.  They don't understand that generations of currency manipulation have left them with massive debt and virtually no wealth.  They have systematically been exposed to ever increasing infringements to their freedoms like a frog slowly boiling in a pot. 


    Some are beginning to wake up but I don't think enough will before the damage is irreversible as it may even already be.  Agree or not with his tactics at least he is making a stir and waking people up, which is never a bad thing. 


    I personally think there is a very real potential he is going to get a lot of people hurt but if a lot of people didn't get hurt over the last 230+ years we wouldn't be Americans then would we.  Is what he is doing right?  I don't know, but whatever we have been doing, right or not, is obviously not working.

  17. Wanna talk about change of address BS? I've lived at the same address for almost 55 years. They snob idiots decide to change the name of the town. The way I look at it, that's their prob. I had to go get finger printed all over again and go through all the typical BS... Talk about corrupt bullshiet! All they should have done was type up a new card with the correct town name.




    Sent from John's iPad 2 via Tapatalk HD

    Typos courtesy Apple...


    I never thought about that, I live in Toms River, they changed the name from Dover Township to Toms River Township a number of years ago.  I have to go look at my FID, I think it always said Toms River though...

  18. Hopefully Xbox One won't run $$$$.  I am a big fan of all the COD's/.  Never could get past BF2.  Too Glitchy for me.


    Oh my, nothing beat the online game play of BF2.  Played with the right people with VOIP, the game was amazing.  Then Project Reality hit and online war games never had it so good...  I spent hundreds of hours playing BF2PR, it was the best!

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