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Posts posted by WVisHome


    Oops, an edit, I see you already got a Serpa. Get leg insurance ;) just kidding.


    Don't think the obvious "give me the gun" button will provide much added retention.


    Lol...I'm aware of the ND's with these holsters. Luckily, I've had great trigger discipline drilled into my head over the years. My finger stays straight until I'm on target. I also practiced a lot with the gun unloaded at first to make sure.


    For now...it served my purpose. Back home, I don't have the risk of a grabber...it was more for just general outdoor usage.



    I still haven't decided to open carry here yet or not. Everyone you ask says it's not a good idea.....that it's not "worth the hassle"....but I look at it as an opportunity for education.  Like "Hey, look! OMG a gun!   Wait....he's just a normal guy. He's not a crazy nut."

  2. You want the holster to be difficult to remove... If you ever open carry the weapon you want it to stay attached to you... That grip helps do that...


    I can understand that...but I thought the whole idea of a paddle holster is so that it's easier than dealing with a belt holster. This damn thing is much more difficult to get off than simply removing my belt. Maybe I just need to practice with it....but I'm inclined to just put the belt clip back on it.

  3. No need to scare kids.  The real risk of a school shooting is tiny, tiny, tiny.  I actually figured it out after Newtown.  I figured out the number of school shootings over the last 3 years and the number of schools in the country.   I even included administrator suicides, drive-by gang shootings, etc. 


    The results:  A school should expect a shooting once every 22,0000 years.


    This is not enough reason to scare kids (or to pass laws).



  4. No offense Mak....but I know I'm not qualified to make any judgement on anyone that's seen combat. A threat in combat is completely different than a typical thug threat.

    I did agree that he did break the law though...



    Personally, I see this as a case for some leniency....no one was hurt, that's all that matters. I'd much rather see a warning shot and a fine than a non-fatal shot and a lawsuit by the criminal.

  5. I see both sides of this argument....great entertainment.


    Personally, i don't think the guy "deserves"  the charges....but I can understand why they're warranted. 

    Also...I also believe a "warning shot" is much more effective than a barrel pointed at someone. Actions speak louder than words. Besides...you can get charged for both "brandishing" and "negligent discharge"....

  6. Here here!

    As a man born and raised in WV.....I can attest to this attitude in central/northern NJ. Only one of my Central Jersey friends was on the same level as me when it came to being self sufficient, and that was only because his dad raised him to be. 

  7. Either you are clearly justified in using deadly force in self-defence, or you are not. There's no gray allowed, where "warning shots" live. You can't say "I sorta kinda felt that my life was in danger, but not so much to shoot the guy so I just gave him a warning shot".


  8. Never been to AnA or Bob's....but the guys at Cheyenne Mtn aren't too bad. They're always packed when I'm there, so it's hard to get their attention if you need ammo.

    What I find more interesting though is....the lack of mention of Sportsman's Center.   I don't like that place either, lol.

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