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Posts posted by Albanian

  1. Well for me it was music. Blasting music in Albanian weddings from infancy onwards until now. I always had occasional tinnitus, it would go away, but this time it stuck. I also blame listening to blasting music in my headphones. Essentially it was my own damn fault and thankfully not due to loss of hearing itself, ENT said I have great hearing, perfect for my age otherwise. Might check that place in Morristown out anyway for shits and giggles. Overall though I can tune it out. Even in complete silence I might just "forget" about it. If I am out and about doing stuff I never hear it unless I think real hard about it lol


    My brother has it in his right ear. I took him shooting for the first time and he did not properly place his ear muffs on in Bullet Hole. Bang, Tinnitus in his right ear.


    JackDaWack that's how it was for me until it decided to remain one day lol I don't think it will stay for you as long as you use ear protection.


    I made this post because it is interesting to see how many people actually have it. People just learn to live with it overall so they don't talk about it.

  2. I know people who shoot can get Tinnitus if they fail to wear proper hearing protection. Funnily enough I developed Tinnitus about a week and a half before I went shooting for the first time ever back in February. I'm largely used to it and often don't even notice it until I think about it or it is late at night. I like to sleep with the tv on now when before I preferred complete silence lol


    It's true you don't know what you have until it is gone. I sometimes miss complete silence but it isn't that big of a deal. I just hope this isn't a predictor of hearing loss I'm only in my mid-twenties. Though the ENT said my hearing was fine aside from the Tinnitus. He also said like 10% of the population has it since we live in such a noise filled world.

  3. Who told you all of this? Let me guess the TV right, or maybe a revisionist history book. Word of advice, go to an estate sale and buy a history book from the 1850's and read it.


    Things weren't all that bad in the past.

    Research, and no not school text books. I forgot to mention sexism and ageism was worse as well.

  4. I'm saying most people at age 22 are jackasses. In 10 years you will look back on a lot of things and say to yourself... What the F was I thinking. That's all I'm saying.


    I am of the opinion that we should not be so critical of ourselves. I look at it as, "that is what I thought with the experience and knowledge I had at that time. Some has changed, some hasn't, some has changed back."


    Like you said in your second post, it happens to all people of all ages if they keep an open mind at least. I know people who change very little. For better or worse.

  5. There is good and bad. In the old days racism was more acceptable, homophobia was much more acceptable, crime was worse, and people with disabilities (like autism) were treated very poorly and as if they were doing it on purpose, etc. etc.


    Don't get me wrong I feel parents are raising a bunch of prissies these days. Girls and boys. Making them scared to fail. Raising them to be entitled brats. I say this and I don't even support corporal punishment only natural consequences. However parents prevent natural consequences of their kids actions to "protect" them. Kids attack each other or teachers and teachers are fired for getting physical to stop them. A kid slips and falls and mommy babies them for 45 minutes. A mom lets her 9 year old son use the subway system in NY and everyone wants her child taken away by the state. Be damned self-reliance. There are many many more examples.


    Don't get me started on firearms. Weapon of equlization, the ultimate tool for equality and empowering the weak and downtrotted... and it is vilified because people have lost the ability to take responsible for themselves.

  6. I'm unsure that he shot an innocent black boy in cold blood or defended himself, but does anyone not think he is a racist idiot?

    No he isn't. I don't think so. Tutored underprivileged black kids. Helped a black homeless man who was beat by a cop see justice and had the cop fired. Grew up in a multi-cultural hone.


    Was he over zealous? Sure but that doesn't mean trayvon could bash his head in the ground while going home from his drug run.

  7. It sounded to me like you were suggesting CCW might create a situation that would put the actress at risk.  If I misread your intent, you have my apologies. But, you post sure reads like that is your implication, and there is no basis for such a hypothesis.


    Oh no I meant that these "scare pranks" put the prankers at danger because of their actions. I only used this example because it is funny and recent. Sorry for the misunderstanding I didn't mean to imply that.

  8. No offense, OP, but your logic has so many holes in it that you are embarrassing yourself. 

    I can't wait for the disciplinarians to let you have it. 





    The scenario you envision, where someone gets scared, draws their weapon, and proceeds to have a dramatic conversation only happens on TV.  No responsible CCW licensee is going to draw their piece simply because they are shocked or excited. 


    Let me have it? No, it was a thought experiment basically. If someone "lets me have it" they would need to calm down. It is also easy to make assumption from your house safe and knowing something is fake.

  9. I've been looking into getting a 40 as a companion for my glock 22. With Red Lion attachments it can be pretty damn combat effecient especially for urban environments or home defense. Not to mention fun to shoot like you said.



    Now this was in New York, so chances of someone conceal carrying is incredibly low.


    However from the reactions of the customers, they really seemed to believe this girl had "powers" and was going crazy. (assuming the customers weren't actors either)


    What if conceal carry was allowed and someone had drawn on the girl and maybe even shot her? If a person really believed she was going crazy with telekenetic powers... it would be logical action in my opinion to draw a firearm (not shoot though). Personally I don't think I would have really thought she had "powers" and would have assumed it was performers or something.


    I think legally, even if conceal carry was allowed, that it would be illegal to shoot since once a gun was drawn she would have stopped and said it was fake. Depends on if Stand Your Ground was in the state or not either.



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