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Posts posted by deerpark

  1. This was addressed to less than 30 people:


    This is to confirm that we have received your RSVP and have you scheduled for a seat on the BlueWave bus to Trenton on Thursday, 2/21


    We have received a good number of RSVPs (about 30) so the bus is definitely chartered and CONFIRMED.


    If your plans have changed and you can no longer come, please let me know so we can get an accurate head count and know how many people to expect at each departure location.



    More information or any updates will be sent out on Wednesday, but everything remains as originally publicized (no changes):


    - 9:30 departure from Essex Green Shopping Center, W Orange (meet and leave cars next to Macy's)

    - 9:45 (approx.) departure from Clark Target Parking lot on Central Ave off the Westfield/Clark Exit - # 135 GSP

    (if anyone from Westfield can give me a more specific meeting spot to give people - like " meet over on the XX side by XX(store)" that would be helpful)

    - the cost is $15

    - we will depart Trenton at a set, agreed upon timely, likely 4:00pm in order to get home by 5:30pm. (If debate on the bills goes past 4pm, then we will not stay for the vote)

    - there is a rest room on the bus

    - there is a cafeteria in the State Assembly House


    *BRING ID WITH YOU* - you will need a driver's license or picture ID for security screening when entering the Statehouse!


    It was recommend on Monday's call that we all wear a similar color/item so we can be recognized as supporters, but Carole or Nicole will need to provide more information on that. (Green ribbons are the color being used to commemorate Sandy Hook - green clothing? any other ideas?)


    A few things we know already about Thursday that I can pass on:


    - The session is scheduled for 1:00pm; our plan is to arrive by 11am in order to get seating in the Assembly room

    - There is another item on the agenda that will be voted on first.

    - There will be NO public comment period as happened at the Committee hearing

    - You ARE encouraged to submit written statements or testimony in support of one or all of the bills

    - Write your letters or testimony in advance and bring multiple copies with you

    - If you are part of a group or an organization, consider writing a letter of support on behalf of the whole organization and ask other members to endorse it and add their names.

    - You could also send your composed letter out by email to your member list, ask them to sign their name to a copy of the letter (Word document) and email a copy back to you. Bringing a stack of letters (even if they are similarly worded) is VERY effective!


    please let me know if you have any additional questions regarding Thursday.




    Kim Hurdman



    [email protected]




    Great idea, I'll print out letters for others to sign.


    What do yous guys think about all wearing the same color?

  2. I just sent this to the email address listed on Blue Waves website:


    Please stop lying to yourselves. You are not "gun safety advocates". You are "gun control" advocates. Responsible, law abiding gun owners, who go through arduous, unconstitutional background checks, are gun safety advocates. Our firearms are not used in crimes, nor do we commit crimes.

    Additional guns laws will not prevent crime. Addressing the root issues of drugs, gangs, poverty, and the breakdown of the family unit in urban New Jersey is the only way we will stop the violence, as well as, the unnecessary deaths you are trying to prevent. The banning of inanimate objects that have no will of their own, will not accomplish anything other than turning law abiding citizens into criminals. To believe otherwise is pure fantasy.

    We do not have a gun problem in NJ. We have a violence problem. Campaign against that and you will force the politicians to actually do something that will net results, not just rhetoric that sounds good on the stump.

    Lastly, stop lying about the people at the meeting last Wednesday being supporters of the NRA. Although some of them may be members of that organization, they were there as supporters of the constitution and the 2nd amendment. You know - the document that assures your right to say whatever you like. Even the nonsense you spew on your website. Imagine if you needed to apply for a permit to exercise your god given 1st amendment right.

    The email address above is my real email address. I do not hide behind some feel good organization. Please feel free to contact me to discuss this matter further.



    Noice. I'm "composing" an email as well. My tone will be a little different but similar message.

  3. I wouldn't be nice to this POS. He thinks he is above you, the law, the constitution, NJ, etc. He needs to be reminded he works for us, he is not anyones ruler. Remind him that we are monitoring his every move via social media, and that there are 45,000 voting FID card holders in Jersey City alone. How many votes did you get last election sir?


    Nice to see the positive comments but you may be right.


    When he said that hes going to run "his meeting" as he sees fit (paraphrasing), that lady let him have it and rightfully so in my opinion but her delivery could have been more diplomatic.

  4. ...he is not just preparing for a new gun control challenge, but that he's softening up one of his liberal colleague on guns.


    "Liberal", "conservative", should have nothing to do with it. They all swear an oath to the same Constitution.


    But they'll argue its about "interpretation". Bullcrap. Only when they want to intrude on or dismantle more of our rights.


    Take Larry McDonald for instance. Democrat, but honored his oath to the Constitution.

  5. Some points (some possibly new):



    1) Analogy: fear of flying vs "mass shootings" with "assault rifles".


    Statistically, flying is much safer than driving yet people are fearful. Why? Because relatively rare airplane crashes are promoted by the media instilling fear in the viewers.


    In much the same way, the media promotes "mass shootings" demonizing "assault weapons". In NJ during 2010, 9 people died due to "long guns" whereas 117 people were killed with knives, fists or other objects.



    2) Conflict of interest: there were people on the committee who sponsored and co-sponsored some of the 24 anti-gun Bills...


    For example, Vice Chair Gilbert L. Wilson was the primary sponsor for Bill A1387...



    3) Guns vs. alcohol. Issue of freedom.


    Do we NEED alcohol? No.


    Issues related to alcohol: drinking and driving (death), alcohol poisoning (death), liver disease (long painful death), domestic violence, etc. If its about "saving even one life", why dont we ban alcohol when it is statistically MUCH more dangerous than guns.


    With alcohol, we hold the individual responsible, not the product. But with guns, they are trying to ban the product as opposed to focusing on the individual.



    4) Discrimination.


    Less than 1% (much less) of gun owners commit crimes with the use of a firearm. If for example, a single member of a group (African American, Hispanic, Asian, White etc.) committed a crime, would we punish or judge the remaining 99%?


    But thats exactly what we are doing with gun owners. We are judging, punishing and discriminating against the 99 (.99)%.


    Do not strip the freedoms of the many based on the actions of a few.

  6. State police made me supply two stamped addressed envelopes.


    They ended up calling only one of my references via telephone and did not send out the reference letters.


    Don't know if it's standard procedure or because I have a squeaky clean background.


    My employer? I told the HR person in advance. She said, "no problem." As far as I know they didn't contact them. Didn't expect a problem from my job, especially considering who I work for. ;)


    I'm not complaining though...


    Dang, I told one of my references that he would get a letter. He'll probably crap himself if he gets a call from the police.

  7. Saw this on another forum and found it to be entertaining. Enjoy if you havent already seen it.


    AR15: Melts IN the fire

    AK47: Starts ON fire

    Mosin-Nagant: Starts THE fire


    AR15: With a custom barrel, Varmint Scope, and gunsmith trigger job, you can vaporize prairie dogs at 600 yards.

    AK47: With a good rain, you can wait hidden in the mud at the side of a watering hole and wait for the game to come to you for a shot within 10 yards.

    Mosin-Nagant: With a solid shooting position, you can hit that deer on the other side of the valley… and recover the bullet in the tree it was standing in front of.


    AR15: You can buy 100 round magazines that require dry-carbon lubricant.

    AK47: You can do push-ups on your 30 round steel mag (Saw this in a SPETSNATZ documentary).

    Mosin-Nagant: You can use the buttstock to pound in a tent stake and if you don’t have tent stakes, the bayonet will work as one.


    AR-15: Carried by elite special forces and highly-trained American soldiers

    AK-47: Carried by illiterate peons and unwilling conscripts.

    Mosin-Nagant-Nagant: Carried by Vassily Zaitsev.


    AR15: Might just stop that charging terrorist with a three round burst

    AK47: Would stop the terrorist in his tracks

    Mosin-Nagant: Would stop the charging terrorist, his three buddies, and blow up the IED in the next block from the shockwave of the bullet…


    AR15: Shoots a .22.

    AK47: Shoots a carbine round.

    Mosin-Nagant: Shoots a cannonball.


    AR15: Shot by the free world

    AK47: Shot at the free world

    Mosin-Nagant: Almost free to shoot


    AR15: Shoot it in the air it goes a mile

    AK47: Shoot it in the air it goes 1/2 a mile

    Mosin-Nagant: Shoot it in the air and someone in Berlin gets hit by a bullet.


    AR15: Made out of used cars and recycled milk jugs

    AK47: Made out of oil rigs and packing crates

    Mosin-Nagant: Made out of old water pipe and goat carts


    AR15: Sounds like a pop gun

    AK47: Sounds like a machine gun

    Mosin-Nagant: Sounds like the Trinity Atomic Blast


    AR15: Sometimes mistaken for a toy

    AK47: Sometimes mistaken for random parts

    Mosin-Nagant: Sometimes mistaken for an artillery piece, or an anti-aircraft gun


    AR15: Pray (it works) and spray

    AK47: Spray and pray(you hit something)

    Mosin-Nagant: The hammer of God


    AR15: Makes grown men laugh.

    AK47: Makes grown men cry.

    Mosin-Nagant: Makes grown men incontinent.


    AR15: Finicky when dirty.

    AK47: Still works when dirty.

    Mosin-Nagant: Arrives Dirty from the Distributor.

  8. Hi all,


    I just joined after the farce in Trenton. I spoke at about 4:45pm and brought up the disenfranchisement of all those who came out, but were unable to put forth their opinions. The chair said they provided contact information for the bussed folks. The Executive Director of the majority provided me the following email that you can use to provide your written statements. Feel free to send your comments, at least to vent if nothing else.



    From: Caruso, William [mailto:[email protected]]

    Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2013 4:43 PM

    Subject: Nice meeting you


    Thank you for attending today's hearing in Trenton. Please feel free to correspond with us on any issue. Also, if you are aware of anyone who was unable to testify today, please feel free to forward them this info.




    Bill Caruso

    Executive Director

    Assembly Majority Office


    I remember hearing you pose that question but I cant recall your other points.


    Thanks very much for your diligence.

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