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Posts posted by 5th4x4

  1. Just curious... What's the issue there?  Say you're "enroute" to your FFL to pick up your gun. Could they not have the NICS done before your arrival so that you walk in, sign the 4473 and be done, rather than waiting for it while there?


    I suppose it depends on how seriously the FBI enforces the form/NICS check protocol in that particular regard.

    The form does state that the Buyer must complete Section A and answer questions 18-20 before the Dealer should do a NICS check.

    But if the Dealer and Buyer are known to each other - and the Buyer's info/status is known to the Dealer - then maybe it doesn't matter in the scheme of things. The FBI seems to only really care about the answers to the questions, since the wrong answers equal no NICS check and no transfer. 

    So is the FFL taking a "BIG chance"? 

    Probably not with a known buyer. After all, what enforcement mechanism is there for identifying such a practice? (<<< that's a legit question, if anyone has an applicable answer to it). 








    The NJSP NICS Unit will tell you that a UPIN will do you no good in NJ.  They still hand look up your info. Been there, done that.




    Magnawing... are you speaking from personal experience in NJ?


    (I assume that when PK90 writes, "Been there, done that", his experience was simply more of the same madness) 

  3. Due to an out of state Misdemeanor conviction in my past, every NICS check results in a Delay - followed many hours later by an eventual Clear. 


    It ALWAYS clears, but in the meantime they always delay me while they research the same exact thing each and every time. And it can take many many hours (including overnight) to research/clear.


    Is there any mechanism in place for bypassing such delays??

  4. The most common question that is asked here is: What is the purpose of the rifle that you are building. 

    So I'll expand that further to include your particular magazine needs.


    Are you going to run and gun and use this rifle in a tactical sense? (rigged-out warrior style)

    If so, then you'll get lots of recommendations to go with the 15/30 mags (and I'll refrain from expounding further on that in order to avoid any new flame wars on that subject).

    Or... are you going to use this gun for range shooting and/HD (or guerrilla warfare vs the zombie invasion)?

    If so, then the 15/20's would be my recommendation.


    As of now 15 rounds is the maximum limit in the state of NJ. So regardless of 20, 30, 50, 100, or even 1,000 round mags.... you can only legally have 15 rounds in any of them.

    So depending on what your needs are, choose the mag that best suits those needs. 

    If you want to give yourself flexibility until you absolutely know what size suits your needs, then go with both 15/20 and 15/30. Then supplement as needed going forward.


    As for my recommendation...

    Get the Pmags from MidwestPX. I own 3 of their blocked 15/20's and I am satisfied with them. 

    (and in full disclosure, I have absolutely no vested interest in Midwest PX. We've actually disagreed on the topic of 20 vs 30 rounders on these boards, but that does not detract from my respect for their products).


    Btw, do you have a build thread here?

  5. Looks like you already started discussing them. I went into the military in 1967 and retired in 2009. I also spent over 30 years as a LEO. Almost all of it was as an investigator for a Federal agency. There are two ways you can legally possess, say 30 rd AR mags, in NJ. One is they belong to the government and you're possessing them where they say its okay. State law has no impact on what the military does. The other way is you were authorized to buy them from your own funds and you have a letter from your commander stating this. No other options I can think of.


    I know you're smart enough to know modifying government mags is misappropriation of government property. Punishable under state law if you're National Guard or under Federal law or the UCMJ if Reserves.


    Not trying to rain on your parade just trying to help you stay out of trobule.







    It rains every day on the 2nd Amendment. 

  6. .


    The thing that bugs me about the PPQ in 40 is the capacity - 11rd mags. Its almost as big as the Glock 22 which holds 15rds of 40 and larger than the Glock 23 which holds 13rds of 40. Being the PPQ in 9mm holds 15 rds like the Glock 19 I would expect it to hold at least 13rds of 40. Other than that the PPQ seems like a great platform.


    Yeah, I can't disagree with you on the capacity issue at all. When I had originally seen "11".... I thought that it was a typo. 

    But if you've ever held one, it feels great. And that trigger is as sweet as can be. 

    I would have opted for the 9mm, but I already have the Glock 19, so I really don't need two of the same caliber. And besides, the feel and pull of the PPQ seems to be nicely suited for the jump up in caliber. 


    So for the moment, the PPQ still seems to be the handgun that I'd like to dance with.

    (there's just the matter of this new Nagant obsession that I need to deal with one way or the other) 

  7. Thanks lol. I'm looking for recommendations on a handrail now.


    Well, I'm not your guy for that. A handguard is simply a handguard for me. Just a place for my hand... and a light at the end.

    And actually I got my handrail from Checko. Diamondhead. 






    Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ; )

  8. As an update to this.....


    I'm now at the point where I'm leaning heavily towards the PPQ M2 (in 40S&W). 

    However the only reason that I haven't pulled the proverbial trigger on that handgun purchase yet is because I'm now contemplating a rifle purchase instead. I had the pleasure of fondling a Hungarian M44 Mosin Nagant recently, and now I'm in lust. 

    So when it comes to a handgun purchase, I've gone from determined, to fickle. 

    (although both may still be an option. I just gotta figure out where to get my hands on that Nagant)


    Anyway, that's where that stands for now.

  9. You can subscribe to my build thread. Constant updates and questions lol


    I've monitored your thread. Nice rifle. 


    Your helpers on your build were my helpers on mine (give or take a few members here).

  10. I just brought a gun today so my funds are low till the 4th



    In these parts, that is cause for further elaboration (at the very least) and a reason to celebrate and brag (because that would be considered normal behavior). 


    Care to share??? 



    (something tells me that this is where I should really just unsubscribe from this thread. But this has the feel of observing someone changing a tire on the side of the road. And for whatever reason, I'm fascinated by the "go nowhere" aspect of things like that/this)

  11. Squirrely?


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk


    Hard to pin down. All over the place. 

    It took 3 tries just to get the pistol grip established. 

    You're going to need some serious help with the bigger stuff, so it would be a good idea to try to work WITH those who are trying to help you. 

    And the mod 1 grip is $25.95 (you even got me confused).

    Try to be a bit easier to work with. It will attract more help.

  12. Bcm grip


    Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk


    In that case, you'll shave even more money off of your build - depending on what mod grip you go with. 


    The Gunfighter grips are sweet. Good call.

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