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Everything posted by SAPPA

  1. The SAPPA Group announces Federal Brief finalized See associated TPATH article and read the brief. http://www.tpath.org/the-police--armed-for-your-protection-.html Thanks all, Dwight
  2. New article from TPATH THE PARDON Commentary By: Dwight Kehoe SAPPA Group TPATH April 6, 2015 ~TPATH~ This past week Governor Christie took an important executive action which appeared to defend the Second Amendment. Whether or not it did, it was the right humanitarian thing to do. But it might be a cautious move on the part of conservatives to place a bit of skepticism on his motives as they consider also his slowly sinking campaign. What was, just a few short missteps ago, supposed to be a luxury cruise to the White House, is a vessel more likened to the sea worthiness of a 58 Chevy making it's way from Cuba to Miami. What is being referenced here is his Executive Pardon of Shaneen Allen. The poor unfortunate soul ensnared in the web of illegal and unconstitutional laws here in the great Garden State. Two things need to be iterated here. First; anyone with a heart and soul should thank the Governor. The second; Governor, what the heck took so long? In case some reading this may not be aware, Ms. Allen entered the land of Liberty and Prosperity from Pennsylvania in possession of her legally owned firearm. This poor woman, a struggling mother of two children was arrested, incarcerated for days, threatened by Overlord Prosecutors who demanded she accept 3 years in prison. All the while she was prevented from seeing her children and subsequently fired from her job. Talk about Liberty and Prosperity! Her life's destruction has been going on now for many months. So why pardon her now? More needs to be said about this pardon and it will be. Read on. Curious too, that this pardon comes just days after a Town Hall meeting up in Whippany during which the good Governor lamented how he could prevent some of the outrageous firearms laws the people of New Jersey are forced to endure. All he needs, he so solemnly related, is a Republican legislature. Not the one he has to deal with. A legislature by the way, that not just Democrats and previous liberal Republicans helped to create and maintain, but Governor Christie himself has aided and abetted much of it. New Jersey has been a beacon for illegals as it's "sanctuary state status" has lured in Democratic voters, most of whom arrive illegally and vote illegally. Combine this with New Jersey being the most highly taxed state in the country with the most easily obtained handouts which has forced flight of the productive while attracting Democratic voters like piranha to bloody flesh. You see people, he is helpless to help us, even though he really does want to, because he has to deal with a leftist legislature. But he is not helpless. But in order to maintain illegal laws which he apparently approves of, he needs you to believe he can't do anything about them. A man of his background surely is not ignorant of the power of the Chief Executive in New Jersey. Clearly by his statement in Whippany his hope is that the people are the ignorant ones. But then again, as we revisit the Hurricane Sandy legacy, it may be possible that all that beach time with the world's leading liar and manipulator of truth could have metastasized into the governor's DNA. Be that as it may or may not be, here are some hard facts. The Governor of New Jersey has the most wide ranging executive set of powers of any of the 50 states. (Or is that 57?) Unlike the usurper in the White House the Governor of New Jersey can legally write law. He can legally change laws and he can legally void laws. The SAPPA Group has on several occasions contacted the Governor via registered mail and requested that he take Executive Action on one of the most unconstitutional laws in the nation. They asked him to remove by Executive Order the phrase "justifiable need" relating to a person's civil right to carry a handgun. Those requests were not actually denied, because they were completely ignored. Mr. Christie does not need a Republican legislature to write an executive order. He knows he doesn't and now those reading this do too. So let's take this Executive Order power through the ultimate steps. Let us suppose Governor Christie was serious about support of the Bill of Rights. Here is how he could fix New Jersey's illegal gun laws. 1. He would create an Executive Order voiding all weapon laws that violate the Second Amendment. The bill would create a commission to review all those laws and and clear them from the books. For sure there are several gun laws which are required and are constitutional. Those would be left in place. 2. The Executive Order would free every citizen sitting in jails in NJ for violations of the illegal laws as noted by the commission. Also any person who has a felony conviction on their record as a result of unconstitutional laws, will have them expunged. 3. The left wing New Jersey legislature would have a collective conniption fit, then sponsor and easily pass legislation that would void the Governor's Executive Order. 4. The Governor would then VETO that new bill. As left wing as the NJ Assembly and Senate are, they do not have the numbers to override the Governor's veto. 5. The Executive Order would stand, New Jersey would be in compliance with the Constitution and murder, rape and other crimes would drop across the state. That is what a sitting NJ Governor could do. But what has ours done? Well he has appointed and reappointed liberal judges and justices who have and will continue to support illegal legislation. He has hired an Attorney General who has persistently denied NJ citizens their right to self protection. He has appointed a long time liberal Republican to a judgeship in Monmouth County, one Mr. Joe Oxley. Oxley has made it quite clear during his short tenure that there is no difference between him and those Democrats he has publicly called foes. In the short time Mr. Oxley has been dressed in black robes he has denied 99% of carry permit requests. Those approved were for cronies and elitists, those whom, as anyone understanding the truism of the left, are as equal as the regular folks, but just a bit more equal. Joe has denied carry permits to retired police officers with many decades of service and experience. In the Second Amendment supporting community he has dubbed him "Say No Joe". Let's be clear here. The Constitution does not give appointed judges or legislators the authority to place arbitrary conditions on the citizen's civil rights. In fact, it forbids it. Returning now to Ms. Shaneen Allen. While it's difficult not to applaud her being pardoned, unfortunately it was, in the entire scheme of things, unconstitutional. It violates the 14th Amendment which guarantees the equal application of laws to all citizens. Not just the elite and not just for those people who could be used as a political pawn by those endeavoring to show both compassion and conservatism, but all the people must be treated equally and the laws must be applied consistently. Because it has been made very difficult and time consuming by the bureaucracy here in NJ to get criminal records and also the SAPPA Group's desire to protect the privacy issues of so many illegally prosecuted citizens, it has been very difficult to get an accurate count of persons who are as entitled to pardons as was Shaneen. We have the names of many of those "persecuted individuals" but will not list them here. There may be as many as 1000 people, during just the past 7 years, who are in jail, on probation and have lost their constitutional right to vote because they now carry a felony conviction for violating a minor gun law. We are not speaking of crimes being committed with firearms, we are talking about law abiding citizens who broke, unknowingly or accidentally one of the hundreds of ridiculous and unconstitutional gun laws which were not associated with other criminal violations. So Governor, want to really prove you are a Constitutional Conservative? Get out your pen and your phone, reminiscent of your beach buddy, and author up that Executive Order and then call your judges and remind them they don't have the authority under the Constitution to deny the citizens of New Jersey their rights. While you're at it, call those leftists in the Senate and the Assembly and tell them the same thing. CONTACT TPATH HERE ​***************************
  3. WOW! Sure did build up a firestorm. Okay all, here is the bottom line. We asked a few things of the members here. 1. If anyone who had been denied a carry permit would be interested in giving us information on when and who rejected you? 2. We asked if anyone who was curious about what we are doing and thought you might like to help or have suggestions that you could contact us and then be invited to our statewide meeting. 3. We make nor have we made any promises to anyone and only have stated that we have worked our butts off to try to get something done. 4. For anyone who thinks we are going to guarantee a two hour drive will make him happy at the end of the day, forget that. Your decision to come or not is yours. 5. Every effort so far, for the past 40 years here in NJ has failed. Will our's work? If it gets to the final stage, the answer is yes. Will it get there? The odds are against us. But that is where our volunteers will come in. If anyone wants to know more and to see the brief, you need to be at the meeting Saturday. Again, we make no claim to anything except that we are trying. There is still time to signup for Saturday's meeting. Email us at [email protected] or at [email protected] if you think you want to come. Please give us a contact number and a full name. Do not change your plans to come if you expect some sort of miracle. We only offer hard work and a new approach. Your choice. This will be the last time I respond here for awhile. At least until after the weekend. We have several leadership meetings and much material to prepare before Saturday. Warm regards to all of you patriots, Dwight
  4. Thanks Glenn, Well thought out and well presented points of view. A few points I would like to make. Even though I was lucky enough to have been just recently informed about this forum and that my group and I may appear as nubies to some, our efforts are far from nubile. I referenced earlier that having been running www.tpath.org for over 7 years now, there is a very imprssive record to be seen relating to our writers and contributors and even myself. Many hundreds of positions, articles and commentaries can be found there. Most of them have been converted to PDF format for easy downloading and printing. Also, over these past years, even though I am retired and have what they call a limited and fixed income, I have personally paid for the TPATH website and our server and you will never see a pop up ad on our site. We deal in information with, hopefully, a slightly entertaining bent, but are interested only in getting people informed and active. Having been involved with several Tea Party groups here in NJ for over 8 years and having helped many others get up and organized I have seen lots of "toe stepping" and defensive maneuvering by those being stepped on. I have always left that stuff to those who wish to partake in it. WHile I see it going on from time to time, I rarely, if ever devote any effort in it. My sole desire is to right legislative wrongs and to get this state and this country headed back to where it was when my Dad left it to me. Then, maybe I can get my slice fixed and put an end those dastardly 3 putts. Glen, I'm so looking forward to meeting you and the many other great Americans who have decided to join our effort. We just finished the final editing of our 70 page lawsuit. As I told you before, it is the culmination of over two years of research. The tract we have taken with this is amazing and I can't wait to share it with everyone. The mastermind behind this venture is Mr. Nicholas Purprua. When you meet him on Saturday you will understand the meaning of the word, passionate. Thanks again for your very well conceived thoughts, Warm regards, Dwight
  5. Hey All, For sure I understand anyone who might have a question as to who I am and what I and my group stand for. In our several different efforts over the past 7 years we have had to be careful who we were allowing into our groups. Besides working for the Bill of Rights I have founded another group we call WPE. (We Plan to Endure) If you want to see what we are doing in that organization please visit our web pages here >>>http://www.tpath.org/wpe.html The reason I bring this up is consistant with our needs to be sure whom we permit access to. Several years ago two gentlemen asked to join our group. It appeared that one of them had some association with one of the best Tea PArty groups here in NJ. So we invited them to a meeting. They seemed okay. Mostly sat and listened. Then on the third meeting one of them pulled me aside and asked if I knew where to get him some handguns. For sure I didn't know if he really wanted weapons or if he was trying to set us up. Either way, both he and his buddy were escorted out. We took a vote not to report him. Not sure if that was right or not. But we didn't. By the way, my CJR&PC membership number is 6586. And thanks to Glock Guy. He pretty much explained how we came to find the NJGUNFORUM. One more bit of information. If you visit our website www.tpath.org you will find years of commentary and articles. Also, Mr. Nicholas Purpura, our legal eagle and the author of our legislation and the brief we are about to file is the guy who gave a rousing speech to the NJ legislature several years ago. I'm told it got almost a million hits on u-tube. Don't know that for sure, last I looked last year there were 250 thousand. If anyone still has any questions, please send me an email at [email protected] and we can trade phone numbers. Regards, Dwight and Nick
  6. Hey All, Sure is super reading all the comments and knowing there are so many good people out there. The one comment I saw most was the one about our group needing to be more transparent. This is understandable. But by keeping the details of our plan out of the reach of the general public it has prevented any preemptive strikes or preparations by the enemy. (I use this word loosely) We have of course had many volunteers working on both Phase I and Phase II and only a few knew of the ultimate plan. We understand that the only way for 10 people to keep a secret is if 9 of them are dead. But having said that, the meeting of March 28th, we will be divulging everything. All our legal paperwork is complete, briefs and exhibits are just about final. Many comfortable legislators will be getting a not so nice surprise, very soon. If any of you would like to read my last article on thissubject and see some things you may not be aware of, please jump to the article here. http://www.tpath.org/a-bridge-to-the-right-side.html Thanks again everyone. I'm proud to be a new member in this great community. Dwight Again, please contact me any time at [email protected] or [email protected] if you have any questions or suggestions.
  7. Hi MG, The campaign we are working on is comprised of three phases. We have intentionally left out some very important information because it relates to our strategy. The SAPPA legislation we have produced, while it would be great if it were passed, we know it would never leave a Democrat controlled committee. And while it is complete and workable it has zero chance of going anywhere as of this time. The SAPPA bill is a tool we are using to monitor politicians and their desire to help get the laws in NJ changed. That of course will never happen because the state courts, the District Court and the 3rd Circuit courts have all supported this illegal law making. That is where the Federal Brief and our never before tired legal tactic, if it is heard by the US Supreme Court, can not lose. If you want more information call me at (xxx xxx xxxx withheld for open forum) (Say DK pick up, when machine answers) I'll tell you then all you need to know to understand our plans. Or email me at [email protected] or [email protected] Also if you want to be kept informed on what we are doing, when you email me, ask to be put into our contact list. Also, at the March 28 meeting all our plans will be made known to selected conference groups. Regards, Dwight
  8. To Old Glock guy, The fact that both of these meetings have been scheduled for central NJ and on the same date is quite the coincidence. A couple of things about your reply to our SAPPA post. 1. Thanks for your kind words concerning our effort. 2. There is absolutely no reason for us not to join forces. I have already spoken to another of our organizers and he is thrilled with the concept. 3. Not wanting to post too much information on this forum or our SAPPA web pages on details of our campaign, it is okay for us to let you know we are including in our legal brief people who have been turned down for carry permits as a result of the arbitrary and unconstitutional requirement to provide need. Some of those people we have been working with are retired police officers who live in NJ but were on the job in other states, but none the less, have been denied. 4. Please contact me at [email protected] or [email protected] so we can get you more information on our plans. We can then exchange phone numbers if you want. And finally on the applied but denied front, we have not asked people to apply in order to be added to our denied list. Being denied for any reason may hurt any future efforts here in NJ or other states. Also, those who have been denied and want to help in our campaign will not be included in any "class action" lawsuit. What we will need from them is information concerning the judges, administrators or police chiefs who were involved with or made those bad rulings. That information and those adjudicators will be included in an exhibit as defendants in our federal brief. More information on this if you request. Thanks again Glock Guy. Hope to hear from you soon. Dwight
  9. Hello Fellow Forum Members, This is my first posting. I just signed up this morning after being told that our March 28, 2015 meeting was being discussed in the forums. There is much to tell about what SAPPA is and what we are doing. A visit to our web page which is being sponsored by www.tpath.org will give you much of what you need to know. http://www.tpath.org/sappa-downloads.html Our staff has been working for almost two years on a new legal effort never before tried. The legal members who have put this plan together are convinced that if the brief reaches the ultimate court, the unconstitutional gun laws not just here in NJ but across the country will be set to flame. We can't give you more information on the legal aspect, beyond what we have posted on the web page referenced above. If you think after reading those documents that you or any of your friends would like to participate and assist this effort please sign up here http://www.tpath.org/sappa-sign-up-page.html Please understand that there is no cost to joining our effort. There will be no dues. We have thus far paid for all costs in preparing this SAPPA effort. We intend to continue that. All we need from those who wish to join is that your heart and soul is dedicated to the Bill of Rights in general and specifically, the 2nd Amendment. Your Party affiliation is of no concern to us. We were told that our meeting of March 28, 2015 in central Jersey has been discussed in this forum. We are pleased and proud to announce the meeting is set. It will begin at 10:00AM and run about 2 hours (breakfast, brunch or lunch. Your choice). The exact location is not being posted on the web pages, for obvious reasons. If you are interested in attending you must sign up on the link above. You will be contacted with an invitation via email with all the meeting information. Finally, if you do choose to come to the meeting, be prepared to be amazed at our game plan. This plan has been broken into what we are calling the Three Phases of SAPPA. The Phase I involved months of research and preparation of legal documents. Phase II is comprised of 2 parts, the first of those two is complete, the upcoming meeting is the culmination of Part II of Phase II. Phase III will be the legal action and the publicity effort. Remember that while you must be on our guest list to access the meeting you may bring other guests with you once you have been invited. Please let us know how many. The purpose for the guest list is two fold. We need to know who those attending are, to the best we can, and also so we can have the proper amount of material prepared for the number of persons attending. Please feel free to contact me > [email protected] or [email protected] Thanks Dwight (TPATH)
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