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Everything posted by JMonica

  1. hehe Thanks. One trend I am noticing, and thanks BTW for confirming it. I really felt like maybe I had just had a few unfortunate interactions with people who were just unhappy or having a bad day, but no, it wasn't just by chance that I happened to come in contact with people who seemed to not want to have anything to do with anyone who couldn't strip an AR in 2 minutes blindfolded with one hand tied behind their backs. Nope, every meathead I've talked to since I started collecting guns, have been people who spend more on ammo then they do food and the majority of them seem to be generally anti-social people who make it clear, that if you're just getting into this hobby, because tats all it is, then they don't want to have anything to do with you because you are beneath them because you know less. Hey, njJoniGuy, whether you realize it or not, you're one of those guys! At least now I can confidentially stop giving gun people in NJ the benefit of the doubt. I know where you're coming from and so it's all good. There are plenty of places I can get my information from and I realize that no, I don't have to go through a public hazing to do it. After all, I don't think any of us got into guns for the comradery. It would have been nice to meet some cool like minded people who I could relate to and who weren't one of "those guys" but whatever.. I'm glad that I came to this epiphany before I got totally entrenched in the NJ gun culture and one day discovered I was attending a wedding where everyone was wearing camo tuxedos and I blended right in. Oof, I dodged a bullet there huh? And before I piss-off for good, please know that I won't waste any more of your time by posting my uneducated, newbie thoughts and comments and I am sorry that I couldn't live up to lofty standards you guys have set for this very complex hobby. Standards matter Mate! It's no wonder that all of these NJ forums seem to have few or just a couple of long time members who actively post and why the activity is so low. No noobs allowed! Got it! Best of luck to you all. You're replies will fall on deaf ears, so don't waste your time. I'm going to the range! Goodbye forever.
  2. This could be BIG for us in NJ. The Mag capacity limit is obviously a useless bit of legislation on its face, but what it does do is limit the number of online resellers who will ship to us. I just spent 3 hours pricing guns online and the one that I want I can't find unless I am willing to pay $130+ more for it than it's being sold for on a dozen other sites. All of who will not ship to NJ. I am assuming these stores just fear any hassle due to the laws here? Is that out of ignorance I wonder. It's almost as ridiculous as the law itself. I wonder how much money they are losing by not shipping to us and the other 6 or 7 states they ban. My FFL dealer will accept mags over 10 rounds, they just automatically pin them to make them compliant and then tack $15 for each one onto my bill. I'm happy to pay it. That's cheap IMO. I've purchased multiple handguns online with and without magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. It's not a problem. Just take my money, send it to my FF licensed gun dealers store and we will take it from there there. It drives me nuts. These laws do achieve one goal and that is to prevent people who don't have a lot of money from buying a gun.
  3. I know this is an old post but I couldn't help but crack up at some of the comments. I was waiting for her to whip out the Barret 50 Cal at the end for the grand finale. hehe I get that she was purposely packing all of that to make a point. It was just funny. I too thought I was watching a magic act at one point.
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