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Posts posted by Steve_G

  1. My one complaint about STI guns appears to be history. 


    From an STI rep on another forum:



    As of about a month or so ago, all new pistols built here in our factory (except the GI) will sport the smaller engravings.
    I'm working now on getting photos of all the new ones (and will update the website once I have them all) but here's a couple I have finished:
    someone mentioned the Trojan?

  2. That's ok, diversity is good. So, when will you be buying a revolver or two?  ;)   I have three more sitting at my FFL right now!  :)


    As a matter of fact, I am considering my first revo. Probably a 617 since I only have one .22 pistol. Most likely a Cadet conversion for the CZ as well.


    I need to stop adding things to my do want list


    Surprised you don't have one already.

  3. Want me to buy it instead? ;)

    No thanks. This one on GB is way over priced. I just put in for permits last week. By the time they come in and I pick up the "other" gun, these should be available through regular channels.


    This should be in by the end of December.


  4. yep! Seller was a bit blunt and turned me off. Should have just hit the button.


    Really? I have dealt with them before and they were very helpful. Must have got someone on a bad day.

  5. Found one and lost it! :(


    Would that be the one on GB that got pulled yesterday? I was going to call them Wednesday and got tied up at work, then it was gone....


    Good luck finding one. I got an email from CZ Customs, CZ hasn't sent them any SP-01 kits in 9 months and they have no idea when they will get more.

  6. I see you have a milk crate there. I hope you are the properly registered owner. I'm with the dairy police.


    Talk to my neighbor, he brought the crate over.


    Really hope that thing hasn't been sitting around for 3 days...


    Nope. As you can see, it's doing fine and has spent the last two days on the couch listening to the Beatles........Can you guess which song?


    I talked to freejersey on sunday.  The racoon is fine.  Just ate some fermented berries in his yard.


    He sent me this yesterday.



    Just to be clear, I got permission from the raccoon's mother to let him have popcorn.

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