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Posts posted by Butcherboy78

  1. Agreed, I though he would have been a little more subdued. I mean I know he was going to be fired up, but I have seen him on RT and other shows where he was much more toned down and had an actual conversation while presenting the facts. Tonight was not one of those nights and while he got some good jabs in he did not come across well.

  2. If there is one thing you could do to help turn this around, it would be turn off you TV and stop listening to Fox, CNN, MSNBC etc etc.. I mean look how they have lied to us over and over, it is just state run media. Now we were all supposed to give our rights up because Al Qaeda attacked us on 9/11 right? (That's the "official" story anyway) But now we are supporting and openly admitting we are arming and using AlQaeda in Libya, Egypt, Syria, and even Iran. Just like in the 70's and 80's when we invented Al Qaeda called the Mujahadeen to go fight the Russians in Afghanistan. Its all a big lie guys, its time to wake up, please before it is too late.

  3. Joseph Rudy Rullo. He made a strong running in the primary in June. He is the strongest 2A candidate that was out there. Hopefully we can get some backing behind him for the next one. I dont know if he is willing to go another round, since his political site is down and in place is his Solar company website. He can be reached on facebook also.

  4. I just got the PA micro dot yesterday with the American Defense QD riser mount with killflash and i love it so far. I havent shot with it yet, but well built, clear reticle and glass, solid. I got a good deal on it too, Primary Arms was running a deal on it last week, im not sure if it is still going on.



  5. Added a new Primary Arms Micro Red Dot with an American Defense quick disconnect riser. Havent shot with it yet. But so far I am impressed.






    Just another chance for me to snap a few quick pics of my beauties.

  6. I would recommend Spikes Tactical down in Orlando area Florida. Give em a call tell them what you are looking for and they will build it for you (NJ compliant) at a reasonable price and one of the top tier AR's. Or go to PalmettoStateArmory or JSESurplus dot com and build your own and make it compliant yourself or bring it to a shop that does that. In NJ I would recommend Arms & Ammo,

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