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Posts posted by revenger

  1. I get all my prescription Wiley x from Framesdirect.com     4 pairs so far, 2 polarized sunglasses 1 yellow for shooting and a pair of yellowish blue light blockers to drive at night, these help with all the assholes who put those LED light bars and high intensity headlights on their cars,   they are either the Saint or Valor models.

    they are very comfortable and I find myself having to touch them to make sure I have them on as they are very light weight.

  2. went to stop in at a gun store on rt10 in east hanover,  was on the east bound side in the Pine Tree Plaza.    found that the mall parking lot is fenced off and mall looks abonded. 


    they always had a good selection of used .22s,   anyone know what happened to them.

  3. 22 minutes ago, GlennS87 said:

    Are you talking about the RINO republicans in the Legislature? Most people just run down the republican column a pick the establishment candidate. Let's face it, most voters don't have a clue what they're doing. A democrat can only vote in the democrat primary so why would anyone expect a change in the primary result? The key is were there quality republican challengers that will run in the general. If there were any districts that were held by dems and there wasn't republicans on the ballot that would be bad.

    This is where we can make a change IF the opposition party actually wanted it changed.

    ANYONE can register as non-declared for the primary,  If we were organized we could pick a local race to attack,  ALL conservatives could primary as democrats and attempt to oust the incumbent,  this is the ONLY way in NJ you will change things.   because of the RINO establishment it is probably more advantageous to challenge a democrat in a primary than to try and pick a republican.  This primary is a perfect example.    we got a RINO so even if he does beat murphy things will stay the same.   

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  4. On 6/5/2021 at 4:25 PM, stn8188 said:

    @gunforhire has also endorsed Rizzo, I believe they gave their endorsement pretty early on so RTSP isn't the only 2A-related group supporting him. (I'd give a link but the only thing I found in a quick search was an FB post)

    It's the only gun related supporter I heard from,   Nothing from the NJ NRA affiliates,   Shouldn't have to search anywhere for it.   There probably in bed with the "establishment" RINOs here hoping for  something in return.

  5. On 5/8/2021 at 2:48 PM, Bomber said:

    How convenient. 

    Nothing leftists like better then shortages and chaos to further their agenda.

    They are probably the ones who "hacked" the system to create the crisis,   IP address of hacker was probably

    192.168.1600 Pennsylvania  ave.         

    • Agree 2

  6. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2021/04/30/john-cornyn-introduces-national-concealed-carry-reciprocity-senate/


      here we go again.

     What i would really like to see happen along with this, and now might be the perfect time to to do it is for pro 2A states with pro american governors and legislatures to introduce legislation in their states that require states that do not honor their respective states CCW laws to make it a requirement that the refusing states drivers  (NJ ) MUST first obtain a driving permit for that state to legally drive in that state.    NO EXCEPTIONS!     so if a legally licensed NJ driver wishes to drive across country on a vacation they will need to check all the laws of all the states they are passing through and first obtain a driving permit.    If they can do it with CCW than drivers licenses should be the same.

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  7. 43 minutes ago, 1LtCAP said:

    i got a robo-text asking me to vote for him. which of course makes me not want to vote for him. but i will vote for the least communistic sshiiit ball that runs

    It's hard to tell his 2A stance from his web page,  Looks like the usual talking points to try and get votes,   That being said as we have learned in NJ its not about regaining our lost rights but rather keeping as many as we can so even if a candidate does not support the 2A maybe they wont openly attack it.

  8. NJ primary about  a month away and the sound of silence from the opposition party.  are any of them pro american? is any pro 2A ?

    one would think the opposition would crush the communists this year because of the idiotic covid restrictions on freedom yet nothing.  No fighting against murphy on any of this ,  the opposition just bends over and keeps taking it.

    I will be writing in Donald Trump in all the boxes.

  9. 22 minutes ago, DirtyDigz said:

    We might learn from history. 

    I remember reading about when Illinois was forced screaming and kicking into becoming "shall issue" via court action.  IIRC, they tried to throw up a lot of roadblocks and exceeded the deadline to come up with revised legislation during a court mandated "grace period", so they were effectively constitutional carry for a brief period.  I'll see if I can find a good synopsis of what happened.

    Edit: Moore v. Madigan was the case:


    Hopefully the SCOTUS will be ready for any such shenanigans.

  10. Just now, Mr.Stu said:

    I am hopeful that this will go our way, but I also worry what other nefarious means the likes of Grewal and his ilk can come up with. An obvious one is a expansion of the "sensitive areas" that were carved out in Heller. If they expand that to 5000ft from a school, how much of NYC would be a prohibited area?

    This is exactly what I mean about being ready to fight them,  they will stop at nothing to oppress the citizens rights that interfere with their master plans.    we must be ready to organize and fight now ,  not after a positive decision.   

    • Agree 1

  11. 11 minutes ago, voyager9 said:

    Isn’t there a NJ case against Justifiable Need making its way through the courts?  If so that one is well positioned to be ruled in line with the outcome of the scotus decision 

      Yes, I believe there is.   My concern is the left wing communists and the way they do not follow any laws which they don't want to follow such as illegalizing pot and going against the federal law.    Commies such as murphy and deblasio would still continue to hold onto the unconstitutional laws  and fight this that is why we need to be as proactive as possible.     If we do win than murphy will only open up cc permits processing on the 34th of each month,  we should all know how they fight by now.

  12. So will this apply outside of NY and 2nd circuit.

    If it does what proactive actions have our 2A organizations taken to be ready if this goes our way.     We should be ready within micro seconds of the courts decision to file lawsuits immediately against murphy, grewel and all others that infringe on the right.

    The 2A groups should immediately band together and start a common fund to fight this,  This is it,    this will be the biggest decision the SC has made in its existence.     If it does not go the way of the constitution we know where we will stand forever in this state unless the next civil war starts before the decision.

    • Agree 1

  13. I think its more of a way to identify  your patriotism to other like minded individuals.

    the movement was started by a guy named Mike Vanderbough who has since passed away,   the theory was that only 3% of Americans actually fought in the Revolutionary war so we should be able to at least maintain what we have now. 

    • Informative 1

  14. On 4/17/2021 at 10:42 PM, silverado427 said:

    It looks like it maybe a year to a year and a half before it settles down. 


    The issue is going to be the commies in power,   this started off due to the flu , the election and the riots,  where this is going to go who knows,   The commies will never let a good disaster go to waste and you can bet your last round they will take full advantage of this and drag it on by any means possible with the assistance of the media.    it has already started for us in NJ and this will spread across the country ,   some states are capable of resisting, obviously we are not one of them.     look for this to last until we are throwing rocks at each other.    mark my words.  

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