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Everything posted by Gorilla800lbs

  1. Low crime rates have nothing to do with government issued firearms (as both guns and ammo must be kept sealed), and are mostly attributable to high per-capita GDP/median family income, good education system, socially homogenous system, and so on. Also, I am not convinced that widespread availability of small arms materiel (or even the populace that is proficient with it) would really help Switzerland in case of a full-on invasion by a modern military force.
  2. I don't want to inflame anyone by voicing an opinion that would go against the apparent sentiment of this thread, but shouldn't Ms. Graves done a little bit of gun laws research before traveling with her gun interstate, much less to a place like NYC? Her hometown people, in their interviews covered elsewhere on the web, say as much. No wonder NRA wouldn't wade into Ms. Graves's case - her "law abiding gun owner" image is currently suffering a certain flaw, namely the fact that she actually BROKE the law. I am an absolute novice to the firearms enthusiast scene, so my assumptions could very well be wrong, but I am assuming here that the ignorance of the law is NOT the kind of impression the gun advocates want to cultivate.
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