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About brian6245

  • Rank
    Forum Dabbler

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  1. Guys - if another range opened up-- maybe near Summit--with more shooting bays, what would you want that's different from RTSP? What's makes the perfect range?
  2. All - below is a copy of what I sent to Cameron as feedback based on this class that I took a couple weeks ago. Overall, I highly recommend it. PLEASE get proficient in shooting before you attempt to get a concealed permit! My 2 cents... -Brian Cameron - Also, since I loved the class, I should--in fairness--tell you why, for your benefit: - Instructor ratio and they were friendly, helpful, non-intimidating - Attorney in class not afraid to offer opinions, thoughts - Engaging, not egotistical instruction from you (not condescending or arrogant) - Having a current police officer in class with a good, engaging attitude - Really thorough, comprehensive instruction and time allocation to properly completing every single card/form needed to submit to UT/FL. Preaddressed envelopes. Not only print dups, but one extra for both UT and FL which goes above and beyond to prep each student for a denial from BOTH UT and FL, the chances of which are super slim (both). I can't emphasize to you how much the details mattered to me to walk out with full documentation, copy of D's License, passport photos, addressed envelopes, extra prints if needed... just the entire, completed kit so I didn't have to email/call you with questions- go to somewhere for a photocopy and take lots of time after the class. - Safety. I'm not perfect, but I'm pretty aware and safe myself and couldn't say the same for a bunch of other people I had never met or been around so appreciate the diligence the instructor team showed to ensure everyone was safe both in the classroom and at the range.
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