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Walt of Destiny

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Posts posted by Walt of Destiny

  1. Recently, pols in states like CA, NJ, IL and NY have all been harping the same talking point; their crime problems come from out of state guns. They say that lax gun laws in neighboring states are the reason for all the ills of these states. Again, "lax gun laws" of neighboring states. 

    This sets up the narrative that lax carry permit laws in other states will cause a similar increase is something bad. I can hear it now, "we don't want these states with lax CCW laws exporting their problems to NJ" 

    If some on here have a belief that some states may be "selling" carry permits, what will the highly paid antis say? 

    NJ, CA, NY and IL are outliers. Look at the shipping restrictions of most online retailers of ammo and guns etc. Most "over comply" just to not have to deal with it. Bloomie and Co. are still trying to find a way of suing the manufacturers, imagine a lawsuit between NJ and NH for granting a permit to say one George Zimmerman? Because under reciprocity that idiot would be carrying here. 

    Just sayin'


  2. 17 minutes ago, capt14k said:

    @Walt of Destiny you still in touch with any of the TT Quick guys? They had a reunion show in Freehold I think 2 years ago. Dave DiPetro was a born again Christian. Curious how he is doing. He wasn't a bad guy, his partner on the other hand doesn't want to run into me. Funny thing is the partner was a big church going guy himself. Guess he missed the sermon on thou shall not steal.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    Not since the oughts, unfortunately. I had heard he had some issues in business like you mentioned, but he had also gotten a raw deal from the one album. Only a handful of guys left still at it. Lodi was a big band town for a little burg. Glenn Danzig is the only one from back then still at it. Oh and Continental Crawler...

    it seems like a different life altogether. Feel old. 

    Now be nice. Socks were all the rage back then. Hot and cold running chicks. 


  3. No better place to be a rock fan or in a band than NJ in the late 70s early 80s. There was chicks drinking at 18. (Although the trail of tears up kinderkamack rd to make last call in NY at 4 was deadly) clubs everywhere, good tunes. 

    Im a north jersey guy so:

    hole in the wall





    The practice studios in Saddle Brook on Midland Ave  

    in NY but close enough,


    The OL

    Im talking about bar bands although I was friendly with TT Quick and may have opened for them at Manhattan's once. 

    What a scene. Could never be again. 

  4. I was about to cite that same example. Another one is the drinking age thing where they withheld highway funds   

    The difference is, as always, no one is sending out the national guard to preserve  the 2nd amendment. Even though it is a civil right just as much as brown v. BofE. 

    2 minutes ago, HBecwithFn7 said:

    I had thought that, after the "federal highway funds for raising the drinking age to 21" thing, they cleaned up a lot of those provisions that permitted them to do it.  But if there's still a way to do it or circumvent that law, we should go for it!

    We were typing at the same instance. 

  5. I wonder if there's a forum out there for people on the dole that's only accessible via a government issued laptop via SNAP, where they are hand wringing wondering if Kim will win and they will lose much more than a 15 round mag. 

    Not a chance. Why? Because they are enslaved to their democratic masters and will dutifully carry their bale of cotton, oops I mean vote. We on the other hand do this. 

    We were supposed to be in the 9th year of Hussein's reign, yet they are all besides themselves because there's one of us sitting in that Oval Office. Actually one of us with a couple of billion dollars. How fun is that? 

    Remember the scene in Animal House where they are sunk and know they are getting thrown off campus? What does Bluto say? 

    Toga toga toga...

    DJT is our very own Bluto. 

    Toga Toga Toga...



    • Like 1

  6. Well well well...

    I think Zeke's point, if I may be so presumptuous, is that nothing has happened yet and this thread has us dead and buried. 

    People are making decisions on something that may, or may not, happen. We wear seat belts, but we don't check ourselves into a hospital because we are getting in a car. 

    The point is that if those farmers, coopers, docksmen and lawyers 241 years ago had the same attitude, we'd actually know what kippers are and be fond of boiled meat. 

    We are free men and women, with a natural right to self determination. If we disagree, get the hell off your memory foam seat and do something. Like changing your Facebook profile pic every time jihadists  slaughter innocents, it accomplishes nothing if you go back to kimye and dancing with the stars the next day. So if you are truly concerned, tell some one to vote. There are more of us than them, we just give up sooner. 

    • Like 1

  7. 3 minutes ago, Fred2 said:

    There is a chance that if the new laws are so onerous, that they eliminate the 2A in NJ, it could make it to the Supreme Court.

    That may actually be a good thing this time around.

    It's never a good thing. I don't see a clear path to the supremes fussing over a state's supremacy on this. In the interim, we are all left to the mercy of thugs and gangs better armed than us. 

    This is like blacks saying, "you know, I kinda miss having our own bathrooms"


    6 minutes ago, gunnarsport said:

    Yup, probably 5 rounds im thinking. I guess I wont even bother with this current permit.

    Go buy a gun. 

  8. 4 minutes ago, Parker said:

    Agreed on the lack of evidence of Republican campaigning. They are months behind Murphy.

    They have a machine. We have a bicycle. He has the support of Hollywood, the media and Washington insiders like BHO. We can't even all agree that we should vote for her. It's a game of attrition played by expert tactiticians on one side and three kids with a frisbee on the other. Since the republican contingency isn't getting anything, it's tough to round us up and get us to vote. We have distinct groups that figh each other t, they have single mindedness of purpose.  Anything/anyone v. Trump. 

    During the '16 election, the feminist rhetoric was at a fever pitch. Pissy pussy hats, etc. Yet in Georgia nary a word from femisnists. In NJ, where are the pro-women demonstrators? Where's the shatter the glass ceiling? Nope, crickets. Their ideology, principals and doctrine are fluid to the whims of the elite. We argue the finer points of RINOism, republican progressives and evangelicals. Have you seen and public "he's not progressive enough" bullshit from the left? BHO was a disappointment to hard lefties, where were the head lines? You know that the socialists didn't vote for Trump, yet a ton of conservatives didn't vote for Trump either.

    It's simple black and white, market share theology where numbers are all that matter. We gots some learnin' to do and quick. 

    We try to make them understand, they will say anything keep them in the dark and vote against their interests. 

    The stodgy old republican establishment, you know the ones that didn't go to the convention, needs to die off. We need people that can type with their thumbs. Relentless marketers that have one goal, win. Fuck ideology. 

    Contraception? Free box of rubbers with every six pack or bottle of vodka. 

    Single Moms? Tax credits for transparent stilleto heels. 

    Gays? Paint over the gold leaf on the capital with a rainbow. 

    Minorities? Unshackle NJ businesses from the oppressive tax system so that hiring starts again.

    Of course I'm being facetious, except for the last one. But Dems will say anything to get a vote. Remember ObamaPhones? How nuts was that? All marketing. 

    Stop Murphy at all costs.

    I realize that all this could be seen as selling out. I see it as buying in.  

    if we don't, they win.


    • Like 4

  9. 3 minutes ago, Rob0115 said:

    They get a bus ride and free lunch too.  I haven't seen any real campaigning from the republicans yet, is it too early?  Does it fatigue quickly?  I don't know the pacing that's appropriate but the election is only a few months away.  

    THats the tactic of early voting. Once that enevelop is sealed, that's only less vote turned by October surprises. Why do you think HRC's machine got the most early votes in history? They knew that every day brought another scandal. Lock them in now. 


    This is winnable. Anyone that thinks it's inevitable should turn in their mags, ARs and handguns. To me...

    • Like 2

  10. @capt14k & @Rob0115

    the true enemy here is Murphy. Progressives have a way of getting us to fight ourselves. I think you're both patriots with a difference of opinion that really is imagined. 

    Dems don't argue about this kind of stuff. They have a single purpose, destroy Trump. Like zombies, they don't stop till you shoot them in the head. Far be it from me to sugggest shooting them in the head, but we need to adapt to this new world and fight them at their own game. While we argue the finer points of complying with unconstitutional laws, they are shooing in a douche that will make it nigh impossible to exercise our 2nd amendment in this state. 

    • Like 2

  11. Here's a good "for instance"...

    Right meow, as I type this, dem operatives are signing up whomever they can to "early vote". I put "early vote" in quotes because it's the shell game they play with voter rolls. The local operatives get names of the dead, dying and house bound democrats, along with legitimate voters lured in to an "event" that feeds them to sign up for early and absentee votes. Once the vote is cast, there's no identifying it so you can't nullify fraudulent votes. Early voting is a problem  one that the dems use to their advantage.

    Republicans have no such program. 

    As I keep saying, we don't play this game well. Frankly we are too honorable to game the system. We aren't even good at gerrymandering, which is a huge loophole in voter rights. 

    We need to turn the tables. The NRA should be rounding up people to vote early now...

    Murphy is an avoidable disaster. 

    Tell someone to vote for Kim today. Have them do the same to the next guy or girl. To working folk this crap sounds silly and infantile. But it's how a community organizer got into a place where he tried to take guns away from social security recipients. 

    Kim needs to spin CC to use against Murphy. He's going to hit her hard with Christie, she needs to defuse it by accepting the connection not trying to distance herself. Trump can help her. 

    • Like 2


    3 hours ago, leahcim said:

    IANAL, but how can you commit a criminal act when, by not getting rid of your magazines, you have not done anything?  You have literally done nothing.  What is the criminal act?

    Actually mere assumed control of a prohibited item, even passively or without knowledge, lands you in the "prove you're innocent" bucket. Say an evil-doer stashes a key of heroin in your trunk and you get caught rolling through a stop sign and you consent to a search because you're a law abiding citizen. You're arrested. 

    The true nature of these adminstative laws  that make something illegal that wasn't yesterday is not to catch criminals. It's to catch the law abiding. They save no lives, serve no good, nor deter any criminal. They are the epitome of an ignorant constituency. Mr. Carpetbagger, billionaire, candidacy buying douche is a case study in this. 

    • Like 1

  13. Gents,

    This spun out of control just over a point I think you both agree on. Woosah...

    NJ law prohibits all firearms by default. So if you have an encounter with a LEO and you are in possession or control of a firearm, the LEO is within his rights to arrest you for possession of a firearm regardless of your intent, destination or determination of prohibited person or not. Unlike the rest of the country where the constitution is in force, in NJ with regard to firearms your possession constitutes your guilt. You are then tasked with proving you fall into one of the few exemptions of the "all firearms are illegal."

    yes boys and girls, that's guilty until you can prove you're innocent. 

    Pissed off yet? That is why we must mobilize to defeat Murphy. 

    • Like 5

  14. 1 hour ago, Alex V said:

    They were all lost in a camping accident.  


    I am almost certain we will see the end of direct internet ammo sales as well...

    Actually it was a fishing accident. 

    The ammo sales will be the first casualty. Some outlets like Cheaper than dirt won't sell any ammo without FID and ID. Not the law, but some chief down south NJ wrote them a letter because of a nosy neighbor. 


  15. 16 minutes ago, Lostboy said:

    Why is civil disobedience when used by minorities a heroic act but if we had an armed march (holstered) we'd be all shot or arrested?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    We wouldn't have such a march because 

    -we have jobs and are otherwise busy

    -we are not idiots. 

    We understand that such a march would yield only bad will with pretty much everyone. Before we get to the marches, why not get everyone out to vote in our interests? Much more productive and less chance of getting fucking shot. 


    • Like 2

  16. This!

    As usual the dysfunction these arcane laws have caused in law abiding gun hobbyists is bordering on pathological. 

    We either are hyper-focused on minutia of what's legal and a debilitating phobia of having the most microscopic perceived transgression of some law. 

    Or armed militias rounding up pieces of plastic, springs and rubber under threat of death, blood running in the streets. 

    Like abused children, we lash out or over compensate. Live your lives. In some possible future there may be a US where all guns are forbidden. There could also be a actual rebirth of our consitutional ideals and we'll all have beautiful 300blk SBRs with auppressors under our car seats. Or a comet could hit the earth and the whole point is moot. I don't think any of those scenarios should seriously effect your psyche today. Remember that having a revolutionary war relic, yup 240 years old +, caused a huge problem for a guy  the prosecutor at the time want to test it ballostically to see if it was used in a crime,  true story. So everyting is illegal. If this handwringing describes you, gun ownership is probably not for you  

    We are on the brink of a proxy war with Russia at the behest of Iran. Want to worry about something? Worry about that. 

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