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Posts posted by Sniper

  1. 24 minutes ago, matty said:

    If I still lived in Hell Hole NJ, I would keep my 15s and SHUT UP ABOUT IT.  Gawdamighty some of you are complete dumbfucks when it comes to broadcasting stuff you should SHUT THE HELL UP ABOUT.

    Yes, we should all go hide like this:



    After all, if we say a single word, the boogieman will be knocking on our door.

    I wonder who the real paranoid ones are here?


    • Like 5

  2. 9 hours ago, gleninjersey said:

    I've also been working on getting him to heel and walk behind me.  He's made huge improvements and while not 100% he is doing light years better than a few weeks ago.

    This video actually helped quite a bit:

    That method works really good. I've seen a lot of trainers use that similar method. It's good news that he adapted to the food and is coming along with the training.

    What I've seen is that most people just don't put the time and effort into that walking training, and never get the dog to stop pulling. It's the investment of time and consistency, no matter how long it takes, to get the dog to the next level. Most people won't invest the effort, be the Alpha, and end up having a "problem child" for years on.


    • Like 2

  3. 1 hour ago, 45Doll said:

    Ticket closed, and free cable until they replaced all the decrepit wiring on the street.

    "There's no substitute for knowing what's on the wire."

    Unfortunately, that's the problem with cable. It's like a garden hose, the more people who "tap in", the lower the pressure. Ever watch how your speeds slow down in the afternoon after the kids come home from school?

    54 minutes ago, revenger said:

    any suggestions on streaming apps,    I have been experimenting with the firestick 

    You can also try a Roku stick or Sling TV.

    Last choice could be a satellite dish.

  4. On 8/9/2018 at 10:20 AM, Sniper22 said:

    I thought of a great idea for all the 15 rounders that everyone has.

    Anyone have a welder?

    We weld all the 15 rounders together, and make a big statue of a guy out of them, like this one below. Also, we take one of the guys hands and make sure he giving the finger, nice and clearly.

    Then, we move the statue right in front of Gov. Bucktooth's office, so everyday when he gets to work, he'll see us giving him the finger.

    Who's in?



    Hey, I thought this was a great idea.

    No takers?


  5. 2 hours ago, Zeke said:

    Did you see some of the other stats there? That 3.6% was only in the last 30 DAYS!

    • Percent of adults aged 18 and over with serious psychological distress in the past 30 days: 3.6%
    • Number of visits to physician offices with mental disorders as the primary diagnosis: 59.8 million
    • Number of visits to emergency departments with mental disorders as the primary diagnosis: 5.7 million
    • Number of suicide deaths: 42,773
    • Suicide deaths per 100,000 population: 13.4

  6. Now that you mention it, I don't normally access from my phone, but from my laptop. I stay logged in on my browser even after shutting down and restarting. If I log in from my phone, it logs me off the laptop the next time I access. If I don't access from my laptop, the phone will stay logged in.

    So if I switch back and forth between laptop and phone, I have to log on each time on each device.

    I go to other forums, and I stay logged in on both my laptop and phone, but not on NJGF.

    Is this a "feature" or a "bug"?


  7. 2 hours ago, Howard said:

    Tire rack has great prices, problem is by the time
    You pay for shipping mounting and balancing the prices suck.

    That's been my experience with them too.

    1 hour ago, Regular Guy said:

    I've seen places match or beat their prices and those who don't will be relatively close but that's just the price of the tires.  It seems like the shops around me charge you extra per tire to mount it on the rim and balance it if you did not buy it from them.  So even if Tire Rack sells a tire a little cheaper than they do, in the end you'll pay more to get it on the vehicle if you did not buy it from them. 

    Yep, when you figure out the total "Out the door price", I've always found a better price from a local tire guy.

    Plus, if you buy a TR tire and have a local shop mount it up, who do you go back to if there's an issue? When you buy the tire and the mounting from the local guy, they're more willing to fix any issues with stems, balancing, etc..


  8. 1 hour ago, PeteF said:

    Hows about NOT speeding and losing control of your car and killing someone?  Is that the same as speeding losing control and killing someone, from the perspective of punishment?  

    So, should the punishment be the same in each of those or not?


  9. 2 hours ago, Mrs. Peel said:

    Just to clarify, SSRIs are a class of drugs used primarily to treat depression. People diagnosed with psychotic symptoms are usually treated with "anti-psychotics", a totally different class of drugs.

    True, they're use in most cases for depression, but I've also seen them prescribed for panic disorder, social anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety and PTSD. So, who knows what else they've been prescribed for?

    2 hours ago, Mrs. Peel said:

    I guess what I wonder is… were those episodes a side effect of the drug more so than some inherent tendency?

    Exactly, the wind up and wind down side effects when starting and stopping causes some strange behavior. Plus, we don't know what else they could be taking as part of their treatment. Maintaining the correct therapeutic dosages has always been the key to stabilized behavior, and once that's been messed with, it might be why we seen these rampages.


  10. 1 hour ago, PeteF said:


    Example 1.  Cautiously driving down road sober at speed limit.  Kid jumps out from between cars.  You hit and kill him.

    Example 2.  Loony toon walks down street. Finds first kid he sees and beats kid to death.

    Are they the same?  Dead is dead.  Intent has MAJOR impact.  One is an horrible accident, one is premeditated murder.

    Except you're using a needle in the haystack as your examples with something that rarely happens. Regarding intent, how many of these situations include "intent", even if they're considered accidents? Let's try some more popular ones:

    Driving under the influence and killing someone?

    Speeding and losing control and killing someone?

    Texting while driving and crossing the yellow line and killing someone?

    Leaving a kid alone in a bathtub and they drown?

    Leaving a kid unattended in a backyard and they drown in a pool?

    Leaving a pot unattended on the stove that starts a fire and someone dies?

    Pushing someone during an argument, they trip and fall, hit their head and die?

    Is there any "intent" in those examples, or are all considered accidental? Is anyone who died a different type of dead?


  11. 18 minutes ago, Mrs. Peel said:

    The meds are awful - with unpleasant side effects - and so patients tend to go off their meds and then all the symptoms return. And how could you possibly get through your day when dealing with hallucinations or scrambled thoughts?

    That's a good point, and why it's tough to determine the definition of  "crazy". Many people are able to maintain a normal life with the addition of these SSRI drugs, but if they go off of them, can go back to doing "crazy" behaviors. The fact that so many are on them concerns me, the chart above has 80 million on some sort of control drug. That's 25% of the population.

    If something goes on where they don't get their medication, what do they revert to????  I know two people on SSRI drugs and if they were to go off of them, I wouldn't turn my back if they were in the room....

    7 hours ago, father-of-three said:

    And then there's a category that may be best described as "They must have been mentally ill because they just did/killed.....

    In that regard, almost every mass shooter in the past years was reported to have some sort of mental illness or strange behaviors by the people who knew them. I think most people would consider them "crazy" to go in a shoot up a room full of people. The thing that I tried to find out, unsuccessfully, on those guys, was were they on some sort of SSRI drug and then came off or had a break in dosage, which cause them to commit these instances? HIPPA laws apparently prevented that information to come out.



  12. 2 hours ago, JMich3 said:

    With that thought in mind , if you knock someone out ( not in self defense) and that person dies from the consequences of being knocked out, should you face a murder charge?

    Simple answer.... YES...

    2 hours ago, JMich3 said:

    I hate the idea of more laws and more big brother , but what else do we do to make people think twice?

    Exactly, civilization was a lot more "civil" when the "eye for an eye" was the law of the land.

    2 hours ago, maintenanceguy said:

    There are different degrees of "murder", manslaughter, and involuntary manslaughter.  The difference is in the premeditation and the intent of your actions.

    and this is where I have an issue... Dead is Dead... PERIOD. If you kill someone, for whatever reason, they are dead. You should suffer extreme legal consequences, without all this BS levels of murder.


  13. 1 hour ago, Zeke said:

    Whoa! That goes from 1/20 to 1 in 5

    Actually, the total amount of people taking some sort of psychiatric drug in 2017 was closer to 1 in 4, over 80 MILLION people. The question is, what's the definition of "legitimately crazy"?

    Even still, that's a crap load of people relying on mind altering drugs for one reason or another.


    When the "music stops", these will be the people to watch out for when their Rx runs out.


  14. 3 hours ago, SuRrEaLNJ said:

    took me a good day by myself to run the wires for the 5 cameras i set it up with, but i also snaked most of the wiring through the siding outside of the house as access to where i wanted the cameras in the eves was difficult. could have done it quicker if i had better access to the crawl space.

    My system is hard wired too, and I agree, snaking the wires to the locations you want is a MAJOR PITA. I was able to get most through the attic, but I have trusses up there, so climbing through them sucks. I had to get creative in getting a few cables run to a few locations. I have 9 cameras on my primary system and my DVR is also hard wired into my personal router and then piggy-backed to the Comcast router so I can control access to it.

    I wouldn't run any camera system wireless on WiFi or through the Cloud. Too many issues with reliability and possible loss of connection or data. These systems are too valuable to cut corners with.

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